coronary artery disease

Our body consists of several tissues. In order to be able to function properly, these tissues need Oxygen-rich blood. Similarly, our heart muscle needs it too. This is possible because of the coronary arteries in the body. Coronary arteries are responsible for the transmission of blood to the heart muscle in the human body. But when an individual starts to suffer from coronary artery disease, the supply of Oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle becomes difficult to carry out. As a result, the risk of heart attacks may elevate considerably. 

Generally, people with high cholesterol and high blood pressure problems are the most susceptible to coronary artery disease. In fact, when people suffer from this problem, it is very evidently due to the coronary artery disease symptoms that there are. If you also want to know more about this disease and the various preventive tips that can be taken, read further. 

What Is Coronary Artery Disease?

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a type of condition wherein the supply of Oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle is hindered. This may be due to a certain kind of blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries due to many reasons. Plaque buildup is the most common reason why this may happen. Some people realize that they have had CAD for numerous years. However, they have never experienced any coronary artery disease symptoms so far. 

Generally, there are two forms of CAD- Acute Coronary Syndrome and Stable Ischemic heart disease. Let us learn about both of them in detail. 

What Are The Main Forms Of Coronary Artery Disease?

1. Acute Coronary Syndrome

Acute Coronary Syndrome
image source: Image by jcomp: Freepik

This one calls for a medical emergency. In this CAD, the plaque may start to rupture in your coronary arteries, and a blood clot may occur. This eventually causes a blockage in the blood flow that goes to your heart. Eventually, this may lead to an instant heart attack. 

2. Stable Ischemic Heart Disease

This type of CAD is chronic. In this CAD, your coronary arteries narrow slowly with the years. With time, the heart begins to receive less amount of Oxygen-rich blood. Initially, you may feel no symptoms at all. However, in the later stages, symptoms may become more clearly visible. So, living with this disease will become tougher day by day. The reliability of medications will increase. 

What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Coronary Artery Disease?

For the longest time, patients may not experience any coronary artery disease symptoms. This may be because it can take up to numerous years for the plaque to build up. But eventually, you will start noticing the symptoms, and they will turn grave. However, you must keep in mind that different individuals experience different symptoms. 

Generally, people with chronic CAD may experience-

  • Shortness of breath
  • Stable Angina- It is a type of temporary chest pain. 
image source: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: pexels

People may also experience other symptoms. These symptoms that we are mentioning below are also relevant to a heart attack. 

  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Feeling exhausted
  • Nausea- Stomach discomfort may also be a part of it
  • Problems while breathing
  • Heart palpitations
  • Weakness
  • Chest pain or discomfort may accompany an aching, burning, or numbing sensation. 

What Are The Coronary Artery Disease Causes To Know About?

Plaque buildup occurs gradually inside the body. This process is known as Atherosclerosis. The plaque buildup may take place in the arteries all across the body. Once this starts to impact the blood flow in the coronary arteries, you may start to suffer from CAD. 

Plaque generally contains waste products, cholesterol, and even Fibrin. As Plaque continues to accumulate, the coronary arteries start getting stiffer and clogged. This may slowly start making it difficult for your blood flow to occur without any hindrance. This means the heart stops receiving both important nutrients and Oxygen needed to survive in the body. This is when you start experiencing diverse symptoms of CAD until the condition worsens. That is why it becomes prudent to visit the doctor on time and seek the right CAD treatment.

What Are The Risks Of Experiencing Coronary Artery Disease?

risk factor

image source: Image by yogiermansyah22: Freepik

While there are some risk factors of CAD that you can easily control, others might need you to start medications strictly. That is why it becomes necessary to consult a medical professional and seek urgent help in need. Generally, age and family history are the main risk factors you cannot control. 

Sources suggest that individuals from the age of 45 to 55 are at a higher risk of CAD. Also, a biological history of CAD means you are also likely to pick it up in the near future. So, it is only wise to learn about coronary artery disease ICD 10 for knowledge.

People with sleep deprivation and lack of physical activity are at a higher risk of CAD. If you vape and smoke Tobacco, these may even be good enough reasons to elevate the risks of CAD. If you also follow a diet with high carbs or saturated fat, CAD may come to you easily. 

Other people who are at great risk of CAD are- 

  • Overweight people or those who suffer from Obesity
  • People with problems having a sound sleep at night
  • Diabetic patients
  • Individuals with AIDS/ HIV
  • Anyone with a metabolic syndrome
  • Patients with Anemia
  • People who are suffering from Chronic Kidney disease

What Is The Treatment For Coronary Artery Disease?

Medications, lifestyle changes, and risk factor management are some of the ways you can receive the right CAD treatment. However, in some cases, surgery may become necessary. The doctor will recommend that to you. They will also ask you to make certain lifestyle changes. This will include quitting smoking and vaping. You may also have to limit alcohol and improve the consumption of a healthy diet. The doctor may prescribe medications that help lower your blood pressure problems and cholesterol. Medications to decrease the risk of a blood clot may also be prudent after a certain point in time. 

The Bottom Line

If you want to know more about it, you can read the coronary artery disease treatment guidelines that may be available for you online. A medical professional may also be able to help you. 

Healthy heartHealthy_heart


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