cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency that may occur due to the heart's inability to beat. That is why it could also lead to instant death. This issue is extremely serious and calls for immediate attention as well. So, if you see anyone around you suffering from cardiac arrest, make sure you call for an ambulance without wasting any time. 

Many people do not know what a cardiac arrest is and what it looks like. But during a medical emergency, you have to take quick action. For this purpose, we are creating a comprehensive guide that can help foster the idea of cardiac arrest prevention by raising its awareness. Read more to know more. 

How Is Cardiac Arrest Caused?

chest pain

image source: Photo by pexels

There are many reasons why you may start suffering from cardiac arrest in the first place. Let us talk about them in detail as we read. 

1. Ventricular Fibrillation

There are four chambers in your heart. Ventricles are the two chambers that reside in the lower parts of the heart. Generally, in this type of cause, there may be an uncontrollable amount of quiver of the chambers. This may change the heart rhythm exponentially. Apart from this, there is an inefficient amount of pumping in the Ventricles. This may exponentially hamper the amount of blood pumping in the body. Due to this reason, a person may suffer from cardiac death immediately. 

2. Atrial Fibrillation

In many cases, the heart may stop beating properly. This is possible after it has undergone an Arrhythmia in the upper chambers. When the SA node fails to send correct signals of electrical impulses in the right Atrium, a problem may occur. So, as soon as the electrical impulse travels into Atrial Fibrillation, the Ventricles fail to pump blood out of the body properly. This may lead to someone needing cardiac arrest treatment in ICU

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Cardiac Arrest?

There are many signs of cardiac arrest. But all of them are crucial enough for you to ignore. That is why it is important to take the right precautions on time and mitigate the risks. However, remember that every individual may experience the symptoms differently. So, you may have to keep an eye out for that. 


image source: Image by H. Hach: Pixabay

  • Vomiting
  • Experiencing breathing issues
  • Feeling weak
  • Shortness of breath
  • Becoming dizzy

Although the above-mentioned symptoms are also quite critical, the ones we are mentioning next are even more important to examine. Since these can result in faster cardiac death, they need immediate medical urgency. Here they are-

  • If a person has no pulse in their body
  • If they have lost their state of consciousness
  • If they have collapsed already
  • There is consistent chest pain
  • Not being able to breathe or facing abnormal breathing issues 

In case you see someone facing these symptoms, make sure you help them receive the right cardiac arrest treatment in ICU without any delay. 

How Is Cardiac Arrest Diagnosed?

When you receive medical treatment for cardiac arrest, the doctor will majorly focus on helping get the blood flow back into your body at a normal pace. They will try to remove the blockage and open up the coronary arteries area for better Oxygen flow. They will also diagnose the problem further by conducting an instant test. This is called an electrocardiogram. 

It will help to analyze the form of abnormal rhythm that your heart might be undergoing at the moment. For this purpose, your healthcare provider is likely to use a defibrillator. With this, they will try and leave electrical shocks on your heart to make it function better. This can help bring the heart to function at its normal rhythm. So, make sure you know about the cardiac arrest treatment protocol

Once they have done this, your doctor may also conduct blood tests to collect samples and examine the condition further. This will help them to gauge the levels of Magnesium and Potassium levels that there are. A chest X-ray may also be conducted to get clarity on the condition of your heart. 

What Is The Treatment For Cardiac Arrest?


image source: Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr.: pexels

CPR is one of the most vital solutions to cardiac arrest. This is an emergency treatment given to all patients suffering from cardiac arrest. Another technique that doctors use to treat the problem is by means of defibrillation. Both treatments will help your heart beat properly without any issues. Once you have survived the arrest, your healthcare providers may offer a few more treatments to ensure that the risk of another arrest is minimal. But you will also be advised to carry out cardiac arrest treatment at home for recovery purposes. 

  • If the condition is grave, the doctor may have to conduct surgery on you. It can help repair the blood vessels that were damaged due to cardiac arrest. The blockage of arteries may also be eliminated in this process. 
  • The doctor may also ask you to make certain changes in your diet happen. This may be highly useful in lowering the cholesterol that generally elevates the risk of a heart attack. 
  • In certain cases, your doctor may prescribe medications to help keep blood pressure levels at normal. 
  • Physical fitness will also be recommended by doctors to ensure cardiovascular fitness. 

The Bottom Line

Cardiac arrest treatment at home can be tough, but it becomes necessary for the recovery process to occur properly. That is why you need to keep a few things in mind and maintain caution, as the doctor suggests. For starters, you need to have a sound sleep at night. This is important, so your body gets enough time to rest and repair itself. 

You must also avoid taking stress, and undergoing strenuous exercise so your health can be in check easily. The doctor will also ask you to abstain from smoking and drinking so your heart can repair faster and without any more hindrances. That is why make sure you follow all these instructions carefully. In case of any queries, your health care provider will be there for you.

Healthy heart


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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