
Perhaps you haven't had enough sleep, or you feel tired and don't have time for a nap. It's easy to grab an energy drink. After all, these beverages are marketed as the perfect pick-me-up to help you get through the day. Energy drinks are items that boost energy while improving mental alertness and physical strength.

Don't mix energy drinks with sports beverages. Sports beverages like Gatorade and Powerade replenish electrolytes and water lost during exercise. Drinks such as Red Bull and Monster Energy boost your energy drink dangers.

Risks Of Energy Drinks


image source: Photo by cottonbro studio: pexels

Some of the risks associated with energy drinks are as follows:

  • Dehydration (not enough water in your body) (not enough water in your body).
  • Complications of the heart, for example, irregular heartbeat and heart failure.
  • Anxiety is feeling worried and agitated or feeling nervous and jittery.
  • Insomnia is inability to sleep.

The mix of alcohol and energy drink health risks

  • The combination of energy supplement dangers and alcohol is quite popular among young adults and college students. However, it is a substantial public health risk.
  • Caffeine in energy drink dangers has to counteract the depressive effects of alcohol. It can cause you to feel less drunk while still suffering from alcohol-related impairments. 
  • This combo can be quite problematic. People who use energy drinks with alcohol are likely to consume more alcohol. They are also more prone to drink and drive and sustain alcohol-related injuries.

Furthermore, one research of 403 young Australian adults found that persons who consumed energy drinks were nearly six times more likely to develop heart palpitations.

Should Children and Adolescents Drink Energy Drinks?

child drinking
image source: Photo by Kampus Production: pexels
  • An estimated 31% of youngsters aged 12 to 17 take energy drinks regularly. However, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics 2011 guidelines, energy drinks should not be drunk by children or teens.
  • They argue that the caffeine in energy supplement dangers puts children and teens in danger of becoming dependent or addicted to the chemical and may also harm the developing heart and brain.
  • Caffeine restrictions for these ages, with experts suggesting that teens drink no more than 100 mg of caffeine per day and youngsters eat no more than 1.14 mg of caffeine per pound (2.5 mg/kg) of their body weight each day.

Why do energy drinks contribute to stroke?

Experts are baffled as to why energy drinks cause strokes. "Some people who use energy drinks for a long time grow increasingly sensitive to them over time." Others are quite sensitive, to begin with, and can develop RCVS the first time they ingest one," Dr. Hajj-Ali explains.

Unfortunately, there is no way to predict who will and will not develop RCVS.

The excruciating headache takes the majority of patients to the hospital, where they have a brain CT scan. However, because the first scan may appear normal, RCVS may be disregarded. First, she notes.

Patients are home until they return to the ER due to a persistent headache. That is when the stroke or bleeding manifests itself.

How do energy drinks impact your body?

sleeping late

image source: Photo by Marcus Aurelius: pexels

When you consume an energy drink, you expect to feel invigorated. After all, it is an energy drink. And you'll probably have a bit more pep in your step for a time. Energy drinks include caffeine and sugar, which can briefly get your body going. You should be concerned about everything else when you take an energy drink. Energy drinks are capable of:

  • Boost blood pressure
  • Increase your chances of having irregular heartbeats.
  • Influence on your sleep
  • Result in weight growth
  • Result in tooth decay
  • Increase the risk of diabetes
  • Damage to the kidneys
  • Contribute to the problem of substance abuse

Safety With Energy Drinks

  • Excess caffeine consumption can result in serious heart and blood vessel problems; Caffeine use also causes anxiety, sleep problems, digestive problems, and dehydration, such as irregular heartbeats and increased heart rate and blood pressure. Caffeine may also damage youngsters' developing cardiovascular and neurological systems.
  • Excessive energy drink use may alter adolescent sleep habits and may lead to obesity.

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What should you try instead?

drinking water

image source: Photo by Adrienn: pexels

  • The short-term benefits of an energy drink do not exceed the long-term energy drink health risks .So, what else can you do? It's not as difficult as it may appear to feel fantastic and energized all day.
  • Remove any artificial energy boosters. They may offer you a brief rise but by a harsh fall. You'll be less likely to notice when you naturally feel good if you use artificial "energy" since you won't know what it's like to feel good without a boost.
  • Consume lots of water. It will aid in the removal of pollutants and the proper functioning of your body.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Regular exercise is essential. When you first begin an exercise plan, you may feel exhausted. If you persevere, you will gradually gain strength and stamina that will help you get through your day.
  • Consume healthful foods. Stop consuming chips and drinks. Consume more fresh meals. Sugar substitutes should be avoided. Your body will feel better if you eat healthily. It will also make you feel invigorated.
  • Energy drinks promise to make you feel good and energized. Unfortunately, energy drinks are associated with a number of possible energy drink side effects. Instead of exposing your body to a range of ailments, focus on treating it as best you can via better sleep and diet. You'll feel better and have fewer days where you don't feel like yourself.

The Bottom Line 

Energy drinks can help you function when you're tired or sleep-deprived by improving brain function and helping you operate when you're weary or sleep-deprived. However, there are a variety of problems associated with energy drinks, including excessive caffeine use, sugar content, and combining them with alcohol. 

If you prefer to drink energy drinks, keep your daily intake to 16 ounces (473 ml) and avoid "energy shots." To minimize the negative effects of too much caffeine, attempt to limit your intake of other caffeinated beverages. Some persons, such as pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, toddlers, and teens, should avoid energy beverages.



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