Show Your Heart Love: Steps to Keep Heart Healthy this Valentines Day

Valentine's Day is coming. It is time to give priority to your heart health. So planning to spend quality time with your loved one? You can perform some healthy habits for heart. 

Wondering how to keep your heart strong & healthy? You might find out the tips and tweaks in this post. 

Things You Should Plan this Valentines day: Steps to Keep Heart Healthy 

Are you eager to show some love to your heart this valentines day? 

Valentine's Day is only a day when lovers express their feelings and affection. It is also about showing love to near and dear ones, including friends and family. 

So whether you wish to celebrate friendship or a romantic relationship, you should not undermine your heart health. The following are the different ways how you can keep up with your heart health –

Heart-Healthy Foods that Improve Your Heart

Including heart healthy foods in your diet reduces heart disease. It might also reduce blood pressure as well as improve your health.

Besides, it also reduces your body weight and maintains your blood sugar level. Reports indicate that such foods can benefit heart health. You might include them in your heart healthy diet:

  • Seeds and nuts 
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Fresh fruits
  • Legumes like kidney beans and lentils (chickpeas and black-eyed peas)



Source: Canva

Exercises that Keep your Heart Healthy

Maintaining yourself physically helps you keep the heart healthy. So, you must include the following types of exercises in your routine:

1. Exercise (Aerobic)

Any heart-pumping aerobic exercise of 20 minutes every day keeps health conditions at bay. Some exercises that help control blood glucose include the following:

  • Brisk walking
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Playing tennis and more

These exercises can improve circulation. So, they lower the blood pressure and your heart rate. Altogether, these exercises let you understand how your heart pumps. Someone who has sugar can perform these exercises to maintain their blood sugar level.

2. Resistance training

Resistance training has a specific effect on your body composition. People suffering from obesity (such as a big belly or massive thigh) may perform resistance training. These exercises can reduce fat. Aerobic exercise helps raise the good cholesterol level (HDL) and reduce the bad cholesterol level (LDL).

You can work out with free weights on weight machines like the following:

  • Hand weights
  • Dumbbells 
  • Barbells

Body-resistance exercises like push-ups and squats can improve your heart health.

3. Stretching and balancing 

Stretching workout does not directly have an impact on the heart. However, it can be beneficial for your musculoskeletal health. 


Source: Canva

So you might perform these exercises to maintain resistance training and aerobic exercises. You can follow an online channel to understand basic stretching. You may also consult a yoga instructor to improve your skills.

4. Losing weight – Various things to consider

Someone who is struggling with obesity needs to lose weight. When someone suffers from obesity or is overweight, that means they have a BMI above 25. On the contrary, central obesity/adiposity is a high waist circumference of more than 80 cm (usually occurring in women). Men who face this challenge have more than 90cm high waist circumference.

5. Quit tobacco

Tobacco use can be extremely harmful to your heart. So, you must quit tobacco. It is a gift for your heart health that you can give this Valentine's Day. 

7. Make specific time for meals

How to keep heart healthy with the choice of foods? Your meals are important so you should make proper timings for them. Your first meal is extremely important. You should consume a nutritious breakfast. In addition, you must include these foods in your meals:

  • Whole grains like oatmeal and whole-grain cereals
  • Lean protein sources like nuts 
  • Low-fat dairy products like yoghurt and low-fat milk
  • Vegetables and fruits 

8. Brushing – Twice a day

Regular dental hygiene plays an important role. It keeps your teeth glistening and white. Research suggests that bacteria may cause gum disease. It has higher risks of heart disease. Thus, brushing twice a day helps improve gum and teeth health.

9. Manage pre-existing Heart conditions

Managing heart conditions needs an approach that focuses on lifestyle changes and medication. You can consult your doctor for better understanding. You can select a diet that keeps your heart healthy. Also, you might engage in regular physical activity. 

You shouldn't forget to manage stress and avoid smoking. Excessive alcohol consumption is also a bad habit. Pre-existing heart conditions may impact negatively on the quality of life. So, start embracing the above habits to keep your heart healthy and manage pre-existing heart conditions.

10. Take out time to spend with your loved one

You should take out your special time to spend with your loved ones. Find a cosy space where you can talk about your relationship goals with your beloved. This will be excellent for your heart and mood. Anxiety and anger might raise the risk of your heart disease. So, you must maintain a positive outlook on life for a healthier living.

11. Perform romantic activities that improve heart

Engaging in romantic activities can improve your heart rate. Walking hand-in-hand with your partner elevates heart rates and promotes cardiovascular health. 

couples walking while holding hands

Source: Canva

Cooking a meal together helps you communicate better. Baking and cooking together are signs of a healthy heart. It gives you an opportunity to explore your interests and disliking. At the same time, it improves the good hormones (responsible for promoting your heart health).

Indulging in a good laughter session with your loved ones also reduces stress. This might benefit your heart level. Your romantic gestures with your loved one can be a healthy practice.

Related Ayurvedic Igredients & Products:

Cooking healthy recipes with your loved one can improve your bonding with your loved one. When it is infused with Ayurvedic wellness, the benefits become double. So, here are a few Ayurvedic recipes or products you can try cooking with your loved one at home.

  • Cook something delightful with superfoods like garlic and ginger
  • Cinnamon tea
  • Juice
  • Amla pickles
  • You may also add turmeric and fenugreek

These Ayurvedic spices and herbs can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation.

Embrace Zanducare products to Keep your Heart Happy & Healthy

With Zanducare, you can embrace Ayurvedic benefits. Explore the collection of heart-healthy products, including these:

1. Zandu Arjuna Capsules

Zandu Arjuna pure herbs include 100% pure extracts of the Terminalia Arjuna. Arjuna has a higher content of antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory. 1 to 2 capsules every day can give relief from urinary and lipid disorders. It also ensures good heart health. Arjuna can tone and strengthen the heart muscles. It ensures the proper functioning of your heart.

Get it here: Arjuna Capsules

2. Heart Care Juice with Amla and Lauki

The next is the Ayurvedic juice formulated using extracts of Arjuna and Lauki as well as Amla. The ingredients are pasteurised and packed in the juice. The juice provides health benefits to customers.

So, are you excited to spend Valentine’s week with your beloved? You may include heart healthy foods. Try to indulge in the above activities and embrace the goodness of Ayurveda with Zanducare products.
HealthHealthbenefitsHealthy heartRelationship


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