How Do You Prevent Heart Disease As A Woman?

Heart diseases are mostly considered men's problems, but women are also becoming victims of them. It is considered one of the most common causes of death in the USA. Because some symptoms in women might differ from men, women might not know what to look into. Focusing on healthy women's heart rates and keeping track of any changes is important to prevent heart disease from getting out of hand. Having a direct chat with the professionals over here is a good call to consider. You need to go for a health checkup from time to time.

What are the symptoms of heart disease among women?

heart disease among women

Image Source: Photo by Racool_studio: Freepik

The most common heart disease symptoms in women are the same as the men around you. Those are:

  • Some sort of chest pain
  • Pressure or discomfort that will last for over a few minutes or might come and go

However, chest pain is not always considered severe or noticeable among women because of the changes in women's heart health. Women most describe the pain as tightness or pressure, whereas in men, it is pretty much like a sharp pain. A woman can have a heart attack without even feeling any sort of pain at all. 

Women are likely to have more heart attack-related symptoms than men, which are unrelated to chest pain. Some of those symptoms are:

  • Heartburn or indigestion
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Pain in either one or both arms
  • Shortness of breath
  • Jaw, neck, upper belly, shoulder, or upper back discomfort or pain

These symptoms are pretty vague and common for so many diseases. It might be because women tend to have fewer blockages in their main arteries and also in smaller ones that supply blood to the heart. So, in order to focus on women's heart health issues, it is important to go for a thorough checkup even with the symptoms mentioned above.

When compared to men, women are likely to have these symptoms more when they are in their resting period or even when they are asleep. On the other hand, emotional stress will significantly trigger heart attack symptoms among women and degrade the healthy female pulse rate big time.

Tips to help women prevent heart diseases

People looking for hacks to maintain a healthy women's heart rate, there are certain tips you need to follow for the same. Doctors will recommend you to give them a visit from time to time. Apart from that, follow the points mentioned below to prevent heart disease.

Always be sure of the risk factors


heart disease among women


Image Source: Photo by stevepb: Freepik

Around 9 out of 10 women will have at least one risk factor when it comes to women's heart health. The major risk factors to consider are:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Family history of premature heart disease

Obesity will also prove to increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and high cholesterol. All these factors will immediately increase heart disease risk. If you don’t have any family history, then you get to modify all the other points to act in your favor and avoid heart problems from the get-go.

Manage the present health conditions

If you are one of those unfortunate victims suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, it is important to manage those health conditions from the start. Have a direct chat with your healthcare provider, who helps present the best treatment plan.

  • Always remember that this treatment plan is subject to change from one woman patient to another.
  • So, the doctors will recommend some examinations to learn where your heart currently stands.
  • Depending on the results, they will craft the best treatment plan to follow.
  • To be on the safer side, follow the treatment as mentioned. Visiting a doctor’s office from time to time is also very important.

Recognize the symptoms and call for emergency immediately

heart disease among women

Image Source: Photo by jcomp: Freepik

Always be sure to know the symptoms of women's heart health issues beforehand so that you know when you need to give doctors a call for an emergency. The symptoms are going to differ for men. The symptoms are already mentioned above. Keep a checklist of these points, and immediately go for medical attention when you face any of them!

  • For men, the most common symptom of an attack is chest discomfort. 
  • You can have a heart attack without chest pain or pressure, which is more common among women.
  • Women are likely to have other symptoms like jaw pain, back pain, breath shortness, nausea, and indigestion.

Give the emergency helpline number a call even when you are unsure about a heart attack. It helps to keep the problems away from you.

Always perform regular physical activities to maintain a healthy weight


heart disease physical activates


Image Source: Photo by master1305: Freepik

Obesity among women is one of the major causes of heart disease. So, performing regular physical activities and following a proper diet plan will help to maintain a healthy female pulse rate. There is no need for you to complete all the activities within a set time. It is okay if you are not a fan of hitting the gym daily!

  • If you don’t like exercise, avoid visiting the gym completely. Instead, go for evening or morning walks, which are often considered great whole-body exercises.
  • But before you end up creating a workout regime to follow, always consult with your healthcare provider. You need to know how much activity is good for your heart. People often go overboard, which ends up with massive mishaps later.

Focusing on heart-healthy food choices

As a prime example, try adding fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet plan and make them your staple with any meal, whether lunch or dinner. 

  • Limit your intake of saturated fat and added sugar, which will add more to your weight.
  • Instead, try eating whole grain items available in different versions.
  • Choose the leanest meat cuts you can get your hands on and prepare them using healthy measures.
  • Check out the nutritional facts on the label of every food you purchase and get desired information about the packaged food items you eat.
  • The label will include serving sizes, saturated fat, added sugar, and sodium content.
  • To be safer, check in with your healthcare provider to confirm the food choices you can make.

Daily aspirin usage is not for everyone

People generally have a misconception about having a daily dose of aspirin to keep heart ailments at bay, which is far from the truth! It is important to know that daily aspirin use is not right for all. So, chat with the healthcare expert before you start using aspirin to prevent upcoming heart attacks. If you become a victim of overdose, chances are high that you have to be in a hospital for that. It will degrade your heart’s condition even more.

The Key Takeaway

Once you have these points in mind, preventing a heart attack won’t be a big deal, even when you are a woman. Being safe rather than sorry is important as your whole life is at stake. Keep the numbers of doctors handy as you never know when you might have to call them for medical emergencies!

Healthy heartHealthy_heart


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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