Medicinal Plants

30+ Ayurvedic & Medicinal Plants with Uses for Natural Wellness

Do you ever feel like we've become too reliant on medications these days? We choose to grab a pill for every little ache, pain or issue. But maybe ...

Bharangi [Clerodendron serratum] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
What is Bharangi? English name: Beetle Killer  Hindi name: Bharangi Latin name: Clerodendron serratum Moon Sanskrit name: Bhargi A somewhat woody ...
Chitvan Plant

Chitvan [Dita] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
What is Chitvan Herb? English Name: Dita Hindi Name: Chitvan Sanskrit Name: Saptaparni Latin Name: Alstonia scholaris Saptaparni is an evergreen t...
Ketaki Plant

Ketaki [Crepe Ginger] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
What is Ketaki Herb? Hindi Name: Ketaki Sanskrit Name: Kemukha English Name: Crepe Ginger Latin Name: Costus speciosus (Koeing) Sm. Ketaki is...
Ankola Sage Leaved Alangium Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ankola Sage Leaved Alangium Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
Ankola is a highly ancient plant species that is described in the Vedas and also in several medical heritages. It is a predominant and significant ...
Senna Benefits

Senna: Benefits & Uses and Side Effects

Ayurvedic Plants
You must have cherished the site of stunning yellow senna blossom when landscaping the home gardens and the highways. Ever wondered what plant spec...
Cinnamon Leaf

Tamalpatra [Cinnamon Leaf] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
What is Tamalpatra or Cinnamon Leaf? English Name: Cinnamon Leaf Hindi Name: Tamalpatra Latin Name: Cinnamomum tamala Nees Sanskrit Name: Tama...
Kanghi Plant

Kanghi [Country Mallow] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
An Introduction to the Kanghi Plant The Kanghi plant is a unique flowering species native to tropical Asia. With bright yellow blooms and arrow-sha...
Pippali Plant

Pippali (Long Pepper) Benefits, Uses & Precautions

Ayurvedic Plants
What is Pippali? Pippali, a remarkable plant, is known for its diverse benefits in traditional medicine. Commonly known as long pepper, it boasts a...
Nagarmotha Benefits

Nagarmotha [Nut Grass]: Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

Ayurvedic Plants
An Introduction to Nagarmotha Nagarmotha (scientifically known as Cyperus rotundus or nut grass) packs some strong healing properties. For ages, pe...
Vajradanti Plant

Vajradanti [Barleria] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
An Introduction to Vajradanti Herb Vajradanti is a perennial herb that grows primarily in Nepal and parts of India. It has thick, twisted roots tha...
Ashoka or Sorrowless Tree

Ashoka [Sorrowless Tree] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
An Introduction to Ashoka The Ashoka plant, known as Saraca Indica, belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is a mid-sized evergreen tree growing up to ...
Ratti or Rosary Pea Plant

Ratti [Rosary Pea] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
An Introduction to Ratti Plant The Ratti plant is a unique flowering shrub native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Recognizable by its bright...
Adusa Plant wiht leaves Image

Adusa, Vasa or Vasaka: Benefits & Uses & Side Effects

Ayurvedic Plants
What is Adusa or Vasaka Plant? Adusa, scientifically known as Justicia adhatoda, is a versatile and medicinal plant often used in traditional remed...
Shirish herb

Shirish [Albizia lebbeck] Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
An Introduction to Shirish Shirish, also known as Albizia lebbeck, is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used in Indian traditional medicine for centu...
Kalmegh Herb

Kalmegh Plant (BhuiNeem) Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

Ayurvedic Plants
An Introduction to Kalmegh  Kalmegh, also known as Andrographis paniculatalt, is an annual herb native to India and Sri Lanka that has been used in...
Ashwagandha or Winter Cherry Plant

Ashwagandha or Winter Cherry Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Hindi Name: Ashgandh Sanskrit Name: Ashwagandha English Name: Winter Cherry Spanish Name: Cereza de Invierno French Name: Cerise d'Hiver Scientific...

Dalchini or Cinnamon: Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

Ayurvedic Plants
What is Dalchini Herb? English Name: Bark Cinnamon Hindi Name: Dalchini Sanskrit Name: Twak Spanish Name: Canela French Name: Cannelle Cinnamon de...
Chirchita Plant

Chirchita/Prickly Chaff: Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

Ayurvedic Plants
English Name: Prickly chaff flower Hindi Name: Chirchita Sanskrit Name: Apamarg Latin Name: Achyranthes aspera Chirchita is an erect or a...
Amla or Indian Gooseberry

Amla or Indian Gooseberry Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
English: Indian Gooseberry Hindi: Amla Sanskrit: Amlaki Latin: Emblica officinalis Linn The Amla tree is known for its small, green fruits with a ...
Babool (Indian Gum)

Babool (Indian Gum) Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Herb

Ayurvedic Plants
English: Indian Gum Arabic Hindi: Babool Sanskrit: Babula Latin: Acacia arabica WIlld A babool tree can grow in the drier parts of India, particul...

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