Acupuncture for the treatment of painful joints

When a person undergoes acupuncture, fine needles are inserted into specific places on the body as an alternative treatment. Acupuncture treatment for joint pain is believed to be effective because it restores a person's qi, or life force, according to traditional Chinese medicine. Several Western medical professionals use the technique to stimulate your nerves, tissues, and muscles.

Although acupuncture's effects are difficult to investigate, some experts suspect it might trigger the body's production of endogenous painkillers. Acupuncture treatment for knee joint pain is something to consider if you suffer from a condition that causes joint discomfort.

Simply put, how does acupuncture function?

Acupuncture treatment for joint pain is practiced in the West based on theories that differ from those held in Eastern medicine, which accept the existence of notions like qi and meridians that relate to the body's energy. The release of pain-reducing neurotransmitters like endorphins and enkephalins has been hypothesized to be triggered when needles are inserted subcutaneously. Possible additional advantages include the following:

  • Inducing the release of cortisol, a hormone that may be used to regulate inflammation.
  • Enhancing circulation.
  • Maintaining healthy immunological function.
  • Reducing tension in the muscles.
Although acupuncture has been shown to have some effect, the precise processes through which it works are still unknown. Nonetheless, many in the medical community argue that whether or not physicians fully grasp the process, if a patient reports feeling better after therapy, the treatment were successful.

What precisely takes place during therapy, and is there any discomfort involved?

Your acupuncturist will ask you many questions regarding your joint pain and overall health throughout your 50-90 minute session. If you're worried about discomfort, know that acupuncture often causes just a brief prick when the needles are first inserted. They are positioned to activate acupressure points and stimulate the flow of chi (life force) via the body's meridians.

After 20 to 40 minutes of having needles placed at several depths, you will be allowed to relax; many patients use this time to nap.

The efficacy of acupuncture as a form of treatment

Chronic knee pain is frequently successfully treated with acupuncture. It's effective for both short-term and long-term relief of persistent knee discomfort. According to studies, many patients with knee discomfort have found relief after using it. It has been proposed that acupuncture treatment for knee problems is more effective than certain medicines at relieving knee joint discomfort. 

Traditional Chinese medicine has become a popular and scientifically supported approach to relieving this kind of discomfort. Over a year or more, acupuncture might significantly reduce clinically relevant levels of chronic pain. Acupuncture has been shown to have a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory impact by triggering the production of the body's opioid endorphins. 

Remember that acupuncture treatment for knee injury may help alleviate knee pain, swelling, and stiffness while boosting mobility. Since acupuncture boosts energy and vitality, it is easier to participate in life's regular pursuits.

Possible Dangers and Adverse Effects

Possible Dangers and Adverse Effects are as follows:


As long as a qualified medical practitioner performs it, acupuncture is risk-free. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health reports that very few adverse effects have been associated with acupuncture. Make sure your doctor or other medical professional uses FDA-approved single-use needles.

 Adverse Reactions

Needle site pain, bruising, bleeding, and lightheadedness are all possible reactions to acupuncture. Fainting heightened pain and nausea are rarer side effects. Working with qualified acupuncture treatment for knee joint pain is important to lessen the likelihood of experiencing any adverse effects.


If you go to a qualified, certified acupuncturist who uses disposable needles, the hazards of acupuncture are minimal. Before your first treatment, it is important to inform your acupuncturist of any existing health issues or drugs you are taking.

Is it risk-free?

In most cases, acupuncture treatment for knee problems is very safe. Needles used more than once pose a risk of spreading illness. Thus they are now almost always replaced with new ones, and their disposal must follow tight regulations. After an acupuncture treatment, it is not uncommon to feel lightheaded or faint, and the needles have been known to produce minor bleeding and bruises in rare cases.

If you are pregnant, you must have a conversation about acupuncture with your healthcare provider or therapist. This is because specific acupuncture sites should be avoided during pregnancy.

What to Anticipate From Your First Acupuncture Treatment?

The practitioner's qualifications should be displayed in the clinic, regardless of whether they are certified non-physician acupuncturists or medical doctors with acupuncture accreditation. Following these guidelines, the patient may expect the following:

  • To relax while getting care.
  • A depth of one to two millimeters for the needles.
  • Use alcohol to disinfect the skin before inserting needles.
  • Needles should be used just once before being discarded safely and securely.

Once the needles have been inserted, the acupuncturist may utilize manual or electrical stimulation and a warming light to promote healing. The insertion of an acupuncture needle should feel similar to being bitten by a mosquito since they are much thinner than hypodermic needles used in injections. When the needles are moved, a patient receiving acupuncture may feel a tingling, painful, or electrical feeling.

Although individual reactions vary, most patients feel calm and at ease while receiving therapy. A patient should express any worries about therapy and write down any convenient contact information for the doctor in case they have any questions or need help throughout treatment. After the needles have been inserted, the practitioner may sometimes leave the room to allow the patient some time to unwind and rest after the procedure.


Consult your healthcare provider about the possibility of acupuncture for the treatment of Arthritis symptoms. Certain medical issues may qualify for insurance coverage of acupuncture treatment for knee injury. Seeking acupuncture coverage via your plan is another way to make sure you locate a qualified practitioner. It's important to receive a proper diagnosis from a doctor if you're experiencing discomfort but have no idea what's causing it.

Joint painTreatment


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