
Ayurvedic Pain Relief Patches

3 products

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products

Ayurvedic Pain Relief Patch for Back Pain, Knee & Periods

Pain can be caused by injuries, conditions such as arthritis, improper posture, and various other reasons. At times, we may require quick relief from pain to continue with our daily activities. Ayurvedic pain relief patches are a useful solution in such situations. Zanducar provides a variety of pain relief patches to choose from.

List of Zandu Ayurvedic Pain Relief Patches

Names  Price
Ayurvedic Pain Relief Patch Rs 225
Ayurvedic Knee Pain Relief Rs 449
Feminine Pain Relief Patch for Periods  Rs 149

Benefits of Using Pain Relief Patches

  • Targeted Relief: Patches offer localized pain relief at specific areas of discomfort.
  • Convenient Application: Easy to apply and adhere directly to the skin, providing hassle-free relief.
  • Continuous Relief: Patches offer extended relief over several hours, maintaining effectiveness.
  • Reduced Side Effects: Topical application minimizes systemic side effects often associated with oral medications.
  • Non-Invasive: This avoids the need for injections or invasive procedures, making it a non-invasive pain management option.
  • Improved Mobility: Provides relief while allowing normal movement and activity.
  • Minimal Dosing Frequency: Fewer applications are required compared to some oral medications for similar relief.
  • Suitable for Sensitive Stomachs: Ideal for individuals with sensitive stomachs who may not tolerate oral pain medications well.
  • Customizable Use: Patches come in various sizes and strengths, allowing customization based on pain severity and area of application.
  • Versatile Application: This can be used for various types of pain, including muscle aches, periods, joint discomfort, and localized pains.

Uses of Pain Relief Patches

You can use Ayurvedic pain relief patches for the following:

  • Joint and Muscular Pain: Anti-inflammatory properties relieve joint pain, swelling, and muscle strain. Effective for neck aches and loosening stiff muscles or joints.
  • Back Pain: Ideal for improving mobility and relieving both lower and upper back pain caused by injury, sprains, or improper posture.
  • Arthritis Pain: Specifically designed to treat pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
  • Shoulder Pain: Targets inflammation in muscles or tendons, providing relief for shoulder aches.
  • Knee Pain: Beneficial for arthritis, athletes, and workout-related knee injuries, offering instant relief.
  • Period Pain Relief Patch: Provides significant relief for unbearable menstrual cramps, offering comfort during periods.

Steps to Apply Zandu Pain Relief Patches

The steps to apply pain relief patches are as follows:

  • Wash and dry the area where you want to stick the pain relief patch.
  • Open the pouch and take out the patch.
  • Stick the adhesive side of the patch on the skin according to the label instructions.
  • Stick the patch uniformly on the pain-affected area.

Ingredients Used in Ayurvedic Pain Relief Patches

Some common ingredients found in ayurvedic pain relief patches are as follows:

  • Peppermint Satva
  • Gandhapura Patra Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Karpura
  • Shallaki Guggul
  • Katuvira

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can athletes use pain relief patches for knee injuries?

Athletes can use a knee pain relief patch to instantly reduce pain. These patches offer faster relief than oral medications. You will have to wait for oral medications to reach the digestive system for them to start working. But pain patches work instantly as the ingredients get absorbed through the skin and offer immediate relief.

Why are pain patches better than sprays and topical ointments?

Pain relief sprays and topical ointments also penetrate through the skin to offer instant relief. But pain relief patches are more convenient than ointments and sprays. Sprays and ointments can leave stains on your clothes and have a smell. Moreover, you need to keep reapplying them from time to time. But pain patches don’t have any smell or leave behind stains. Additionally, one patch can continue to provide relief for a long time.

Can people with Arthritis get relief from pain patches?

People with arthritis can apply pain relief patches to reduce pain and inflammation. The patches can help cure rheumatoid as well as osteoarthritis. However, Zandu offers special products for Arthritis.

Can Ayurvedic back pain patches cause skin irritation?

Usually, natural ingredients are used to make back pain patches. Therefore, they are highly unlikely to cause any irritation to your skin. But if your skin feels itchy or irritated after using a pain relief patch, you should immediately get rid of it.

How does a period pain relief patch work?

A period pain relief patch contains natural ingredients that can soothe body aches during those difficult days of the month. You can directly apply the patches on areas affected by pain and get relief from pain for up to 8 hours. The period pain patches can provide relief from lower back pain, abdominal pain, and abdominal cramps without the use of sulphates, parabens, or other chemicals.