Key Insight:
Over the years, giloy has been considered one of the superb medications in ayurveda, with the ability to treat varied medical conditions. It is also known as Amrit plants, Amrita in Sanskrit, and scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia. This plant has heart-shaped leaves that perfectly resemble betel leaves.
The root, stem, leaves, and bark of giloy are used in Ayurveda medication, but the stem is thought to have the most beneficial compounds. According to a shloka of Charak Samhita, Giloy is the main herb that comes with a bitter taste and helps to alleviate vata and kapha dosha. So, lets explore giloy juice ke fayde, how to use giloy, giloy powder benefits, and many more through this blog.
Did You Know:

Nutritional Value of Giloy Juice
Giloy juice is renowned for its impressive nutritional profile, packed with antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress and enhance immune function. Below is the nutritional composition of Giloy juice:
Nutrient Component |
Values |
Protein |
4.13 gm |
Fat |
3.12 gm |
Fibre |
16.19 gm |
Vitamin C |
4.44 mg |
13 Health Benefits of Giloy Juice
These are some of the most significant giloy benefits that you must know:
- It helps in improving digestion
- Giloy for fever
- Enhances overall immunity
- Combats corona-virus infection
- Has anti-diabetic property
- Keeps the liver healthy and disease-free
- Controls high cholesterol
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Improves eyesight
- Improves respiratory health
- It helps in combating gout and arthritis
- Improves the condition of diarrhoea
It helps in improving digestion

Giloy is one of the beneficial herbs that improve digestion by treating bowel-related issues of the human body. So, to improve digestion-related problems, you must take half a gram of giloy powder and some amla daily to get the maximum output.
Moreover, you can also take giloy powder with jaggery to treat the issue of constipation.
Giloy for fever
According to Ayurveda, two main factors cause fever: ama, which means toxic and remains in the body due to improper digestion; The second one is foreign particles. In this situation, giloy acts wonderfully as it contains anti-inflammatory and antipyretic herbs that boost the immunity to fight against infection.
Additionally, giloy also has Javarghana property that reduces fever within no time. If you are suffering from chronic fever, add 2-3 tbsp of giloy juice with the same amount of water. Mix them well and have this mixture regularly on an empty stomach in the morning.
Note: You can buy Giloy products online at the best price from our website,"".
Enhances overall immunity
Giloy juice also helps boost the body's immune system as it contains high amounts of antioxidants. These antioxidants easily flush out the body's toxins by strengthening the immune system.
It also contributes to skin detoxification and enhancement. It is very helpful in combating urinary tract infections and liver ailments.
Also read our related guides:
- Know real benefits of Karela juice
- List of Neem juice benefits
- Giloy Tablets
- Amla juice benefits
- Best herbs and medicines for digestion
Combats corona-virus infection
It is true that giloy helps boost immunity, but it is also very helpful in various types of fevers, especially corona infections. Though there is no strong evidence to support this statement, it helps raise immunity to fight infection.
Some scientific studies showed promising results in combating coronavirus infection. You can take giloy juice twice daily for at least 4-6 weeks.
Contains anti-aging properties
Giloy combats the signs of ageing as it contains anti-ageing properties in the form of antioxidants by avoiding oxidative stress. These properties lower the pimples, fine lines, wrinkles, etc.,on the face.
Thus, it helps make this skin look younger, bright, and radiant.
Has anti-diabetic property
Regular intake of giloy juice stimulates insulin production and lowers blood glucose levels. Regarding this, one more term is used for giloy in Ayurveda: 'Madhunashini', which means destroyer of sugar.
Giloy enhances insulin production in the human body, thus managing blood sugar levels by preventing diabetes-related complications.
Keeps the liver healthy and disease-free
Modern science also accepts the benefits of giloy. If the person is suffering from a liver injury due to an overdose of alcohol, one of the ayurvedic formulations prepared by giloy is very helpful. It is called Guduchi Satwa, which lowers the total cholesterol level in the liver.
Apart from that, giloy also improves the level of antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress markers, enhancing liver health. For best results, take 2-3 tsp of giloy juice by adding the same amount of water and consume it on an empty stomach.
Keep your liver healthy and disease-free with Zandu Livital Liver Syrup, made with 100% Ayurvedic herbs like giloy.
Controls high cholesterol
Giloy also helps control high cholesterol in the individual's body by improving metabolism and flushing out toxins. This happens due to the presence of Deepan (appetiser), Rasayana (rejuvenating), and Pachan (digestive) properties.
Add 2-3 tsp of giloy juice into one glass of water.
Reduces stress and anxiety

Giloy is also helpful in reducing mental stress and anxiety. On an empty stomach, drinking 2-3 tsp of giloy juice with the same quantity of water will calm the body.
Moreover, this bitter Ayurvedic herb can enhance memory and cognitive functions.
Improves eyesight
As a magical plant, Giloy juice is highly effective in enhancing an individual's eyesight. Moreover, giloy is also used for Panchakarma treatments and healing.
Improves respiratory health
Giloy contains anti-inflammatory properties. If the person is suffering from breathing issues like asthma, it can be traced to inflammation of the trachea. In this condition, giloy can help in relieving inflammation so that individuals can breathe freely.
How to take giloy juice? Please take a few small branches of a giloy plant, wash them, and scrape off the outer skin with a knife. Toss the giloy stem in the mixer to make the juice smooth, and drink it up.
It helps in combating gout and arthritis.
Giloy has anti-arthritis and anti-inflammatory properties. If you drink giloy juice daily in moderation, it will lower gout and arthritis and also relieve joint pain.
Improves the condition of diarrhoea
Diarrhea is a very common problem in India. Due to its pagan properties, giloy juice is very helpful in this issue as it reduces digestion-related problems like hyperacidity, flatulence, indigestion, etc.
Add ¼ -½ tsp of giloy powder to one glass of lukewarm water, and mix well. Have it after lunch and dinner.
Also, do have a look at our latest blog where we have mentioned some of the best herbs and spices to improve digestion.
Clinical Studies on Giloy:
1. Giloy for Jaundice Management: A simple and traditional remedy for jaundice involves using Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) leaves, known for their hepatoprotective properties. To prepare this remedy, 20-30 fresh Giloy leaves are ground into a paste and mixed with a glass of buttermilk. The mixture is then strained to remove any solid particles and consumed immediately by the patient.
This preparation leverages Giloy's potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which are believed to support liver function and enhance bile flow, thereby aiding in managing jaundice symptoms. While widely used in Ayurvedic practice, consulting a healthcare provider before use is recommended to ensure safety and efficacy.
2. Giloy for Digestive Health Improvement: A clinical observation on the effects of Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) on digestive health shows that it significantly improves digestion and alleviates gastrointestinal ailments. The study utilised a preparation combining equal amounts of Giloy, ginger root, and herbs. This mixture was simmered, and participants were administered 20-30 grams of the decoction daily.
Results indicated that regular intake helped relieve digestive issues such as indigestion and gut-related ailments. The herbal combination, known for its anti-inflammatory and digestive-enhancing properties, suggests potential therapeutic use for improving gut health and managing related conditions.
Medicinal Properties of Giloy
All the parts of the giloy plant are used in ayurvedic medications. Some of the highly effective compounds present in giloy are: -
Alkaloids |
These compounds give plants a bitter taste- Alkaloids may have benefits for blood pressure, pain, malaria, and intestine problems. |
Terpenoids |
Terpenoids are the most abundant group of compounds in Giloy. They are involved in giving plants their colors and tastes. In lab tests, terpenoids have been shown to have antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-diabetic properties. |
Lignans |
These compounds are found in fibrous plants- Ligans have antimicrobial properties- They are also thought to be antioxidants as well as have anti-inflammatory properties |
Steroids |
Steroids may have benefits for skin, wound healing, and heart health. |
How to Prepare Giloy Juice at Home?

Giloy offers immense health benefits. To enjoy them at home, preparing fresh giloy juice is recommended. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Select Fresh Stems
First, pick fresh, tender giloy stems from your garden or vegetable vendor with no spots or blemishes. Choose young stems for juiciness, which is a more potent giloy juice.
Wash and Chop the Stems
Rinse the stems thoroughly under running water to remove any dust or dirt. Shake off excess moisture and chop the stems into small 1-2 inch pieces for easier juicing.
Add Ginger and Lemon
Moreover, add a small piece of crushed ginger and squeeze half a lemon into the mixer for enhanced benefits and flavour. The ginger-lemon combo further enhances the detox effects of giloy.
Blend into Juice
Furthermore, the chopped giloy stems and added ingredients were put into a mixer grinder. Add a cup or two of water. Blend for 2-3 minutes until smooth, pouring more water if required. Strain this mix through a muslin cloth.
Add Honey or Salt
Additionally, you can add a teaspoon of organic honey or a pinch of rock salt to the strained giloy juice, according to your preference, to improve its medicinal properties or taste. Mix well before drinking.
Drink Fresh
Finally, for best results, consume the giloy juice immediately after making it. You can also refrigerate it for later—it remains effective for up to 2 days when stored this way in an airtight bottle. Drink chilled.
Possible Consequences & Disadvantages of Giloy Juice
Giloy is gaining immense popularity for its medicinal benefits. However, improper use of giloy juice can also have detrimental effects. It has a hot potency, which can imbalance doshas if taken incorrectly or excessively. Some drawbacks include:
Digestive Issues
Firstly, excessive giloy intake can increase pitta dosha and heat in the body, leading to hyperacidity, ulcer pain, burning sensation in the chest or stomach inflammation issues in some people. This disrupts digestion.
Additionally, the inherent hot nature of giloy makes it drying for the body. Insufficient fluid intake while having giloy juice regularly can cause constipation. Laxative properties may also worsen pre-existing piles or fissure problems.
Low Blood Sugar
Moreover, giloy juice also lowers blood sugar levels due to its hypoglycemic properties. This may cause abnormal sugar crashes, tiredness, sweating or weakness if taken too much or too often, especially by diabetics or hypoglycemics.
Skin Allergies
Furthermore, allergic reactions like rashes, itching, and reddening of facial skin can also occur in some cases after consuming giloy juice. People with exceedingly sensitive skin need to exercise caution when trying giloy for the first time or use it only externally.
Autoimmune Risks
Also, giloy being an immunity booster in moderation, can overstimulate immune functioning if consumed excessively, increasing chances of autoimmune disorders like urticaria, arthritis flare-ups etc, according to certain experts.
Additionally, giloy stems are often treated with chemicals or pesticides, traces of which remain. Consuming such contaminated giloy juice over long periods risks toxicity accumulation in the body, especially kidney and liver damage.
Interactions with Other Drugs
Finally, giloy juice can interact with diabetic medicines, immunosuppressants, sedatives, etc., exacerbate or reduce their effects. It is best to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before starting giloy juice alongside allopathic medication.
Giloy Juice Alternatives
Giloy juice is gaining popularity for its immunity-boosting and detox properties. However, there are other healthy juice alternatives too with similar benefits:
Aloe Vera Juice
Firstly, aloe vera juice rivals giloy juice, an effective body cleanser that flushes out toxins. Its antimicrobial properties also enhance gut health. Just blend fresh aloe pulp with water and drink daily.
Wheatgrass Juice
Chlorophyll-rich wheatgrass juice is an excellent blood purifier that increases haemoglobin and red blood cell levels like Giloy Ras. It also supplies antioxidants vital for cell health. Use fresh wheat sprouts to extract juice.
Ash Gourd Juice
Due to its diuretic nature, the underrated ash gourd vegetable works wonders as juice for removing waste from the body. It also prevents urinary tract infections. Simply juice ash gourd pieces after peeling off the skin.
Carrot and Beetroot Juice
The vibrant orange drink made by blending carrots and beetroots effortlessly cleanses the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system by stimulating optimal organ functioning. It also alkalises blood pH levels.
Cucumber and Spinach Juice
Combining cucumber and spinach makes an exceptional cooling juice recipe that flushes toxins out by promoting frequent urination. It provides hydration sans calories and boosts metabolism as well.
Bitter Gourd Juice
Finally, karela or bitter gourd juice rivals giloy for diabetes management and liver detoxification properties. Extract juice from karela pieces or blend with water. Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Key Facts on Giloy Juice
Here are some key facts about giloy juice:
- Giloy is the Sanskrit term for Tinospora Cordifolia, a herbaceous vine belonging to the Menispermaceae family.
- The giloy plant is indigenous to tropical regions of India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
- Giloy gets its English name - Heart-leaved Moonseed or Guduchi - from its heart-shaped leaves.
- The giloy stem contains abundant antioxidants to boost immunity and anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
- Giloy juice is prepared from the crushed stems or leaves of the giloy plant mixed with water. Sometimes ginger, lemon juice or honey is added.
- It can be consumed as a raw juice or boiled decoction. The juice tastes quite bitter owing to its medicinal compounds.
- Giloy juice gained popularity in India for its ability to treat chronic fever, diabetes, arthritis, anaemia, jaundice and asthma.
- According to Ayurveda, giloy juice is hot in potency and works best for people with Vata and Kapha body types.
- It acts as an excellent health tonic when taken in moderation. Excess intake can cause side effects like gastritis, low blood sugar etc.
- Giloy juice is not recommended for children below 5 years old. Pregnant and breastfeeding women must exercise caution too.
How to Take Giloy Juice?
According to Ayurveda, you can consume giloy in any form, like powder, kadha, or juice. Apart from that, it is also available in the form of capsules and its paste can also be applied to the skin to ease skin issues.
Moreover, if you want to consume giloy juice, then have one tsp of giloy juice two times a day, but this dosage differs in case you are suffering from any health problem.
Giloy juice calms the individual's body by combating various ailments, which sometimes take months to eliminate. It contains anti-fungal, antidepressant, and antipyretic properties. So, if you want to remain healthy and live a longer life, add giloy juice daily to your routine. It is available in both offline and online stores.
Start consuming it today and see the magical results. Good Luck!
1. Can giloy be harmful to the body?
Generally, giloy doesn't offer any side effects if consumed in moderation. But sometimes, it offers side effects like a slump in blood sugar in diabetic patients if reacted with specific medication. So, to be safe, consult the doctor in this regard.
2. Can I consume giloy juice daily?
As per health experts, there has no adverse effect of giloy juice, but before you start taking it daily, discuss it with your Ayurvedic practitioner. After studying your medical history, they will tell you the correct giloy juice dosage.
3. Who should not take giloy?
Pregnant and lactating women must not consume giloy juice as it can offer adverse effects on the body.
4. Is giloy good for the kidney?
Giloy is an ayurvedic herb that helps the individual to remain fit and healthy. As per the report, it does not harm kidneys, and you can include giloy in your diet if you suffer from kidney ailments.
5. Where can I buy giloy juice?
Giloy juice is available at any Ayurvedic medication shop and can be purchased offline and online. But it is best to prepare giloy juice at home as it is hygienic and full of nutrients.
- Giloy is also known as Amrit plants, Amrita in Sanskrit, and scientifically known as Tinospora Cordifolia. (
- Giloy is one of the beneficial herbs that improve digestion by treating bowel-related issues of the human body.(
- Giloy also has Javarghana property that reduces fever within no time.(
- Giloy enhances insulin production in the human body, thus managing blood sugar levels by preventing diabetes-related complications. (
- Giloy is also helpful in reducing mental stress and anxiety. (