
Since the ancient ages, Ashwagandha has continued to be a much-preferred herb that is medicinal and treats people. Also known as Indian ginseng, this herb helps bolster individuals' immunity. The Ashwagandha Ayurvedic tablets serve as a general tonic to boost energy and elevate stress and anxiety.

What is Ashwagandha?


An essential herb in the Ayurvedic medical system is Ashwagandha. It is also referred to as winter cherry or Indian ginseng. The herb known by its common name, Ashwagandha, gets its name from its peculiar scent, similar to horse sweat. 

Because of its Vata-balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenating) qualities, Ashwagandha is recognized to help with stress and anxiety-related issues. The management of diabetes may also benefit from these qualities. Additionally, it possesses the aphrodisiac virtue of Vajikarana, which helps alleviate erectile dysfunction and increase stamina. 

Ashwagandha root powder can be given with milk to assist in treating erectile dysfunction and male infertility. It treats several nerve-related issues as a nervine tonic. It offers assistance in the control of tension and anxiety. It balances how the body reacts to stressful situations.

Did you know

  1. An essential herb in the Ayurvedic medical system is Ashwagandha. It is also referred to as winter cherry or Indian ginseng.
  2. Because of its Vata-balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenating) qualities, Ashwagandha is recognised to help with stress and anxiety-related issues.
  3. Ashwagandha has a reputation for its stress-relieving properties.
  4. Anti-arthritic benefits of Ashwagandha may be extensively acknowledged and documented.

Nutritional value of Ashwagandha

100 grams of Ashwagandha contains: -




250 g

Total dietary fibre

25 g


75 g

Benefits of various parts of Ashwagandha plant

The Ashwagandha herb is helpful in its entirety. All parts of the herb have some use or the other. Each of these parts has medicinal and healing properties that highly benefit individuals. The Ashwagandha ayurvedic tablets have antioxidant properties that can also treat infections and cough and cold symptoms.



The leaves of the Ashwagandha plant have antioxidant properties. The herb can treat viral infections and cough and cold symptoms. It is also highly effective in treating fever and chronic pain. It helps to heal and treat diseases.

Flowers and seeds

Not just the healing properties of the leaves, the ashwagandha flowers and seeds are also potent with specific properties. The flowers and seeds of ashwagandha churna benefits in fertility and kidney problems. The herb has a high content of diuretic and aphrodisiac properties and will help remedy these issues. It also helps in the treatment of problems like kidney stones.

The seeds of the ashwagandha plant have anthelmintic properties. The ashwagandha seeds prove helpful in the treatment of infectious diseases and parasitic infections.


Not just the leaves and the flowers but also the roots of the ashwagandha plant are significant. The ashwagandha roots are present in various formulations for remedies. It is a potent aphrodisiac, diuretic, antioxidant, antidepressant and even anti-diabetic properties. Therefore, the herb is present in the treatment of neural problems and diabetes and constipation, infertility and skin disorders.

List of Ashwagandha benefits

  1. Ayurvedic Solution For Infertility
  2. Reduces Stress And Anxiety
  3. Safeguards Your Immunity
  4. People Suffering From Osteoarthritis
  5. Improves Sleeping Habits And Calms The Brain
  6. Improved Skin And Hair
  7. Ashwagandha for arthritis
  8. Helps in relieving pain
  9. Helps in diabetes
  10. Ashwagandha for hypertension

Ayurvedic solution for infertility

Many women and men suffer from infertility issues. Infertility issues plague them, and artificial treatments can get heavily exhausting. With herbal solutions like ashwagandha powder, one can treat infertility issues.

In women, infertility manifests as early menopause and the inability to conceive, while men suffer from low sperm count.

Stress heavily impacts the synthesis of female reproductive hormones. For women, one of the primary reasons for their inability to conceive is stress. Many women suffer from low progesterone levels due to excessive levels of stress. It, in turn, affects the menstrual cycle and fertility of women. 

One of the Ashwagandha uses and benefits is that it improves the chances of conceiving. It also helps to alleviate the mental and physical stress on women and men due to hormone imbalance. The herb boosts testosterone levels and reduces cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that makes one feel restless and decreases sperm count and T-cells.

Ashwagandha helps to increase the synthesis of T-cells by balancing sperm production. It maintains the sperm count.

Reduces stress and anxiety

Ashwagandha has a reputation for its stress-relieving properties. The herb decreases stress levels and improves the chances of sleep in the individual. The ashwagandha powder benefits include anti-stress and anxiolytic properties. Such properties help to calm the mind and body. The mental balance of a person may suffer from distraught, which induces mental fatigue. The herb reduces fatigue and improves sleep patterns.

Moreover, one of the hormones that the adrenal gland releases is cortisol. It is a stress hormone that evokes the "fight or flight" response when one perceives imminent danger. Cortisol follows a routine- it is high during the day and low at night. However, stress at work and chronic anxiety can mess up the cortisol level. The cortisol stress response also negatively impacts the nervous system.

The Ashwagandha ayurvedic tablets relieve stress problems by keeping cortisol levels at their minimum. It smoothens the stress response cycle of the body. Stress is a daily occurrence, and Ashwagandha helps the body combat it. The herb, in turn, helps the various bodily systems, like cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems, to function accurately.

Safeguards your immunity

The powerful formulation of the ashwagandha herb has a high value, improving the stamina and energy of the person. The herb has many active ingredients and properties that reduce the weakness and fatigue of an individual.

One of the Ashwagandha uses and benefits is how it improves the vitality of the body. Additionally, the adrenal glands also greatly benefit from this herb. Ashwagandha helps to regulate the adrenal gland's hormones, thus helping combat stress.

Since the herb helps normalize hormones from the adrenal glands, it also regulates the synthesis of reproductive and sex hormones.

People suffering from Osteoarthritis


One of the primary ashwagandha powder uses is for people suffering from arthritis. It is the best natural relief for rheumatoid arthritis. As opposed to anti-inflammatory drugs, this herb helps to alleviate osteoarthritis symptoms without causing side effects.

Ashwagandha helps to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. It reduces joint pain, thus improving mobility. Since the herb is an antioxidant, it also prevents the reoccurrence of the symptoms by protecting the joints from further damage.

According to scientific studies, one of the ashwagandha powder benefits is its analgesic property. This property inhibits the production of pain mediators that causes pain and inflammation in the case of arthritis.

Improves sleeping habits and calms the brain

The leaves and roots of ashwagandha churna the sleep cycle of an individual. There are compounds in the ashwagandha roots and leaves which helps to calm the brain and improve sleep cycles.

Since the herb is a stress reliever, it primarily controls cortisol. Since it reduces the release of cortisol, it brings down stress levels. One of the main reasons for insomnia is stress. Many people cannot go to sleep as their stress hormone torments them. The excessive stress level makes one stay up all night and makes them restless.

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Since the healing properties of Ashwagandha act on the stress-inducing hormones and control them, it helps the sleep cycle. With Ashwagandha, one can improve their sleep cycle and get the desired sleep. A proper sleep cycle also ensures one has enough energy in the morning to carry out their activities.

Improved skin and hair

Not just internal stress relief, but if you know how to use ashwagandha powder correctly, it helps to maintain healthy skin and hair. One of the most noticeable remedies of the herb is its ability to reduce acne. The anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne and skin breakouts.

The herb eliminates the bacteria that cause skin inflammation and deep cleanses the skin of all impurities. It removes all the residual dirt that can trigger a breakout.

Most skin types, dehydrated skin, are prone to breakouts because of their excessive dryness. Dry skin also becomes rough, can lead to swelling and pain, and can react to infections from a lack of natural oils. The ashwagandha benefits for skin include the roots of the herb adding hydration to the skin. It makes the skin look lustrous and brightens it, thus giving one a youthful appearance.

The traditional herb not only moisturizes but also prevents irritation. It minimizes the natural secretion of oil from the skin without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It keeps the skin smooth and supple.

Its ability as an effective antioxidant remedy lies in the fact that it boosts collagen production, which nourishes the skin and promotes cell regeneration. Since the herb combats stress, it has age-defying properties that do not let wrinkles and fine lines appear on the face.

The calming properties rejuvenate the skin, retaining the natural plumpness and smoothing fine lines. It revitalises the skin as you sleep by building collagen and restoring the elastic property of the skin.

Ashwagandha for arthritis

Anti-arthritic benefits of ashwagandha may be extensively acknowledged and documented. Because ashwagandha calms the nervous system, it may be able to reduce pain. Patients in an experiment were given an ashwagandha-containing formula. 

This combination of herbs shows promise in lessening the intensity of pain and impairment. But arthritis is a serious ailment that has to be evaluated and treated by a medical professional.

Helps in relieving pain

Ashwagandha may have analgesic properties because a study found that administering an aqueous extract of the herb to patients increased their pain threshold—the limit beyond which a trigger causes pain—when compared to a placebo. Nevertheless, more investigation is needed to cite these as verifiable truths.

Helps in diabetes

Two methods of diabetic therapy are prescribed by Ayurveda. The first is Santarpana (replenishment) and Aptarpana (de-nourishment). Treatment with Aptarpana is beneficial for fat diabetics with Kapha body type, while treatment with Santarpana is beneficial for lean diabetics, typically with Vata or Pitta body types. By regulating the Vata and Kapha doshas, ashwagandha benefits both kinds of therapy.

Ashwagandha for hypertension

In Ayurveda, hypertension is referred to as Rakta Gata Vata, or high blood pressure in the arteries. Finding the source of the issue and treating it from the ground up are the goals of Ayurvedic medicine for hypertension. Herbs are used to help do this. Another major contributor to hypertension is stress or anxiety, which can be lowered by taking ashwagandha, which in turn helps to lower blood pressure.

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How to take Ashwagandha?

Although ashwagandha does not have formal dose requirements, study participants usually take 300–1,000 mg daily for up to three months. For athletes undergoing an intense physical training regimen, higher dosages might be advantageous.

It's crucial to read the labels of over-the-counter products carefully and to make sure the product contains ashwagandha root extract. A medical professional can recommend a dosage based on your unique situation.

Also, we present you our newly launched Ashwagandha Gold Capsules, which contains richness of gold with pure Ashwagandha extract. 

Side effects of Ashwagandha

It's not quite clear if taking ashwagandha over an extended period of time is safe. Still, the following are the most typical ashwagandha adverse effects:

  • Stomach upset
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea

Some of the less common side effects are as follows: -

  • Rashes
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Cough and congestion
  • Rashes
  • Drowsiness
  • Weight gain
  • Hallucinations

Additionally, ashwagandha may harm the liver. Calling your healthcare practitioner is crucial if you suffer any side symptoms, especially if they are indicative of liver damage, such as jaundice or itching skin. Thus, before using ashwagandha, please see an Ayurvedic doctor. The medication will be customized based on your medical requirements.

Also, do have a look at our Ashwagandha KSM-66 capsules.

The ayurvedic products of Ashwagandha

The many benefits of Ashwagandha are available in the supplements. To learn the use ashwagandha powder, they must mix it in their drink, preferably water or milk, daily. Ayurvedic products range from a variety of packaging. One can get capsules, herbal infusions like tea and even balm.

Each has its use. People dealing with arthritis and joint pain can use the ashwagandha balm to relieve the pain. On the other hand, herbal tea can detoxify one's body. Tea helps to drain all the toxins and free radicals from the body.

The toxins and free radicals cause fatigue and restlessness. It renders a person incapable of carrying out heavy physical activities. A warm cup of ashwagandha tea helps to manage stress after a long day at work. It calms down cortisol levels and induces clarity and peace in the mind and body of the person.


If you have powdered Ashwagandha, you may wonder how to use Ashwagandha. You can use it in your drinks like milk and tea. The solubility of the ashwagandha powder in the glass makes it easy for the body to absorb it quickly. With easy absorption, the herb acts more readily on the body. Thus, you reduce the active time it takes to react to the increased levels of stress hormones.

Just a cup of ashwagandha tea rejuvenates a person. Regular consumption of tea and herbal Ashwagandha tablets helps to reduce stress and fatigue. With low levels of fatigue, one feels energized to carry out their daily routine.


1. What is the special benefits of ashwagandha?

It enhances the reproductive system's functionality, supporting a balanced sexual and reproductive life. As a potent adaptogen, it increases the body's ability to withstand stress. Ashwagandha enhances cell-mediated immunity, which strengthens the body's resistance to illness.

2. What happens when you take ashwagandha daily?

Ashwagandha may help reduce the symptoms of anxiety. In a 2019 study, researchers discovered that when compared to a placebo, ingesting 240 mg of ashwagandha daily dramatically lowered people's stress levels. Reduced cortisol levels—a hormone linked to stress—were one aspect of this.

3. Who needs Ashwagandha?

Some research suggests this herb may help people with conditions like anxiety and infertility, but stronger studies are needed. Ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda, which is a traditional form of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing.

4. When's the best time to take ashwagandha?

There isn't just one ideal time of day to take ashwagandha; however, some users report feeling drowsier and having better-quality sleep while using the herbal supplement, so taking it at night may be preferable. Try not to take ashwagandha on an empty stomach until you find out how well you tolerate it, as some GI distress may occur.

5. Who cannot take ashwagandha?

Taking ashwagandha while nursing and during pregnancy is discouraged. Those with thyroid or autoimmune diseases, as well as those who are about to have surgery, should avoid using ashwagandha.


  1. An essential herb in the Ayurvedic medical system is ashwagandha. It is also referred to as winter cherry or Indian ginseng. (
  2. Because of its Vata-balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenating) qualities, ashwagandha is recognised to help with stress and anxiety-related issues. (
  3. Ashwagandha has a reputation for its stress-relieving properties. (
  4. Anti-arthritic benefits of ashwagandha may be extensively acknowledged and documented. (


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