Kapha Dosha & Respiratory Issues: Steps to Reduce Kapha from Lungs

Kapha Dosha & Respiratory Issues: Steps to Reduce Kapha from Lungs

Breathing Issues
Are you feeling unmotivated and lazy lately? Are you craving everything sweet but having a hard time shedding the extra pound? If you think you are...
Top 12 Ayurvedic Treatments to Clean Lungs (Airways) at Home

Top 12 Ayurvedic Treatments to Clean Lungs (Airways) at Home

Breathing Issues
With the increasing air pollution, the lungs get affected the most. It makes breathing difficult and also causes a lot of respiratory issues. Pollu...
Respiratory Health and Ayurveda

Respiratory Health and Ayurveda

Breathing Issues
The respiratory system is a network of organs and tissues that help supply oxygen to the body to function correctly. There are various factors that...

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