Top 10 Home Remedies for Back Pain Issue

Back pain is the most common problem faced by almost everyone these days. It has become a leading cause of disability. This back pain can eventually hinder your daily schedule and might also disturb your mental peace. However, it is best to get natural treatments for back pain. Sometimes, people prefer ayurvedic treatment, where the therapies work directly on the root cause. 

Nowadays, most people rely on clinical treatments. But studies show that many home remedies also relieve back pain relief . Depending on your pain level and the suitable treatment type, you can pick your preferred home remedy. This article will discuss the symptoms, causes and home remedies for curing intensive back pain.

List of back pain causes (पीठ दर्द का घरेलू इलाज) 

back pain causes

The most common cause for any problem to crop up is stress and anxiety. Similarly, in the case of back pain, stress is one of the main reasons. Along with this, some other causes are listed below:

Strain on back

Lifting any heavy object or bending down can strain the backbone and back muscles. Sudden awkward moments while getting up or twisting can also stress the back muscles. These tensed muscles tend to give pain and might aggravate if left unattended.

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Spinal osteoarthritis is another cause of prolonged back pain. This happens when the cartilage in the muscles of your joint backbone is damaged. Eventually, it leads to the narrowing of the spinal column and tremendous pain. However, with the help of natural treatments, you can get them cured at home. 


Osteoporosis is a condition where our bone loses density and becomes thin. In such a case, the chance of fractures in vertebrae increases. These fractures cause immense pain and are known as compression fractures. Most doctors suggest complete bed rest for quick back pain relief.

Few other causes of back pain 

Apart from arthritis, osteoporosis and stress being some significant causes of back pain, some other causes lead to pain in the back muscles. These are: 

  • Any injury or disease on the back muscles, bones or nerves. 
  • Viral infection or inflammation 
  • Disc prolapse between the backbones, irritating nerve roots. 
  • Stiffness in the spine or Spondylitis.
  • The normal pregnancy phase can also be a significant reason behind back pain.
  • Spinal cord tumours
  • Overweight or obesity 
  • Kidney stones or kidney infection

List of remedies to cure back pain at home 

Back pain is a very common problem. As such, there are many medicines and sprays which guarantee 100% back pain relief. But there is no good evidence of these medications being 100% effective. However, in some cases, they might leave side effects. Hence it is better to go for home remedies until the pain becomes unbearable and requires clinical treatment. Here are some home remedies you can adopt to cure back pain at home. 

  • Keep constant movement
  • Exercise to keep muscles flexible
  • Improve your posture
  • Heat and cold therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep
  • Make necessary dietary changes
  • Take effective measures to reduce and manage stress
  • Maintain a healthy weight to avoid obesity
  • Quit smoking
  • Take anti-inflammatory drinks
  • Changing footwear

Keep constant movement

It is said that people who are in constant movement cure quickly. For example, you can go for morning walks, shop, or work. But at the same time, you must avoid everything that can aggravate your pain. Even a brisk walk of 30 minutes daily can bring about many changes. 

Exercise to keep muscles flexible

Exercise to keep muscles flexible

Often patients suffering from back pain find it difficult to get up straight from the bed and walk. However, if you perform exercises, you will be able to alleviate your aching back muscles to a certain point. The exercises do not have to be stretching ones if you do not prefer them. You can go for physical activities like swimming, yoga, and walking. 

Any low-impact activity can be effective to cure back pain. Performing these activities releases endorphins, which are a natural pain reliever. Hence, you must opt for regular exercise to avoid future back pain or any other ligament and muscle pain. Exercising or performing physical activities helps to keep your bones strong and muscles flexible.

Improve your posture 

Poor posture while sitting or sleeping contributes to severe back pain. Changing posture while sleeping can also do miracles. However, taking a pillow under your knees or in between the knees while sleeping helps to release the strain off your back. While walking and sitting, you must keep your spinal cord straight and not stoop. 

There are some exercises which act as natural treatments for back pain. These exercises are as follows:

  • Pilates 
  • Tai Chi 
  • Walking and running 
  • Yoga 
  • Aerobic exercises 
  • Core flexibility exercises 
  • Swimming

Heat and cold therapy 

Applying hot and cold packs on the paining region works as a miracle for back pain. If you apply an ice pack wrapped in a clean towel directly on the swollen area, then it helps in reducing the inflammation. Also, the tensed nerves of the affected area soothe. The application of ice packs numbs the region and gives relief from the intense pain. But it is advisable to apply for only 20 minutes maximum. 

Applying a heating pad can increase blood circulation, which facilitates quicker healing. To avoid scalds or burns from the heating pad, read the instructions carefully before using it. Heat pad therapy can give you instant relief from the pain. However, if you do not have access to a heating pad, you can use a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel or a cloth bag of uncooked rice.

Massage therapy


If you are looking for short-term benefits for your back pain, you should go for good massage therapy. Ayurvedic massage therapies are best in such cases. A soft tissue massage can help in releasing endorphins which shall eventually help in relieving pain. Massage therapy involves vibration, gliding, kneading, friction and percussion techniques. 

This manipulation of tissues during massage can be done with hands or using a mechanical device. It is one of the best natural treatments for back pain. However, there are certain risk factors involved with this home remedy. You should not go for massage therapy if you have the following:

  • Skin infection or rashes
  • Inflammation 
  • Deep vein thrombosis 
  • Burns 
  • A non-healed fracture 
  • Active cancer tumour site 

Get an adequate amount of sleep 

Lack of sleep is another prime reason behind back pain's aggravation. According to recent medical studies, an adult requires at least 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep for the body to function properly. An adequate amount of sleep with proper comfort and alignment helps relieve body pain. However, if your posture is poor, your condition might worsen when you wake up in the morning. 

You can use extra pillows to align your spine to avoid such issues properly. The pillow you take under your head should support the curve in your neck while sleeping. It helps to keep your back alignment straight. You must consult your healthcare provider if lack of sleep continues to be an issue. 

Make necessary dietary changes

Doctors advise patients suffering from back pain to consume foods like fruits and whole grains. Any food which has added sugar can increase the risk of spinal pain. Hence, to get relief, you must consume the below-mentioned foods:

  • Black pepper
  • Yoghurt
  • Fibre 
  • Spices like turmeric and ginger
  • Whole Grain foods 
  • Green tea 
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Fruits 

These foods are anti-inflammatory, which reduces the risk of inflammation. Foods like dairy products, red meat, refined sugar, trans fat, saturated fat, and highly refined flour can potentially increase the risk of inflammation. Hence, you must make necessary dietary changes to avoid the aggravation of pain. 

Take effective measures to reduce and manage stress

One of the best and most natural treatments to cure pain is managing and reducing stress. Mental stress can be a great cause of an increase in pain. There are many ways through which you can manage your stress effectively. Some best measures to adopt are as follows: 

  • Mindful meditation 
  • Relaxing the muscles of the body 
  • Deep breathing to stabilize the mental harmony 
  • Focusing on mental images can relax the nerves of your mind. 

Maintain a healthy weight to avoid obesity 

Being overweight can be a potential cause of extra load on the back muscles. Shedding some kilos while being on a diet and exercising regularly can help reduce this extra pressure on the back. If you are overweight and visit a doctor for a back pain problem, the first thing he says is to reduce weight. This is because weight loss reduces the back muscles' mechanical force. You can also consult a dietician for a healthy balanced diet routine to follow. 

Quit smoking

The risk of back pain increases by four times for people who smoke. A smoker can be prone to degenerative disk disease and other spinal problems. The first step to cure back pain is quitting smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes takes away the essential nutrients from the body, eventually weakening bone density. Along with this, it also harms the oft disks that support the backbones' joints. If you have a healthy spine, your back muscles will not get stiff and will remain flexible.

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Take anti-inflammatory drinks

Regularly eating anti-inflammatory foods causes them to accumulate in our bloodstream over time and significantly lower the body's inflammatory response.

The following anti-inflammatory beverages are excellent treatments for lower back discomfort.

  • Ginger tea
  • tart cherry juice
  • Milk with turmeric

Changing footwear

The shoes you wear significantly influence your body's alignment. The position of your hips, knees, and legs also influences the strain on your back. Back pain may result from wearing high heels, poorly cushioned shoes, or shoes without arch support. Wearing supportive shoes is crucial when working out or going for a stroll.

To lessen back pain, reduce the frequency of wearing high heels and flat shoes, such as flip-flops. Instead, get shoes that fit your arches and provide the right support and cushioning. Additionally, insoles for the shoes you currently own can be purchased.

Gently stretch your joints and soft tissues through yoga

Yoga is a great technique to extend your back, strengthen your muscles and joints, promote blood circulation to provide healing nutrients and make your spine more flexible.

Stretching should be done carefully at first, and you should only go further if it doesn't hurt. Over time, you can incorporate additional stretches into your program. Yoga is best practised in the morning to help stretch your spine and ease back aches and stiffness.

Herbs for back pain

Herbs for back pain

Below are a few ayurvedic herbs which you can try to relieve back pain:


Turmeric has been utilised in traditional medicine since ancient times and is readily found in most kitchens. Curcumin, the primary bioactive component of turmeric, may have anti-inflammatory qualities that could help lessen physical pain. 2. 

One potential home cure for back discomfort is turmeric milk. Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder thoroughly into half a cup of hot or cold milk. If you like it sweeter, add a little honey. If you have a backache at night, try drinking turmeric milk.


It's possible that cayenne pepper can lower the body's amount of a neurotransmitter that causes pain. Furthermore, capsaicinoids, the primary ingredient in cayenne pepper, may be able to lessen discomfort. In several human trials, topical plaster-containing formulations of cayenne pepper demonstrated pain relief. You may buy ready-to-use cayenne plaster tapes, which could provide you with immediate back pain relief.


Ginger is the most popular spice to have at home. It has culinary applications and is one potential quick cure for back discomfort. Ginger contains bioactive substances, including zingerone and gingerol. These substances might lessen pain because of their potential anti-inflammatory properties. 

One useful home treatment for backaches may be ginger tea. To create ginger tea, take a tiny piece of ginger root and wash and peel it. The ginger can then be grated or sliced and added to hot water. Boil the ginger for about ten minutes, then cool and drain. Lastly, if necessary, add honey or lemon juice.

Tart cherry juice

Cherries are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Cherry juice can be used to treat chronic or exercise-induced muscle discomfort. Tart cherry extract is frequently added to cherry juice and is readily obtainable at food stores. Try drinking a glass of cherry juice every day to see whether it helps relieve your back discomfort.

Benefits of applying home remedies & natural treatments 

Home remedies are best for mild injuries and dull pains. These remedies are prepared from natural substances without a doctor's prescription. Many substances on your kitchen counter can easily treat common problems. The most important substances are turmeric and ginger. They are extremely useful for coughs and colds. However, there are certain remedies for back pain relief as well. But the main question in people's minds is whether it is good to apply home remedies. Hence, here are some benefits of adopting home remedy measures. 

  • Home remedies are made out of natural substances available at the kitchen counter. These include turmeric, ginger, black pepper, garlic and cloves. Since they are natural, they are considered safe and facilitate quick healing. 
  • These remedies are mild as they are natural and fresh with no side effects. The clinical treatments very often show some after-effects in the body once the problem is resolved. 
  • Adopting home remedies helps you to live an active lifestyle. Once you incorporate natural substances like ginger and garlic into your daily fooding habits, you will be likely to consume less processed foods. This will eventually help you to lead an active and healthy life. 
  • Natural treatments are more reliable than clinical treatments for mild pain and are cost-effective. People have been using these natural substances for treating severe diseases like cholera, chicken pox and other pandemics. As such, these substances are easy to find and are comparatively less expensive. 
  • The Bottom Line 
  • Lower back pain is also a common concern among individuals. It can be a symptom of an underlying condition like acute pancreatitis or kidney stone. And for some cases, it is because of the lifestyle and repetitive motions. Back pain stretching and natural treatments will help in these cases. 

Stretching is not the only remedy for back pain, but effective stretches will give a sign of relief. Hence, if you are looking for measures to cure at home, do not forget to apply the basic home remedies mentioned in the article.


1. Which dosha is responsible for back pain?

In Ayurveda, back pain is referred to as Kati Shoola or Kati Graham. It is said to be a Vikrati of Vata Dosha, the energy principle of air and Ether imbalance.

2. What Indian food is good for back pain?

Indian foods high in whole grains, such as wheat, brown rice, millet, and barley, are excellent for relieving back pain. They are abundant in essential elements, including vitamins and minerals. Their fibres produce short-chain fatty acids, which significantly lower inflammation.

3. Which fruit reduces back pain?

Consider consuming foods high in nutrients and low in back discomfort, such as watermelon, pomegranate, cherries, berries, grapes, beets, and sweet potatoes.

4. What is the best herb for back pain?

The potent anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin, the primary active ingredient in turmeric, make it a popular choice for treating muscle or joint pain. Curcumin has been shown in laboratory experiments to lessen inflammation in the cells that make up our spinal discs, which may help relieve back pain.

5. Is papaya good for back pain?

Papain is an anti-inflammatory substance found naturally in papayas. It is a great supplement for arthritis because it has been shown to lower joint pain and stiffness.

Back pain


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