Amla or Indian Gooseberry

English: Indian Gooseberry

Hindi: Amla

Sanskrit: Amlaki

Latin: Emblica officinalis Linn

  • The Amla tree is known for its small, green fruits with a sour, bitter, and astringent flavour.
  • The Amla tree can be found all over Asia, but particularly in tropical parts of India. 
  • Alongside the medicinal benefits of amla, it can improve your hair and skin.  

Evidence-Based Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

1. Enhances Immunity

    Amla contains several ingredients to strengthen the immune system. This Ayurvedic herb can also increase white blood cell production in the body. 

    2. Improves Your Hair

      The uses of amla are quite evident in shampoos and conditioners because of its iron and antioxidant content. With high levels of vitamin C, amla can help reduce hair fall. Amla will make your hair roots stronger and enhance your hair colour. The antibacterial properties of amla can also help fight dandruff. 

      3. Lowers Stress

      headache and stressed from work

      Source: Canva

      Amla is extremely beneficial for relieving stress levels. It can also promote better sleep and cure headaches. 

      4. Eye Care

        The carotene content of amla is extremely beneficial for your eyes. Amla also has a positive effect on issues like near-sightedness and cataracts. 

        5. Improves Respiratory Health

          One of the major amla tree uses is its ability to fight respiratory issues. Amla can provide relief from coughs, throat infections, and flu. 

          6. Removes Toxins from the Blood

            Amla is an active element in blood purification because it can help in flushing out toxic elements from the body.  

            7. Cures Anaemia

              One of the amla tree benefits is that it can cure anaemia. This Ayurvedic herb has a rich iron content to treat anaemia. 

              8. Aids Digestion

                Amla has a rich content of dietary fibres. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial for improving overall digestion. 

                9. Improves Mental Functions

                  One of the major benefits of amla leaves is improving your memory and concentration. It can cure diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

                  10. Anti-Ageing

                    Anti-Aging women

                    Source: Canva

                    The antioxidant properties of amla can fight the effects of free radicals. Therefore, it will help remove dark circles, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing from your face. 

                    Other Plants:

                    Amla for Weight Management

                    One of the major Indian Gooseberry benefits is its ability to reduce weight. By boosting your metabolism, it will help you manage your weight. 

                    Amla for Skin Care

                    Amla contains ingredients to tighten the pores on your skin and reduce blemishes. Moreover, it can reduce inflammation to fight acne breakouts. 

                    Amla for Heart Health

                    One of the most important medicinal uses of amla is controlling your blood pressure to improve heart health. It will also lower the level of bad cholesterol in the body to keep cardiovascular issues at bay.  

                    Nutritional Facts of Amla






                    198 mg

                    Total fats

                    1 mg

                    Total carbohydrates

                    10 g


                    0.9 g

                    Vitamin E

                    0.05 mg

                    Vitamin C

                    482 mg

                    Vitamin A

                    290 IU

                    Dietary fibre

                    4.3 g








                    How Does Amla Work to Improve Kidney Health?

                    Amla Juice

                    Source: Canva

                    Amla has the potential to improve kidney health by making it function better. Moreover, amla can offer protection against kidney damage. Amla is particularly beneficial for curing age-related kidney disorders. 

                    Ways to Use Amla

                    • Amla Powder: A tiny amount of amla powder before every meal can be highly beneficial for your skin.
                    • Amla Juice: Consuming amla juice can enhance your immunity by boosting the rate of metabolism.
                    • Amla chutney: Make your normal food more spicy by adding amla chutney.
                    • Amla tea: Sip on a cup of amla tea with one teaspoon of jaggery. 
                    • Amla smoothie: Amla smoothie is perfect for consuming the fruit in its raw and powdered form. 

                    Amla Facts and Myths

                    Amla Facts

                    • Fact 1: The rich source of antioxidants in amla can provide relief from hypertension. 
                    • Fact 2: Amla can be used as a home remedy for regulating diabetes. 
                    • Fact 3: The dietary fibres in amla can help regulate bowel movements. 

                    Amla Myths

                    • Myth 1: You cannot apply amla to your hair. 
                    • Myth 2: Amla only grows in India. 
                    • Myth 3: Amla has no rule in regulating the menstrual cycle. 

                    Growing Amla at Home

                    Growing and maintaining an amla tree at home is quite easy and convenient. You should choose a pot that is deep and wide to let the tree grow well. You should keep your amla tree in a spot where it will get a good amount of sunlight. Moisten the soil inside the pot from time to time to let the plant grow. 

                    Where to Buy Amla Products

                    Trusted Brands for Ayurvedic Products

                    If you are looking for amla products to incorporate into your daily lives, you should choose a reputable brand like Zanducare. The essence of Zanducare amla products is pure and natural. Whether it’s the amla juice or tablets, you will receive transformative benefits from every product. 

                    Did you know?


                    Amla can be regarded as a revitalising superfood with numerous health advantages. It contains polyphenols, vitamin A, vitamin C, and other healthy elements. Apart from increasing your immunity, amla can also help you age more slowly, reduce hair loss, and much more. So, you should incorporate amla into your diet in multiple ways. 

                    Amla FAQs:

                    1. What is the amla scientific name?

                    The amla scientific name is Phyllanthus emblica. 

                    2. What is amla in English called?

                    Amla in English is called Indian Gooseberry. 

                    3. Are there any precautions you should follow while taking amla?

                    While it’s usually safe, some people might be allergic to amla. If you are allergic to amla, there can be a risk of excessive bleeding. Diabetics should also be careful about their daily intake of amla. Moreover, amla should be avoided during and after surgery. 

                    4. Is amla good for the skin?

                    Since amla is rich in antioxidants, it can be highly beneficial for your skin. Amla can also provide relief from issues like acne breakouts. 

                    5. Can amla aid weight loss?

                    Amla can speed up your metabolism rate and help in flushing toxins from the body to promote weight loss. 

                    Ayurvedic plantsPlants


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