hair regrowth

Home remedies for hair care are very simple and easy to do. The remedies are branches of ayurvedic treatment, and thus they provide a permanent solution to all hair problems. The remedies make the hair strong and fix the underlying causes of the excessive hair fall.

Is Hair Loss Normal? Understanding the Causes and Remedies for Shedding Hair

Hair fall is a natural phenomenon that causes hair to shed from the scalp. It is a natural process and not something that makes one worry. The worries come in when the rate of hair fall exceeds the rate of hair growth. One of the most important factors of hair thinning is stress. Stress leads to nutrient deficiency in hair, which starts to fall. Resorting to yoga and meditation can remedy this problem. Prolonged stress can cause alopecia.

With hair fall control home remedies, one can control the factors that cause stress. These remedies keep the hair healthy by maintaining its nourishment and strengthening the roots. The treatment ensures minimum hair fall. It makes the hair strong and reduces its brittleness.

Did You Know

  1. Hair loss can happen due to the genetic constitution that runs in your family.
  2. Environmental factors and situations in our lives, like jobs, can cause high stress levels.
  3. Nutritional deficiencies.
  4. One of the best natural remedies for hair growth is onion.
  5. Another great home remedy for hair fall is inculcating rosemary oil into your haircare routine. 

Factors causing hair fall

hair fall

Other than environmental factors like poor water quality and pollution, a few others cause hair fall. Let's look at them:

  • Genetics: Hair loss can happen due to the genetic constitution that runs in your family. You may inherit thin, brittle hair, easily prone to breakage and fall
  • Stress: Environmental factors and situations in our lives, like jobs, can cause high stress levels. This, in turn, can cause immense hair loss. Hair loss from stress is rapid as the free radicals in the body keep on multiplying, causing the cells to become weak.
  • Illness: Certain illnesses, like thyroid problems, can lead to hair loss.
  • Ageing: Losing hair is a natural process of ageing.

What causes hair fall?

Here are some of the causes of hair fall: -

  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • Unhealthy hair care habits
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Scalp infection
  • Hairstyling tug of war

Home remedies for hair growth

Before resorting to expensive hair treatments and hair regrowth products, one can see the benefits of home remedies. Sometimes the best home remedy for hair fall eliminates the problem and encourages hair growth. The remedies are easy to adapt to the daily routine and naturally cause the hair to grow back.

Natural oils and food are a great way to start caring for your hair. The hair needs proper "food" from the oils. The nourishment maintains the hair's health, ensures strength, and promotes growth. The correct products and remedies will always make the hair shiny and healthy.

  1. Onion makes your hair and scalp healthy
  2. Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth
  3. Green tea promotes good hair growth
  4. Massage your hair
  5. Bhringraj oil
  6. Amla
  7. Geranium oil
  8. Coconut oil

Onion makes your hair and scalp healthy


One of the best natural remedies for hair growth is onion. Onion is rich in zinc, which helps to avoid dandruff. It curbs sebum production in the scalp, thus keeping hair loss in check. One can cure patchy baldness with the help of onions.

One can rub the onions on their scalp. The juice of the onions can improve hair growth. One can use it with honey. Mixing the onion, honey, ginger, and some oils can make a great healing concoction for your hair.

The benefits of onions surpass the pungent smell that it carries. The onion juice not only helps to promote hair growth but also serves as a treatment for alopecia. People battling alopecia can apply the onion mixture to their scalp and hair. The onion juice offers a great patch treatment. It curbs the intensity and spreading of alopecia.

The nutrients in the onion juice promote blood circulation. Enhancing blood circulation is necessary to stimulate the scalp. It, in turn, promotes hair growth. Hair loss usually happens in circular patches, and if one does not get an adequate remedy, it can lead to total hair loss.

Onion oil works best when one mixes it with jojoba or almond oil in equal parts. You next need to apply this concoction to your scalp and leave it there for 15 minutes. Rinse it afterward by using herbal shampoo.

Maintaining this hair routine will ensure healthy hair growth and strong roots. The hair shines and regains its strength with the onion hair care routine. It is best to repeat this routine once or twice a week.

Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth

Another great home remedy for hair fall is inculcating rosemary oil into your haircare routine. Many studies have proved the beneficial effect of rosemary oil on hair. Rosemary oil supports healthy hair growth due to several reasons.

Rosemary is anti-inflammatory. It soothes the inflammation in the scalp. Therefore, it is effective in reducing hair loss. It soothes any hair-related stress causing the hair to fall in the first place. The anti-inflammatory properties boost hair growth.

It protects the hair from UV rays and free radical damage. Rosemary keeps the hair follicles in good condition. The wonder oil that is rosemary treats a dry and itchy scalp. It nourishes and moisturizes the scalp. The effect of the rosemary prevents the hair from turning gray prematurely. The rosemary plant has an acid- carsonic acid. The acid heals tissues and is also helpful for nerve damage. When you apply rosemary to your hair and scalp, you stimulate the nerves in the scalp. It, in turn, promotes hair growth and healthy hair.

Green tea promotes good hair health

Another easy hack for hair fall control is to use green tea. Yes, green tea. Green tea is not only for refreshing your mind and body after a stressful day. You can also use it to wash your hair. The benefit of green tea also helps in hair growth and boosts good hair health.

Green tea is considered a good herb for hair growth in people dealing with rapid hair loss. People with alopecia or excessive hair fall due to stress or environmental factors can use green tea as the most effective and inexpensive treatment.

Green tea is a good source of moisture and nourishment for the hair. People who suffer from androgenic alopecia can use green tea as a remedy. The antioxidant in green tea is a small spectrum of the wide range of benefits that it has to offer. It also has Vitamin C and increases blood flow. Therefore, the nourishment of the follicles promotes hair growth.

There is a reason for such a phenomenon- it is a hormone. The hormone DHT, is a testosterone derivative that weakens and shortens the hair follicle's life. The polyphenol in green tea decreases the DHT formation and, eventually, the chances of hair fall and loss.

Finally, green tea is a 100% remedy. There are no side effects. Anybody can use it. It is especially safe for people with underlying health issues. Drinking green tea accelerates the oxygen flow to the body and hair.

The increased oxygen flow also helps to nourish the scalp and enhance hair growth. You should drink green tea daily to accelerate the supply of essential nutrients. Your hair and scalp need these nutrients to maintain healthy hair condition and growth.

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Massage your hair

Massaging your hair is the best home remedy for hair fall. Along with applying the hair oil to your hair and scalp, you must massage the oil into your scalp. It is best to massage your scalp twice every day without any oils. If you use it, you can do it once a day or once in two days.

Massaging the scalp enhances blood circulation in the scalp. That leads to hair growth. Light to medium pressure for 5 minutes along your scalp will rejuvenate the nerves on the scalp. The scalp will receive stimulation for hair growth.

Massaging your scalp and hair while shampooing is best for your hair to generate hair growth and promote hair health. It promotes hair growth. It also reduces the chances of the hair becoming brittle and falling. Use circular motions to rub your scalp. Also, it is best to use gentle circular motions and not rub hard on your scalp while massaging.

Even when brushing your hair, try using a tooth comb to untangle your hair. Do not force the comb through your hair. You can use essential oils for your hair to promote growth and better hair health. Essential oils are some of the best natural remedies for hair fall. It promotes hair growth, controls sebum secretion, and eliminates dandruff. Use essential oils once a week.

Some of the well-known essential oils are- Tea Tree oil, Peppermint essential oil, Rose essential oil, Ylang-ylang oil, and borage essential oil. You can set the ambiance when applying essential oils to your scalp. Set the light and music in your room.

Mix the essential oil in a carrier oil- coconut or castor, whichever oil you use. Warm the mixture and then apply it on your fingers. Apply with your fingers. Gently rub the mixture into your scalp in circular motions. So, this is for 3-4 minutes. Then leave it on your scalp for an hour and a half and wash it off. You can use a natural shampoo to wash off the oil concoction from your hair.

Bhringraj oil

Bhringraj enlarges the hair follicle, which stimulates hair growth. As a result, eating the extracted juice and applying it to the scalp causes the hair to turn darker. It stops hair loss and encourages new hair growth. As such, it's found in a number of over-the-counter herbal medicines, such as hair growth-supporting oils.


Indian gooseberry, or amla, has been used for years to grow long, thick hair. Amla stimulates the formation of skin cells in the scalp by enhancing iron metabolism, which in turn stimulates the growth of hair. The process of iron metabolism is crucial in supplying hair with oxygen. Amla is so widely utilized in several herbal preparations, oils, and ointments.

Geranium oil

Geranium oil

Native to South Africa, geraniums, sometimes known as rose geraniums, are fragrant plants. Concentrated essential oil called geranium oil is taken from the plant's leaves. This oil can be used to promote blood circulation and hair development.

Apply a mixture of a few drops of carrier oil and a few drops of volatile geranium oil on your hair. The oil can also be mixed with the shampoo.

Because geranium oil may hydrate, repair, and strengthen hair, it can take the role of conditioner.

Coconut oil

Dodecanoic acid, a type of fatty acid found in coconut oil, has the ability to permeate the hair shaft and lessen protein loss, thereby minimizing hair loss.

Depending on the type of hair you have, coconut oil is another useful item to use either before or after washing your hair. You should apply an overnight treatment to oily hair before washing it.

Apply coconut oil to your entire hair, including your scalp. You may also use it as a leave-in treatment if your hair is dry. More investigation is needed to understand how coconut oil promotes hair development though fully.

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Amongst the countless remedies, you can try anyone. Select the remedy that fits the needs of your hair and its type. Hair remedies will restore your scalp and hair health. It will also promote hair growth and give you the luscious locks you always wanted.


1. Is there a home remedy to regrow hair?

Among the most promising outcomes for natural hair growth solutions are topical caffeine and melatonin. Other forms of treatment, such as oil massage and scalp massage, are low-risk and safe. Though they might not yield obvious results, they might still be worth a try.

2. Can onion juice regrow hair?

Onion juice can offer more sulfur to the hair and scalp, supporting thick, strong hair and reducing hair loss while encouraging hair development. Onions' sulfur may also aid in encouraging the formation of collagen. In turn, collagen promotes the formation of healthy skin cells and hair.

3. Can coffee grow hair?

Caffeine from coffee can stop hair loss and encourage hair growth. It causes the hair roots to grow longer and wider by stimulating the hair shafts. Caffeine stimulates the blood flow to the hair follicles. Coffee use can also strengthen hair and accelerate hair growth.

4. How to stop hair fall while oiling?

Put some oil directly on the tips of your roots using a little piece of cotton. First, make a partition and then run the oil down it. Create additional partitions in parallel to the first one to repeat the process. That will significantly lessen the amount of hair loss.

5. How much hair loss is normal?

A lot of people worry about hair loss, but it's critical to know how much hair loss is considered normal. It is typical to lose 50–100 hair strands on a daily average. This normal hair growth cycle loss is followed by the growth of new hair.


  1. Hair loss can happen due to the genetic constitution that runs in your family. (
  2. Environmental factors and situations in our lives, like jobs, can cause high stress levels. (
  3. Nutritional deficiencies. (
  4. One of the best natural remedies for hair growth is onion. (
  5. Another great home remedy for hair fall is inculcating rosemary oil into your haircare routine. (
Hair growth


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