Best Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Every year, people celebrate National Apple Cider Vinegar Day on September 23. Too odd to believe – isn't it?

Who had ever wondered – vinegar made of fermented apple juice would have a national day for celebration? Well, apple cider vinegar benefits for men and therapeutic importance, Apple Cider Vinegar has acquired immense prominence in the world of Ayurveda.

Back in the bygone days, people used it for home remedies. Cut to the current era, and the medical & Ayurvedic industry has embraced it wholeheartedly.

Are you excited to discover the various benefits of apple cider vinegar for stomach, etc and uses?

Delve into this comprehensive narration to explore the benefits of apple cider vinegar and the Ayurvedic products available on the market. But before that, here's a brief history.

A Flashback on the Use of Apple Cider Vinegar: Historical Evidence

Apple Cider Vinegar

If we talk about the humble root of apple cider vinegar, it dates back to 5000 B.C. Babylonians produced vinegar from indigenous date palms. Their method to preserve it became an in-thing. The 20th century witnessed settlers using it as a common spice, pickling agent, vegetable preservative, and medicine.

Apple cider vinegar is formed from freshly crushed cider containing stems, skins, and fruit seeds. Bacteria and yeast are present in adequate quantities to yield a low concentration of acetic acid.

Did You Know

  1. Apple cider vinegar is formed from freshly crushed cider containing stems, skins, and fruit seeds.
  2. ACV is a prominent condiment, hailed as the home "panacea" or "cure-all" for health issues.
  3. One interesting thing about vinegar is that it can easily kill pathogens, even bacteria.
  4. Although it's quite surprising, note that it can lower blood sugar levels, thereby managing type-2 diabetes.
  5. According to certain research, the acetic acid in ACV has the ability to both kill and halt the growth of cancer cells.

Nutritional value of Apple Cider Vinegar




Found in apple cider vinegar


Vitamins B and C

Minerals (Trace Amounts)

Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium

Primary Active Ingredients

Acetic acid, Polyphenolic chemicals

Organic Acid Compounds

Succinic acid, Ascorbic acid, Formic acid, Citric acid, Oxalic acid

List of Apple Cider Vinegar benefits

Image of a Apple Cider Vinegar bottle

ACV is a prominent condiment, hailed as the home "panacea" or "cure-all" for health issues.
In short, it has a multitude of health benefits. The prime health benefits of apple cider vinegar benefits for women are reducing blood sugar levels and cholesterol, aiding weight loss, and more. Enlisted below are the top health benefits:

  1. Kills bad bacteria
  2. An excellent way to manage diabetes
  3. Loaded with substances that benefit your health
  4. A multitude of perks for skin and hair
  5. Helpful in cancer
  6. High blood pressure
  7. Obesity
  8. Apple cider vinegar for inflammation
  9. Helpful in liver
  10. Remedy for acid reflux and heartburn
  11. Boosts weight loss
  12. Helpful in boosting immunity
  13. Helps in the development of the brain

Kills bad bacteria

One interesting thing about vinegar is that it can easily kill pathogens, even bacteria. People traditionally use it for disinfecting and cleaning. Besides, in the skincare industry, its importance for treating nail fungus holds paramount importance. Besides, it can treat warts, le, and other ear infections.

Considering its benefits for foods, homeowners can use it to preserve leftovers. So, the next time you think about how to preserve the leftover chicken, you have the answer!

An excellent way to manage diabetes

Up until now, one of the most rewarding benefits of apple cider has been for diabetic patients. Although it's quite surprising, note that it can lower blood sugar levels, thereby managing type-2 diabetes. But be careful; without your doctor's approval, adding this product to your daily diet may have underlying consequences. Always talk to your doctor before adding it to your food.

Loaded with substances that benefit your health

The combination of crushed apples alongside years ferments the sugars & converts them into alcohol. Adding bacteria ferments the alcohol and converts it into acetic acid, which is the prime active compound in vinegar.

Now, acetic acid offers vinegar a strong sour flavour and taste. Unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar contains strands of proteins, friendly bacteria, and enzymes. These elements are extremely beneficial to your health. Also, due to these elements, the product receives a murky appearance.

One quick note: Apple cider doesn't have too many minerals and vitamins. Quality products contain amino acids, antioxidants, and potassium.

A multitude of perks for skin and hair

Without any doubt, the skincare universe has already embraced the benefits of apple cider vinegar on face. As a skincare expert or enthusiast, you might have read various articles and blogs on apple cider benefits for skin care and apple cider vinegar benefits for hair  – did you not?

Apple cider vinegar for the skin can be a great ingredient to add to your face-washing regimen. Use it as your daily face wash and see the difference yourself!

Now, how do you use it? Simply by adding one-fourth cup of warm water and one tablespoon of ACV. Interestingly, you can also use it as a toner and spot treatment as well.

Applying ACV face wash and toner can alleviate wrinkles, skin tags, sunburn, and acne. It's the best way to exfoliate your skin. You already know the perks of exfoliation for removing old and dead skin cells – don't you?

Helpful in cancer

There are times when apple cider vinegar (ACV) is recommended as a natural cancer treatment and preventative method. According to certain research, the acetic acid in ACV has the ability to both kill and halt the growth of cancer cells.  Antioxidants including polyphenols, which can shield cells from harm, are also included in ACV. 

However, rather than coming from human trials, the majority of the data comes from animal or laboratory research. ACV is not a proven cancer cure despite the fact that it may have certain health advantages. Before utilizing ACV as a component of a cancer treatment strategy, always get medical advice.

High blood pressure

An imbalance in Pachak Agni (digestive fire) may be the cause of high cholesterol, as this might result in an excess of Ama (toxic residues in the body from poor digestion). The body subsequently accumulates "bad" cholesterol as a result of the pathways being blocked. Apple cider vinegar increases Pachak Agni (digestive fire) and eventually Ama, which helps to manage high cholesterol levels.


The benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV) for weight loss and obesity are frequently debated. According to certain research, by boosting feelings of fullness and lowering calorie intake, ACV may aid in the reduction of body fat. ACV's acetic acid may also speed up metabolism and increase the body's ability to burn fat. Further investigation is necessary because the evidence is not very solid. ACV might be beneficial, but it shouldn't take the place of a balanced diet and regular exercise. It works best when included in a whole, healthy lifestyle as opposed to being a magic weight-loss cure.

Apple cider vinegar for inflammation

Animal studies have shown that the dietary flavonoids extracted from apple cider vinegar may help lower the inflammation-related indicators in the intestinal tissue of mice. In the rat model, apple polyphenolic chemicals have been shown to decrease the production and activity of the cyclo-oxygenase-2 enzyme, which may help lower the inflammatory response of the kidney. To support these claims about apple cider vinegar's benefits, more study is necessary.

Helpful in liver

Apple cider vinegar's (ACV) detoxifying qualities can help liver health. The acetic acid in ACV aids in enhancing metabolism and lowering hepatic fat storage. In addition, ACV has vitamins and antioxidants, including polyphenols, that fight oxidative stress and shield liver cells. 

It also encourages a healthy digestive system, which might lessen the strain on the liver. However, as excessive use can have negative consequences, it's crucial to use ACV moderately and speak with a healthcare professional. All things considered, adding modest doses of ACV to a healthy diet may help liver function.

Remedy for acid reflux and heartburn

Although many people think apple cider vinegar (ACV) will relieve heartburn and acid reflux, there is no scientific proof to back up this belief. Before using ACV to relieve discomfort, it is best to speak with a doctor. Under a doctor's supervision, small quantities of ACV diluted in water can be attempted.

Boosts weight loss

Apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss, which is one of its advantages. Experts in fitness and medicine have become aware of the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar for weight loss This is due to the fact that it aids in losing all those extra pounds. Numerous studies have been done to support the health advantages of apple cider vinegar. 

It seems that a person can lose up to 4 pounds in 12 weeks if they consume just 2 tablespoons. And this is in the absence of any other lifestyle adjustments. Please be aware, though, that this is not a quick solution for weight loss. A healthy diet and lifestyle must be maintained.

Helpful in boosting immunity

Because apple cider vinegar is so full of nutrients, it's said to strengthen immunity. It includes acetic acid, which has antibacterial qualities that can aid in warding off dangerous infections, and vitamins B and C, which boost the immune system. Apple cider vinegar's polyphenols function as antioxidants, shielding cells from harm. 

Furthermore, the organic acids it contains, such as ascorbic and citric acids, support gastrointestinal health, which is essential for immune system function overall. When taken in moderation, apple cider vinegar may help fortify your body's natural resistance to disease.

Helps in the development of the brain

Because of its high antioxidant and acetic acid content, apple cider vinegar (ACV) may benefit brain function. Blood sugar control is necessary for consistent energy and proper brain function; acetic acid can aid in this process. Polyphenols, one type of antioxidant found in ACV, can shield brain tissue from harm brought on by free radicals. 

ACV also contains trace levels of essential minerals, such as magnesium and potassium, which are critical for brain function. Although ACV can contribute to a healthy diet, it should not be the only strategy used to enhance brain function; it should be used in moderation.

What dosage of apple cider vinegar should be taken?

The following variables determine how much apple cider vinegar to take:

  • Age of the user
  • Health of the user
  • Additional circumstances

ACV should be diluted before consumption. It is often advised to take 15 ml to 30 ml (1-2 teaspoons) of ACV diluted in 240 mL of water, preferably before meals. Furthermore, as ACV can harm the skin, it should not be applied directly to the skin.

To be sure of the risks and side effects of using ACV medicinally, speak with your doctor, pharmacist, or other healthcare provider before using it.

To reduce hazards, carefully follow the instructions listed on the label as well.

Ways to add ACV to weight loss routine

If there's anything that boosts your weight loss goals, it's none other than foods that increase the feeling of fullness. Talking about fullness, there's no better alternative than ACV. Yes, you read that right.

Adding ACV to your regular diet will contribute to consuming fewer calories, thereby losing weight evidently. Here's how to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss:

  • Stir two tbs. of ACV in water every day and drink it (experience around 1.7 kg of weight loss.
  • Garnish your green salad with it and enjoy your lip-smacking bite
  • Enjoy your apple pancake topped with apple cider vinegar

If you are planning to lose weight, there are more options you can try out. Just visit the Internet and learn more.

An ayurvedic viewpoint of Apple Cider Vinegar

From an Ayurvedic standpoint, apple cider vinegar is a common ingredient of ancient India. If you have an idea about classical Ayurvedic texts, it states that there's nothing in this world that doesn't have therapeutic utilities in appropriate situations or conditions.

In Ayurveda, several substances have several effects on the individual's digestive fire, based on constitutions. Warming substances such as pepper, cinnamon and ginger stimulate agni (stomach acid production). ACV only strengthens the digestive fire, comforts gastrointestinal issues, and relieves burning sensations. In addition, it can also instigate skin irritations.

As per Ayurveda, it also increases the overall production of digestive juices and reduces indigestion. The acetic acid and alcohol combination acts as the antimicrobial. So, it's not suggested in the pitta imbalance. The fact is a high concentration of it may cause skin burns & ulcers in our stomach. Due to the burning impacts on Kapha, One of the popular apple cider vinegar uses is for weight loss.


Embracing healthiness is the first step to acquiring mental and physical happiness. While you have learned so many health benefits of apple cider vinegar, you cannot neglect your body's wisdom. After all, it's always what your body prefers.

Remember, thinking of including too much ACV in your diet is the biggest misconception any beginner will have. When it comes to apple cider, always remember this thumb rule – lesser is better. Seek advice from a dietician to get insight into adding an adequate amount of ACV into your diet.

At Zandu, health experts believe in prasticing ancient Ayurveda and implementing medically-advanced methodologies for best formulations. Get the most of 100% ACV from Zandu – your one-stop destination for wellness and Ayurvedic needs.


1. How do you drink apple cider vinegar for weight loss?

One to two tablespoons (15–30 mL) of apple cider vinegar combined with water should be consumed daily in order to lose weight. This should ideally be taken in two to three doses spread out throughout the day, preferably before meals.

2. Does apple cider vinegar burn belly fat?

Researchers found that after 12 weeks, those who took 1 or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar experienced a slight drop in blood fat levels, abdominal fat, and weight in one trial involving 175 human volunteers. This study has limitations, despite the fact that it sounds promising.

3. Can I drink apple cider at night?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is best consumed prior to meals as it can aid with blood sugar regulation and digestion. It can also be taken at night for possible advantages like blood sugar stabilization or weight control or in the morning for an energy boost.

4. Is apple cider vinegar good for the skin?

A popular ingredient in skin care products is apple cider vinegar. For dry and acne-prone skin, it offers several advantages. For instance, it balances pH, removes blackheads, unclogs pores, and lessens hyperpigmentation. Conversely, if applied topically, it can potentially result in some allergic reactions on the skin.

5. Is apple cider good on an empty stomach?

When consumed on an empty stomach, apple cider vinegar maximizes health benefits and improves digestion.

6. What is the correct way to drink apple cider

After eating, consuming ACV may delay digestion. So, to get the most out of it in terms of health advantages, it's recommended to take it on an empty stomach or before a meal. ACV can damage your lungs if you breathe it in. You should also avoid sniffing it because it might burn your lungs.

7. Can we drink apple cider vinegar with hot water?

Yes, it can also be diluted and drank with hot or cold water, according to your preference.

8. How much apple cider per day?

The recommended daily dosages are 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 mL) to 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 mL) combined with a big glass of water. Starting gradually and avoiding excessive doses is recommended.

9. Can apple cider vinegar clean out your liver?

Apple cider vinegar functions by assisting the liver in eliminating toxins that may obstruct the body's regular processes.

10. Is apple cider vinegar good for your hair?

A great at-home remedy to encourage hair growth and reduce hair loss is apple cider vinegar. It increases blood circulation in the scalp, stimulating the hair follicles. Hence, continuous use promotes hair development and reduces excessive hair loss.



  1. Apple cider vinegar is formed from freshly crushed cider containing stems, skins, and fruit seeds. (
  2. ACV is a prominent condiment, hailed as the home "panacea" or "cure-all" for health issues. (
  3. One interesting thing about vinegar is that it can easily kill pathogens, even bacteria. (
  4. Although it's quite surprising, note that it can lower blood sugar levels, thereby managing type-2 diabetes. (
  5. According to certain research, the acetic acid in ACV has the ability to both kill and halt the growth of cancer cells. (


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