hair care

Hair loss is one of the most common problems. The problem is seen usually in women. Stress, unhealthy eating, and pollution are some of the main causes of thinning hair. While there are several medications you can take to elevate hair growth, they may not always be useful. Sometimes, they may incur side effects that can damage hair permanently.

Inculcating certain home remedies for hair loss in your hair care routine can change your look altogether. In fact, it can make you feel more confident, elevate hair growth and encourage better hair nourishment too. You may also experience strong, silky, smooth hair. Here’s a guide to help you with it.

Did You Know

  1. Hair loss is one of the most common problems.
  2. Stress, unhealthy eating, and pollution are some of the main causes of thinning hair.
  3. Ageing may cause a change in hair thickness.
  4.  It also contains Vitamin C, making it one of the most effective remedies.

What are the causes of hair thinning?

The causes are listed below: -

Due to ageing

Ageing may cause a change in hair thickness. Protein strands make up hair. A hair follicle can live for two to seven years on average until the hair comes out and is replaced by new growth. Hair strands get thinner and lose pigment as they age. As people age, their once-thick hair turns thin, fine, and light in colour. Many follicles in the hair stop growing new hair.

Female pattern hair loss

It is among the most typical reasons why ladies experience hair loss. FPHL impacts every woman and starts in her 40s, 50s, or 60s.

Androgenic alopecia

One of the most frequent causes of hair loss in males and hair thinning in women is androgenic alopecia. An M-shaped pattern of hair thinning is caused by androgenic alopecia. The temple (side of the head) and crown (top area) of the head are where hair loss occurs.

List of home remedies for thinning hair

  1. Coconut oil
  2. Onion juice
  3. Aloe vera
  4. Amla
  5. Fish oil
  6. Ginseng
  7. Rosemary oil
  8. Geranium Oil
  9. Pumpkin seed oil
  10. Green tea

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is an age-old and the best home solution for thinning hair issues. This oil can work wonders for anyone who wishes to achieve longer, more robust and thicker hair fast. When you massage the oil properly, it can work through your hair shaft and combat hair loss. This helps reduce hair thinning on time. But you need to be consistent with it so the results can come to you soon. The oil can also help nourish, replenish, and moisturize your hair, leaving it silky and shiny for a long time. 

Coconut oil is packed with the goodness of essential vitamins and fatty acids. Together, they can help eliminate sebum build-up that may affect your hair follicles and cause thinning hair. It also contains iron, potassium, minerals, and Lactic acid, which help reduce dandruff. They may also assist with the reduction of hair breakage and promote stronger hair growth.

Take two tablespoons of Coconut oil in a bowl. Warm it for best results. Now, pour some oil on your fingertips and massage it on your scalp gently. Use circular motions to promote better hair relaxation. Do this for around 15 minutes before you leave it on for 30 minutes. Experts also recommend sleeping with the oil on your hair for good results. You can wash it off when you wake up in the morning. However, avoid keeping it on for too long. Use a mild shampoo to rinse off the oil. Practice this 2 to 3 times each week. You can check out the steps on using coconut oil for hair.

Onion Juice

Onion Juice is an inevitable part of the list when speaking of natural hair remedies. Although it may deliver a pungent smell when applied to your hair, using effective essential oils and juice can help eliminate it. Whether you experience hair loss or hair quality issues, the goodness of Onion juice can fix all. The juice is packed with the richness of hair growth-encouraging properties. That is why it works as an excellent remedy for thinning hair.

Also read:

Take a large Onion and slice it into pieces after peeling it properly. Using a food processor, prepare a puree of it and extract the juice using a cheesecloth. Once done, gently apply the juice to your hair using your fingertips. You can also use a soft application brush for your hair. Massage it on your hair for around 5 minutes, and leave it on for 10 minutes more. Wash your hair with water at room temperature and comb it nicely to achieve the desired results. Do this 2 to 3 times a week for the best results.

In addition to this you must also try our 100% natural Onion hair oil.

Aloe Vera 

Among all home remedies, aloe vera is very effective. The gel contains diverse types of Vitamins, mainly Vitamins E, C, and A. Together, they encourage healthy hair growth that is stronger, thicker, and shinier. Aloe vera also has the potential to increase hair volume, allowing you to flaunt your hair wherever you go. Experts also recommend consuming the juice of aloe vera every day for the desired results. 

Take two teaspoons of aloe vera gel. Mix it until smooth. Gently massage it on your scalp using your fingertips. Do this for around 5 minutes until you leave it on for 25 minutes more. Use warm water to rinse it off and achieve shiny hair. You can practice this twice weekly as it is the best home remedy in Ayurveda.



Amla can work like magic if you want to improve your hair growth or stimulate its quality. Its antioxidants can reach your hair follicles and promote good hair growth. It also contains Vitamin C, making it one of the most effective remedies.

Mix one tablespoon of Amla powder with one tablespoon of Lime juice. Gently massage it from the roots to the tips of your hair. Once done, let it dry. Wash it off with cold water and attain the results you have been eager to experience.

Fisl oil

Because fish oils are rich in proteins and nutrients, consuming omega fatty acids from them can help us achieve better hair from the inside out. For hair density, taking an omega supplement rich in antioxidants is excellent. Moreover, it can lessen hair loss.

Omega fatty acids support healthy cell activity and may strengthen immunity, which improves general health.


Certain studies have shown that ginseng may stop hair loss and encourage hair growth by reducing cell death. Ginseng postpones the catagen phase, the end of active growth, and promotes the anagen (hair growth) phase.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary is an everyday essential oil that may help with hair loss and growth. Rosemary oil has the potential to cure androgenetic alopecia by promoting hair growth.

Before you rinse, massage some rosemary oil into your scalp by mixing it with a carrier oil. We can also regularly infuse your shampoo and conditioner with rosemary oil. Avoid applying essential oils straight to the skin. Combining them with shampoo or carrier oil works best.

Geranium Oil

Studies examined the effects of geranium oil extract on mice and human cells. They discovered that it enhanced hair growth in vivo by controlling cellular response and growth.

Pumpkin seed oil

The potential benefits of using pumpkin seed oil to treat hair loss are encouraging. In one study, minoxidil and pumpkin seed oil were contrasted. Female participants experiencing hair loss reported a significant increase in the quantity of upright regrowing hairs between pre-and post-treatment.

Green tea

Green tea


Green tea is suitable for many things, including healthy hair. In one study, researchers discovered that hair density and diameter considerably increased after 24 weeks when mixed with sophora fruit and persimmon leaf extracts compared to the placebo group (those given a purposely ineffectual therapy to act as a control group).

Various other methods to regrow thinning hair

Go for a regular massage

In one study, participants who used scalp massage four minutes daily for 24 weeks had thicker hair. According to researchers, stretching the epidermis during a scalp massage alters gene expression and stresses cells mechanically, which thickens hair.

Manage your stress

We frequently underestimate the degree to which stress can trigger abilities of hair loss. Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and practising meditation can all significantly impact hair health.

Hair growth vitaliser by Zandu Care

Hair Growth Vitaliser by Zandu Care is an efficient method to prevent hair fall problems. This capsule pack can help foster quality hair growth and eliminate infection from the scalp without any delay. The product is 100% vegetarian and contains only natural ingredients. It also does not contain any gelatin, which may hamper hair quality. Hair Growth Vitaliser also provides quality assurance since it is scientifically tested and safe for consumption.

Amidst all hair remedies, you can also consume this Vitaliser for hair growth. Natural ingredients in this product are mainly Ashwagandha, Brahmi, and Manjishtha to foster the results you are looking for. It also contains Amalaki, Bhringaraja, Godanti Bhasma, and Abhrak Bhasma for hair fall reduction. Together, these ingredients improve the maintenance of your healthy hair and revitalise its beauty.

Benefits of hair growth vitaliser

Better hair growth 

Bhringraja is a colossal supporter of healthy hair growth. You can expect great results since it is a core ingredient in Zandu Hair Growth Vitalizer. This product is one of the most efficient natural solutions for thin hair today, with minimal side effects. By consuming this capsule, you can say goodbye to your weak hair problems, hair loss, and poor hair health instantly. But make sure you only consume it after seeking its recommendation from a potential health care expert. This will help remain on the safe end. 

Prevents scalp infections 

Did you know that scalp infections can dramatically affect your hair quality? It can severely damage the hair and make your scalp dry. Since natural ingredients in this Hair Growth Vitalizer by Zandu Care are packed with the best nutrients, it can help effectively. Nutrients like Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties can work well to promote a reduction in scalp infections. 

Prevents premature greying 

Hair greying is common. But premature greying can be a concern. Eliminate it using this product instantly. The presence of Amla, Bhringraja, and Brahmi together helps reduce the appearance of premature greying. This makes you look younger and more confident on time.

Leverage these thin hair remedies today! 

At first glance, the home remedies mentioned above for thinning hair may seem very common. But wait until you use our instructions to make the magic happen. Follow the steps precisely as we have laid them down to experience healthy and shiny hair like never before. You are sure to keep flaunting your hair with confidence using these remedies. But if you want to speed up your hair growth process, we highly recommend using Hair Growth Vitaliser by Zandu Care. It works!


1. Can thinning hair be reversed naturally?

It may grow back depending on what initially caused the hair to thin. Regrowth is possible for those whose hair is thinning for nongenetic reasons, such as stress, pregnancy, dietary deficiencies, and other conditions. It is advisable to speak with your doctor if you're starting to lose or thin your hair.

2. Which food can stop hair fall?

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, like spinach, eggs, nuts, salmon, and sweet potatoes, can help stop hair fall by providing essential nutrients that strengthen hair and promote growth.

3. Does aloe vera thicken hair?

Although studies on aloe vera's effects on hair growth are still in their infancy, it is thought to help promote hair growth while shielding it from harm. Apply aloe vera all over your scalp and hair. Let it sit for 30 to 45 minutes, then rinse with a mild shampoo. Repeat this technique twice a week.

4. Can onion juice regrow hair?

Onion juice can offer more sulfur to the hair and scalp, supporting thick, strong hair and reducing hair loss while encouraging hair development. Onions' sulfur may also aid in encouraging the formation of collagen, which in turn promotes the formation of healthy skin cells and hair.

5. Is curd good for hair?

Because curd is high in healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins that profoundly nourish and hydrate hair, it is fantastic for hair. It makes hair more manageable, silky, and soft by restoring moisture that has been lost, especially in dry and brittle hair. Curd can be applied regularly to revitalise your hair strands.


  1. Hair loss is one of the most common problems. (
  2. Stress, unhealthy eating, and pollution are some of the main causes of thinning hair. (
  3. Ageing may cause a change in hair thickness. (
  4. It also contains Vitamin C, making it one of the most effective remedies. (
Hair growth


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