coconut oil

Do you have a dry and itchy scalp?

Is your hair damaged to the extent that you must treat it right away?

While you may visit professional salons or hair clinics for professional treatment, it can always be costly. Moreover, treating hair and scalp issues using chemical treatments may not work for everybody and can even damage them more. So, coconut oil is your best bet if you are now seeking a natural way to treat damaged hair or dry scalp.

Since time unknown, coconut oil has been a proven method of treating various skin and hair issues effectively. It can improve the condition and health of your hair, and you can reap its benefits by applying it to your hair before and after washing it. You can also read exclusive benefit of using herbal oil and see the difference.

What Are the Main Ingredients in Coconut Oil?

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, as you already know, is extracted from coconuts. It contains a lot of beneficial ingredients. It has a mild, sweet taste with various natural properties that can benefit your skin and hair in many ways. Most medical professionals recommend using coconut oil for hair or skin for its anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory, and moisturising effects.

The two main ingredients present in coconut oil are as follows:

  • Fat content: Coconut oil does not have a high content of minerals and vitamins. This oil has a rich concentration of fat. Approximately 80-90% of this fat is saturated, which may not be good for your health, but it gives the oil firmness that helps moisturise your hair.
  • Fatty acids: 47% of the fatty acids present in coconut oil are lauric acids. Lauric acid might raise levels of harmful cholesterol in your blood when consumed, but it has antibacterial effects when applied to the scalp or hair.

Top Benefits of Coconut Oil for Your Hair

Lauric acid, present abundantly in coconut oil, is a saturated fat that protects your hair against protein loss. Your hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Using too many hair styling products, heat, dyes, shampoo, bleach, etc., can damage your hair and rip off the keratin leaving behind dry, dull, and damaged hair.

Here are some ways by which you can benefit by using coconut oil on your hair:

It Has Amazing Moisturising Effect

So, why do you think professionals recommend the usage of coconut oil for hair loss on your hair? For starters, coconut oil is great for conditioning your hair strands deeply. It is among the best ways to add moisture to your hair and keep it hydrated. This is because coconut oil works as a barrier, helping your hair cuticle to hold onto moisture by preventing the previous hydrating treatments from escaping your hair shaft. The end result that you get is protected hair that is smoother and less frizzy.

Coconut Oil Can Help with Hair Growth

hair growth

By deeply infusing into the hair shaft and stopping protein loss, coconut oil has shown proven benefit in slowing down hair thinning or hair fall which in turn reduces breakage, for people with fine, weak, or thinning hair. It simultaneously hydrates and eliminates build-up from the area around your hair follicles when applied to your scalp to promote hair growth.

It Can Be Used to Treat Dandruff

Coconut oil may help to treat dandruff because of its hydrating and moisturizing properties. The fatty acids in coconut oil, which lessens flakes and scalp itchiness, can be the best natural treatment for your dry scalp. But it's not a short-term solution. To ensure that your scalp is thoroughly moisturized 24*7, coconut oil aids in maintaining a healthy scalp microbiome.

It Makes Your Hair Look Amazing

Also, using coconut oil on the ends of your hair can help prevent split ends, give shine and lustre, and even make your hair easier to handle while styling. It's loaded with minerals and antimicrobial qualities. It is a fantastic and healthier alternative to hair gel. You may also use it to achieve the latest hair fashion trend of the slicked-back bun. Even a small amount of coconut oil added to your hair care regimen may provide some amazing outcomes.

It Can Help Repair Split Ends

Repair Split Ends

Split ends refer to your hair's propensity to separate and split at the ends when it becomes brittle and dry. The use of coconut oil for hair can aid in both the healing and prevention of split ends.

It Offers UV-Ray Protection

In addition to moisturising, repairing, and strengthening hair, coconut oil also protects against UV radiation exposure thanks to its natural SPF value of 8. As a result, coconut oil is an effective low-SPF natural UV barrier for hair.

It Strengthens the Cuticle

Since it hydrates, softens, and strengthens dry, brittle strands of your hair, using coconut oil can be a fantastic remedy for the overall health of the hair. Also, it strengthens the hair's cuticle, which ensures to protect it from environmental pollutants and keep it feeling and looking healthier. Because a well-saturated cuticle is more resistant to all external influences, this lessens environmental and heat damage until you wash it off.

Which Hair Type Is Best for Coconut Oil?

Anyone with dehydrated and dry hair and scalp will benefit hugely from using coconut oil on their hair. However, remember that coconut oil, being oily as it should be, may not be suitable for those with naturally oily or thin hair. Using coconut oil on oily hair and scalp can weigh the hair down or make it even more oily, giving rise to other hair or scalp issues. Experts recommend that people with curly, extremely dry, or natural hair benefit most from using coconut oil.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Hair?

You may purchase a hair care product containing coconut oil or even use pure coconut oils too. It mostly depends on your personal preferences. When buying a high-quality coconut oil product for your hair, check the presence of the term 'virgin' on its label. Virgin oil is likely to contain a high concentration of lauric acids that are medium-chain triglycerides, contain essential nutrients, and won't undergo oxidation. On the contrary, processed coconut oil products will not include all these and are less effective.

Are you wondering how to use coconut oil for hair? Coconut oil may be used in various ways depending on your hair type. Use coconut oil twice to thrice a week, massaging a thin layer into your scalp and hair, and let it sit for twenty minutes before rinsing it out if you have dry hair and scalp. On the contrary, if the scalp is oily, stay away from it and use coconut oil on the lengths of your hair when it needs hydration. One to two tablespoons of coconut oil should be applied to your hair. Make sure to massage it thoroughly from the hair strands to its ends.

Also, do check our 100% natural onion oil, specially formulated to reduce hair fall.

Tips for Using Coconut Oil in Hair Care

Coconut Oil

All hair types may benefit from coconut oil. It works particularly well on hair that is dry, damaged, or coloured. Frequent usage of coconut oil may cause hair stiffness for people with coarse hair types. To get the maximum benefit from using coconut oil for hair care, you may follow these tips:

Warm the oil first: Using coconut oil when it's warm while applying it to your hair is easier. Take a teaspoon of coconut oil into a small bowl and keep it inside a big bowl partially filled with hot water. Allow the oil to get warm, take some of it onto your palm, and rub it together before applying it to your hair.

Make a blend: For additional aromatherapy benefits, mix a few drops of essential oils, such as peppermint or lavender, with your coconut oil. Coconut oil may be used with natural hair-nourishing products like honey, yoghurt, or avocado.

Use it at night: If you apply coconut oil to your hair in the morning, it could look and feel greasy since it takes time to absorb the oil. Use it at night instead, and then shampoo it in the morning.

Apply lightly: Coconut oil, although light, can weigh down your hair if you use too much of it. Start with a small quantity of oil, no more than a teaspoon, and gently work it into your hair from the middle to the ends to prevent accumulation. You might be able to use a little bit more than that if you have thick hair.

Don't clog your scalp: Some people may find that applying virgin coconut oil hair mask on the scalp can reduce dryness. Some, however, have problems, including clogged pores and itchiness. Start with a small amount of coconut oil if you've never applied it to your scalp to see how your skin responds.

Shampoo twice: When it's time to wash the coconut oil out of your hair, remember that you may need to shampoo twice or twice to get rid of the slickness.

Ways to incorporate coconut oil

One of the most adaptable hair care oils available is coconut oil, which may be used as a mask, conditioner, style tool, or pre-shampoo treatment.

Here are five easy ways to use coconut oil to breathe new life into your haircare regimen.


Try using coconut oil to strengthen the hair shaft and stop breakage. Coconut oil can be used in place of conventional conditioners. Add a few drops of the oil to your regular conditioner to increase the smoothing effect.

Prewash protector

When applied before shampooing, coconut oil helps prevent damage and dryness by preventing hair from absorbing excessive water. Try putting coconut oil on the middle and ends of your hair 15 to 30 minutes before washing it.

Hair mask

Use a teaspoon or two of the oil to massage through your hair for an incredibly nourishing hair treatment. If your hair is particularly dry or damaged, leave it on overnight and wash it out in a few hours.

Sun protection

Apart from its several use in hair care, coconut oil could also aid in shielding your hair from UV light-induced sun damage (although further research is required).


Coconut oil can hydrate and restore brittle hair. It has also been effective in treating dandruff. It is a conditioner, hair mask, prewash treatment, and styling product.

Start with a small quantity to know how your hair reacts. Use the oil around two to three times per week if you're happy with the outcomes and don't experience any further issues.

Use only a teaspoon and concentrate on your hair's middle to the ends, keeping in mind that a little goes a long way.

For optimal results, always choose a good quality organic coconut oil for hair.


1. What are the benefits of coconut oil for hair?

Coconut oil is great for hair in many ways. It's applied to treat dandruff, restore the shine to damaged and dry hair, control frizz, and shield hair from harm styling. It is safe to use for most hair types. Lauric acid, in particular, is one of the several fatty acids found in coconut oil that can strengthen hair.

2. What happens if I put coconut oil in my hair everyday?

Applying coconut oil to your skin and hair is typically regarded as harmless. On the other hand, overuse may result in an accumulation of oil on your scalp and hair. Your hair may get oily and lifeless as a result, particularly if you have really fine hair.

3. Can coconut oil regrow lost hair?

However, some people assert that coconut oil can assist in regrowing hair that has been lost or can speed up hair growth in addition to its ability to prevent baldness. Nevertheless, there isn't any scientific proof of this.

4. Should I sleep with coconut oil in my hair?

While it may seem appealing to apply coconut oil to your hair and sleep on it, you should refrain from doing so. Hair follicle blockages caused by coconut oil hair masks can cause greasy hair and stunt hair development. Coconut oil can be applied to your hair for up to half an hour.

5. How long can I leave coconut oil in my hair?

You can avoid applying oil to your scalp if your hair is thin or greasy so that it doesn't weigh it down. After applying, let the coconut oil remain in your hair for twenty to thirty minutes. You can leave it on longer if your hair is really porous or dry; some like to use it as an overnight treatment.

Hair growth


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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