curd benefits

Key Insights:

  1. Curd is a natural conditioner that moisturises softens, and adds shine to hair, improving its overall texture.
  2. It cleanses the scalp, balances pH levels, and reduces dandruff, itching, and irritation with its antibacterial properties.
  3. Curd nourishes hair follicles with proteins and vitamins, encouraging hair growth and reducing hair fall.
  4. Curd helps manage frizzy hair, strengthens strands, and adds volume, making hair look fuller.
  5. It can be mixed with ingredients like lemon or honey to target hair issues such as dandruff and dryness.
  6. Ayurveda supports using curd for different hair types, suggesting homemade curd for maximum benefits while avoiding certain food combinations.

Who wouldn't want to show off their thick, black hair? There would be almost universal agreement. What if the way to healthy and long hair is the way to your fridge? Yep, the curd jar in your refrigerator solves several hair issues. For a good reason, this standard dairy product has been utilised for generations in conventional cosmetic treatments.

Introduction to Curd for Hair

Curd for Hair

Curd, rich in probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, may do wonders for your hair, making it healthy, silky, and lustrous. So let's look at how curd can benefit your locks and help you reach your dream hair without spending money on pricey hair care products and procedures.

Some of the many benefits of applying curd on hair are its ability to increase hair development, moisturise hair, soothe irritated scalps, reduce frizz, add volume to hair, and clean both the scalp and hair. Curd is a fantastic complement to any hair care regimen, whether you use it as a conditioner, mask, or treatment.

Nutritional Profile of Curd

The nutrition value of curd per 100 grams are as follows:




% Daily value


Total fat

4.2 g



Saturated fat

2.658 g



Polyunsaturated fat

0.129 g



Monounsaturated fat

1.194 g




14 mg




371 mg



Total carbohydrate

3.45 g



Dietary fibre

0 g




1.3 g




11.75 g



72 mg




0.13 mg




99 mg



Vitamin A

42 mcg



Vitamin C

0 mg


How can curd benefit your hair?

Yoghurt, usually called curd, has various health advantages and excellent hair advantages. Some benefits of curd for hair are mentioned below!

  1. Hair growth
  2. Moisturises hair
  3. Reduces scalp irritants
  4. Reduces frizz
  5. Voluminous hair
  6. Hair and scalp cleansing
  7. It acts as a hair conditioner
  8. Tackles dandruff
  9. Soothes your scalp
  10. Makes hair shiny

Hair growth

Curd is a fantastic source of vitamin B5, which helps to nourish the hair follicles and encourage blood circulation in the scalp. Moreover, the protein in curd works to fortify hair strands, preventing breaking and hair loss.

Moisturises hair

Curd's lactic acid, a natural humectant that aids in retaining moisture in the hair, moisturises the strands. This can assist in restoring the hair's natural lustre and softness, which can be especially helpful for those with dry and brittle hair. In addition, the protein in curd can support split-end prevention and repair broken hair strands.

Reduces scalp irritants

Curd's probiotics can balance the scalp's pH levels and slow the growth of dangerous bacteria and fungi. This can help calm the scalp and lessen itching, inflammation, and dandruff. Did you know Mustard also works with curd? You can read about its benefits for hair growth.

Reduces frizz

By deeply hydrating and nourishing the hair, curd can assist in taming frizzy hair. The protein in curd can aid in strengthening the hair strands and stopping breaking.

Voluminous hair

Voluminous hair

The protein in curd might help the hair gain thickness and volume. Protein is a necessary component of hair, and a protein deficiency can produce thinning and weak hair.

Hair and scalp cleansing

The lactic acid in curd can help clean the scalp and hair of debris, buildup, and oil, leaving them clean and fresh, especially for dry hair.

It acts as a hair conditioner.

Curd can be used as a natural hair conditioner. Because it contains fatty acids, protein, and minerals like calcium, it fortifies and softens the hair follicles. It also provides hydration, which makes the hair seem lustrous. This white ingredient's vitamin B12 content helps to encourage hair growth. The texture of your hair changes noticeably when you apply curd often.

So, to accelerate the benefits, wash the curd hair pack, then shampoo and apply a strengthening conditioner. This significantly strengthens and softens the hair, making it even more like candy floss.

Tackles dandruff

Curd's natural antibacterial and antifungal qualities aid in treating dandruff and other scalp conditions. Because of its acidic composition, it maintains the scalp's pH equilibrium and inhibits the growth of dangerous germs. Curd can help your scalp become healthier by reducing flakiness and relieving itching. Use it regularly.

Soothes your scalp

Keeping the scalp healthy is essential to having attractive hair. Curd is useful if your scalp is itching or irritated. Curd's calming properties might provide your scalp the relief it needs.

Curd's anti-inflammatory properties help soothe sensitive scalps, making it a helpful treatment for conditions like eczema and dandruff. Because of its inherent anti-fungal and calming characteristics, the curd is a helpful home cure for dandruff that is both easy to use and highly effective for a healthier scalp.

Makes hair shiny

Curd is naturally occurring as a conditioner. It smooths hair and adds shine. Fatty acids remove dead skin cells to create space for oxygen-rich cells. 

The finest hair mask for lustrous hair is made with curd and olive oil. By retaining moisture and providing suppleness, olive oil fortifies hair.

Expert’s View on using curd on hair

Steps to apply curd on your hair

Depending on your hair type and the specific benefits you want to obtain, many ways are available for "how to use curd for your hair". A few ways of application are as follows:

Mix curd with lemon juice

Curd and lemon are excellent natural, and curd is top-notch organic food that can improve your hair in many ways. These can be combined to create a potent hair treatment that can support the growth of healthy, gorgeous hair. The following are some advantages of applying curd and lemon to hair:

  • Controls dandruff and scalp irritation.
  • Adds shine and length to the hair.
  • Conditioning hair to give it a smooth look!
  • Reduces hair fall and increases hair growth. You can also list the best home remedies for hair fall control.

How to Apply Curd on Hair?

Mix half a cup of curd with the juice from half a lemon and use it on your hair. Make sure to cover your hair and scalp when applying the mixture of curd and lemon for hair thoroughly. Before rinsing it off with lukewarm water, let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey or olive oil to the mixture for additional moisture and nutrition.

Conducting a patch test is always preferable when using any new hair treatment on your scalp. A little bit of irritation is common due to the properties present in lemon. If you feel other sensations, you can skip the application.

Mix honey with curd

honey with curd

Here's another way to use curd for your hair! A mix of curd and honey for hair is a typical natural cure for boosting healthy and beautiful hair. Because curd contains lactic acid, a natural humectant, the hair can retain moisture, becoming silky and lustrous. A natural humectant like honey can aid in hydrating and moisturising hair.

Also Read:

  • List of natural remedies for grey hair and how to fix it all at home.
  • Flax seed benefits for hair & steps to use that.
  • Facing thin hairs? Well, check out Ayurveda tips on hair care.

Dandruff and other scalp irritations can be lessened, and another common problem of irritated scalp can be soothed thanks to the anti-inflammatory effects of honey. Both curd and honey are loaded with vitamins and minerals that can aid in repairing split ends and thinning hair, giving the hair a smoother, healthier appearance.

The vitamins and minerals in curd and honey can support healthy hair growth by nourishing the hair follicles. Thus, you will get more hair length, avoid damage, and have a glossy texture in your hair.

A curd and honey hair mask might be a fantastic all-natural solution for boosting robust and gorgeous hair. It is simple to produce at home and can be used on many hair types. A curd and honey hair mask can help feed, moisturise, and repair your hair, leaving it soft, lustrous, and healthy, whether it is dry, damaged, or dull.

Instructions for application

When thoroughly blended, combine the curd and honey in a basin. Apply the mixture to your hair, starting at the roots and working to the tips. For a few minutes, gently massage the mask into your scalp to stimulate blood flow and hydrate the hair follicles. Use a towel or shower cap to cover your hair, and keep the mask on for 30 to 60 minutes. Rinse the mask off with your usual shampoo and lukewarm water.

Use curd simply as a conditioner

After showering, apply plain curd to your hair and scalp and massage it a bit. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water. This technique can moisturise and soften your hair.

Whichever technique you select, thoroughly rinse your hair with water to remove any residue. It's usually a good idea to perform a patch test before using any new hair treatment on your scalp to prevent potential allergic reactions.

Side effects of curd on hair

  • Applying dairy products, such as curd, to the scalp region might cause allergies in certain people. Therefore, performing a patch test before running the entire application is always advised. 
  • The curd's fats have the potential to make hair overly oily, which may concern those with greasy hair and scalps. 
  • Masks made of curd may smell bad.

Also, do check:

Ayurvedic Perspective of Using Curd on Hair

Curd, known as 'dahi' in Ayurveda, has been a natural hair care ingredient since ancient times. According to Ayurvedic wisdom, curd can provide effective nourishing and conditioning effects for different 'Prakriti' hair types when used appropriately.

Ayurveda categorises hair types into Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas. People with Vata hair tend to have dry, frizzy, brittle hair prone to split ends. When applied as a hair mask, curd acts as an excellent moisturiser and conditioner. The fat content brings smoothness and shine, while proteins strengthen hair strands and prevent breakage.

Those with Pitta hair doshas have fine, thin, light-coloured hair that tends to grey early or suffer heat damage and loss. Curd suits them, too, owing to its coolant properties derived from raja and tama gunas. It soothes scalp irritation, minimises hair fall, and preserves colour better than chemical conditioners.

Kapha hair types have naturally thick, greasy, darker hair with a tendency for limpness and dandruff. Curd helps balance excess moisture while mildly exfoliating buildup, preventing Kapha hair's heaviness. However, those with sinus colds and congestion should avoid curd hair masks made with yoghurt.

Additionally, Ayurveda recommends using organic homemade curd rather than store-bought varieties for hair as the former retains natural probiotics beneficial for the scalp and hair follicles. For best results, use fresh, natural yoghurt and allow it to soak for 30 minutes to a few hours before washing out. Combining hair-friendly herbs like shikakai and hibiscus flowers enhances the effects further.

Ayurveda recognises the advantages of curd for different hair types when used prudently based on one's body constitution and current health status. Customising curd hair masks this way provides the right balance of nourishment.

List of Foods to Avoid With Curd

Below is the list of top foods which you should avoid having with curd:

Fish and Meat

Firstly, it is recommended that fish and meats be avoided when consuming curd, as their contradictory digestive properties lead to indigestion issues. While curd is a coolant for the digestive system, fish and meats generate heat, which disturbs the balance when eaten together. Have them separately with a few hours gap.


Ayurveda advises against consuming milk and dairy together, as both are heavy foods that pressure the digestive system when consumed simultaneously. Allow 2-3 hours between milk and curd to allow the proper breakdown and absorption process.


Curd and potato combinations lead to toxin build-up, as per Ayurveda, which disrupts the gut and causes flatulence or abdominal discomfort. It also triggers skin issues like rashes or acne in some people. Hence, avoid eating potato preparations like curry with curd.

Citrus Fruits

Fruits like oranges, sweet limes, and lemons are best eaten alone without curd as the contrasting natures of acidic and dairy curd make them difficult to digest together. Additionally, curd can counter the vitamin C absorption from these fruits reducing nutritional value.


Radishes mixed into curd raita are not recommended in Ayurveda as they disturb the moisture balance in food absorption, leading to constipation. When consumed together, radish's heating nature conflicts with curd's coolant properties.


Finally, bananas are incompatible, as per Ayurveda for eating with curd, as it can produce toxins. Avoid pairing curd with banana smoothies or milkshakes. Also, those with sinus conditions or colds should abstain from having them together.


We can safely conclude that curd is a genuine natural marvel in hair care. Curd has many benefits for hair, whether alone or with other organic ingredients like lemon, egg, or honey. It does everything, from hydrating and moisturising to mending and encouraging healthy hair development.

It is also an excellent ingredient for anyone searching for a natural solution to enhance the health and appearance of their hair because it is simple to find, reasonably priced, and appropriate for all hair types.

Hence, be bold and turn to curd, your dependable natural ally, the next time you need a hair care remedy.

This will pay off your effort!


1. Can we apply curd directly to hair?

Curd with a tiny quantity of plant acids can be combined to treat dandruff and other scalp conditions. Curd with lemon or curd and apple cider vinegar are two possible pairings. Apply straight to the scalp, then rinse it off after letting it sit for a few minutes.

2. What is better for hair, eggs, or curd?

The combination of both these wonder components guarantees healthy and rapid hair growth. Curd for hair strengthens and grows hair, while egg nourishes the hair and scalp.

3. Can curd remove dandruff?

Indeed, curd can aid with dandruff removal. When used frequently as a hair mask or treatment, its natural ingredients, such as lactic acid and probiotics, help calm the scalp, lessen itching, and control dandruff.

4. Does applying curd reduce hair fall?

Yes, using curd helps lessen hair loss. Curd can fortify hair and nourish the scalp, resulting in less hair loss. 

5. What can I mix with curd for hair?

Curd can be mixed with all-natural components like aloe vera, honey, and olive oil. But before employing this mixture, one must know how to utilize a hair mask. Thoroughly combine the ingredients and apply them to your hair strands. After covering your head with a shower hat, let the mixture in place for half an hour.

6. What is the difference between curd and yoghurt?

Curd is known for having a less controlled fermentation process, which results in a looser texture and milder flavour. Contrarily, yoghurt goes through a more carefully regulated fermentation process, giving it a thicker, custard-like consistency and a distinctly sour flavour.

7. Does curd help in hair growth? 

Curd does promote hair growth. Because of its enhanced concentration of zinc, B vitamins, fatty acids, and vitamin D, it promotes healthy hair development. Curd and castor oil can also be used to make a hair mask that promotes hair growth.

8. Can I apply curd on dirty hair?

Applying just curd could help remove flakes and extra oil from your scalp. Give it a half-hour or so after massaging the curd into your scalp. After that, give your hair a warm water rinse and style it as usual.

Hair growth


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