Neem benefits

 Neem or Azadirachta indica grows in tropical regions like India. Like other Ayurvedic herbsNeem is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that neutralises free radicals that develop certain health conditions. The leaf extracts are used for treating lice and reducing tooth plaque.

  • English Name: Margosa Tree
  • Hindi Name: Neem
  • Latin Name: Azadirachta indica A. Juss
  • Sanskrit Name: Nimba
  • Popular knwon as Indian lilac

Do you know?

  • The neem tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and is commonly found in tropical and subtropical locations worldwide.
  • Neem contains antibacterial properties that help treat acne, eczema, and other skin conditions.
  • In India, neem is frequently used as a natural toothbrush and tongue cleaner, especially in the early morning.
  • In Ayurveda, the neem herb is used to balance the Kapha dosha.
Ayurvedic doctor consultation

10+ Evidence-Based Benefits of Neem

Neem Benefits for Health, Hair, and Skin

Here's a list of health benefits of neem:

  • Detoxifies Your Body: Consuming neem juice and supplements removes toxins from your body.
  • Strengthens Bones: Since neem is rich in calcium, it strengthens your bones
  • Helps with acne scars: Neem reduces skin pigmentation and lightens acne scars.
  • Promotes Healthy Hair: Neem for hair is extremely beneficial. It supports sealing hair follicles and reduces dandruff (also used for treating lice)
  • Reduces Bad Smell: Compounds present in neem have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce bad odour from your mouth.
  • Kills Bacteria Inside the Mouth to Promote Good Smell: You can use neem to get a refreshing taste in your mouth. It can kill bacteria inside the mouth and offers a good odour.
  • Beneficial for Diabetic Patients: Consuming neem every day helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Whitens Your Teeth: Using neem products like toothpaste or mouthwash can help whiten your teeth.
  • Immunity System: Neem can also improve immunity and keep viral infections away
  • Rich in Iron: Iron helps in producing blood, so anaemic patients can consume the right dose of neem every day.
  • Prevents Worsening Cancer Symptoms: Neem has flavonoids and other chemicals that can prevent cancer symptoms from worsening.
  • Reduces Body Temperature: Neem has an antipyretic property that helps in reducing fever.
  • Kills Warms in the Soil: Neem has nematocidal activity, thus kills nematodes and keeps the stomach clean
  • Anti-Scabies Properties: Neem can treat scabies, an itchy skin condition

1. Neem for Teeth

a girl smiling

Source: Image by Shiny Diamond on Pexels

This bitter taste of neem is considered to be beneficial for reducing tooth plaque. Neem-infused toothpaste and mouthwash can treat plaque buildup in the following ways:

  • Reduces bad breath
  • Kills bacteria inside the mouth
  • Acts as a teeth whitener
  • Prevents cell adhesion

Scientific evidences: During a study named "Effect of neem extract on dental plaque and gingivitis: A randomized controlled trial" it has been found that neem extract can effectively, reduce dental plaque and gingivitis which helps us in maintaining optimum oral health. (Link to the study)

2. Neem Oil for Hair

A natural byproduct of the neem tree, neem oil offers healthier hair and scalp. Considering the characteristics of neem, it has the following major health benefits for hair:

  • Promotes hair growth
  • Soothes frizzy hair
  • Conditions your scalp
  • Seals in hair follicles
  • Reduces the risks of graying
  • Minimises dandruff
  • Treats lice

As per research, neem oil is rich in limonoids, fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants, calcium, and triglycerides. So, you can apply neem oil for half an hour before shampooing your hair.

Scientific evidences: In a study titled 'Antifungal & Anti-inflammatory Properties of Neem (Azadirachta indica) in Dandruff Management,' it was found that neem possesses antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in managing dandruff and improving scalp health. 

3. Neem Gel and Oil for Skin

One of the neem medicinal uses is that it is used in skin treatment. Whether you use it in the form of oil or gel, neem has the following benefits for your skin:

  • Balances oil production in your skin
  • Great to heal wounds
  • Increases the formation of collagen
  • Minimises acne scars
  • Reduces skin inflammation
  • Heals sun damage
  • Treats dry and rough skin
  • Controls productions of sebum

4. Neem Leaf for Diabetes

Neem leaf treats diabetes. Neem consists of the following that manage blood sugar:

  • Triterpenoid
  • Flavonoids
  • Antiviral compounds
  • Glycosides

5. Neem for Liver

oak tree

Source: Image by Ilo on Pixabay

Neem has various uses for liver health:

  • Protects the liver
  • Purifies the blood
  • Neem leaf reduces liver damage due to chemicals
  • Stabilises serum marker enzyme and increases antioxidant levels in the body

Other Medicinal Plants:

6. Neem Oil for Brain Benefits

Neem has antioxidants that can be beneficial for stroke patients:

  • Prevents brain damage
  • Raises the levels of Vitamin C
  • Help in lipid peroxidation

7. Neem Bark for Stomach

According to studies, neem bark has anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial for the stomach:

  • Reduces secretion of acid in the stomach
  • Regulates secretion volume
  • Reduces activity of stomach enzyme pepsin
  • Alleviates damage to stomach tissues
  • Neem's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can heal intestinal and stomach ulcers
  • Neem's nematocidal activity kills nematodes and keeps your stomach clean

8. Dried Neem for Malaria

Malaria is caused in tropical climates:

  • Neem leaf extract might be helpful against the malaria virus
  • Burnt-dried neem leaves can be used as mosquito repellent

9. Neem for Heart

Neem leaf extracts improve heart heart by:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Reducing clots
  • Preventing irregular heartbeats
  • Reducing the levels of bad cholesterol

10. Neem Supplements/Juice for Constipation

Neem has hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, and antispasmodic properties. These properties might be beneficial for digestive health. So, neem juice is beneficial for constipation:

  • Promotes bowel movement
  • Improves the function of the liver
  • Relieves constipation

Note: Do check our related guide where we have covered the benefits of Neem juice in detail.

11. Neem Benefits for Cough and Cold

Neem has antiviral and antiseptic properties, so it can:

  • Reduce fever
  • Control phlegm
  • Treat cough and cold

Nutrition Facts of Neem

Neem leaf meal has been found to have 18.10% crude protein and 15-56% crude fibre. The gross energy content is 4.16 kcal/g. Here's a table mentioning the key facts that point out the nutritional facts about neem tree and plants:




Bioactive Compounds






They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties


Vitamin C

Vitamin B3

Vitamin E

Vitamin B2

Antioxidant properties support the immune system and are beneficial for skin health.







Beneficial for bone health, nerve function, and muscle contraction


Omega-6 Fatty Acids



anti-inflammatory properties

How Does Neem Work for Hair, Skin, and Other Health Issues?

a girl smiling

Source: Image by StockSnap on Pixabay

Studies have reported that neem bark may reduce acid secretion inside the stomach by 77%. It can also regulate stomach secretion and minimise the activity of the stomach enzyme pepsin by 50%.

Neem has a high content of fatty acids, so it can strengthen hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. Supplementing with neem for the skin balances the oil production and reduces acne and acne scars as it has antiseptic properties.

Neem's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties fight oxidative stress and improve kidney and liver health. Antioxidants present in neem can protect you from brain damage. The gastroprotective, antispasmodic, and hepatoprotective properties help people with diarrhea and dysentery. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties reduce acid in the stomach, thereby healing intestinal and stomach ulcers.

Top Ways You Can Use Neem

The following are the ways you can use neem:

  • Neem supplements like capsules and tablets
  • Neem cream
  • Neem oil
  • Neem toothpaste
  • Neem gel
  • Neem mouthwash

Also, do check our guides on:

Demystifying The Top Neem Myths and Neem Facts

Here's presenting the myths and facts associated with neem:

8 Facts About Neem Tree

  • Neem is grown from seed but propagated from the root suckers and cuttings
  • It is used for fungal infection
  • It can prevent gastrointestinal diseases
  • The tree can reach up to 15-20m in length
  • Neem is effective against lies
  • It can treat liver issues like hepatitis and jaundice
  • Neem improves bowel movement
  • Consuming neem on an empty stomach may improve gut health

4 Myths About Neem Tree

  • Neem trees are believed to be the dwelling hub of ghosts in major rural parts of India
  • Neem cannot treat lice
  • Neem cannot improve bad breath in your mouth
  • Neem oil has no benefits for hair

Tips on Growing Neem Tree at Home

a girl sitting surrounded by plants

Source: Image by cottonbro studio on Pexels

If you want to grow neem at home, you need to source, cultivate, and care for the plant correctly. You can grow neem plants at home with the help of cuttings and seeds. Ensure you use quality seeds and plant them in the mixing pot.

Neem is grown from seeds but can also be propagated from the root suckers or cuttings. The plant is resilient and hardy. It grows in rocky and poor soils and can tolerate environmental conditions. However, it does not survive extremely freezing temperatures.

Neem grows in dry soil, so one should water the plant when the top layer becomes dry. Neem plants absorb full sunlight for growth. One should place the plant in a location where the pot gets a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight.

Best Place to Buy Neem Supplements and Oil

Neem tablets manufactured by Zanducare are formulated using 100% extracts of neem leaves. They are mild antiseptics, so you can use them to improve your skin. They can also prevent skin infections like rashes and acne. It's wise to consume 1 to 2 capsules of neem every day as instructed by your physician.

Our Thoughts

If you have dandruff issues or frizzy or dry hair, you can use neem to keep your hair hydrated. Neem leaves are also effective for skin infections.

So, you can use Ayurvedic-based neem tablets. Supplementing with neem capsules gives you the right support for your digestive health. From treating hair and skin issues to offering liver and brain benefits, neem has a wide range of health advantages. Reap the benefits by supplementing with a neem capsule manufactured by Zanducare.


Can you use Neem for treating Scabies and Eczema?

Neem is extremely beneficial for your sensitive skin and disorders like eczema. It has anti-scabies properties that can treat scabies and other itchy skin conditions.

Can Neem eliminate Pimple Marks?

Neem is a natural cleansing agent that comes with antifungal and antibacterial properties. Neem oil and other supplements can be used to reduce pimple & acne scars.

Why should diabetic people consume Neem related products?

The bitter leaf can treat diabetes and manage blood sugar levels. So, diabetic people should consume neem every day as instructed by the doctor.

Can Neem relieve constipation?

Neem has gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, and antispasmodic properties, so consuming neem juice maintains your digestive health.

Are Neem supplements beneficial for hair growth?

Neem supplements can cleanse and strengthen your hair follicles. So, it results in increased blood circulation in the scalp and offers healthier and stronger roots.


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