Boosting Your Immunity Against Infections & Diseases

Being immune is the need of the hour as it is the only way to keep the lurking viruses at bay. Not only are people searching for methods to boost immunity in the best possible way but also are looking at alternate medicines such as Ayurveda to stay healthy and disease-free always.

If our immune system is healthy enough to resist foreign pathogens or substances that might cause an infection, we can call ourselves immune. By boosting immunity with a healthy lifestyle, we are helping our immune system to do a remarkable job in its fight against external aggressors. The basic immune system, which we are born with, undergoes multiple strengthening processes since our birth and becomes a powerful shield of protection against infection causing microbes. However, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and stress can deteriorate our immune system thereby weakening immunity and making us susceptible to infections. Experts say that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle would definitely help improve our health and immunity.

Enhance Immunity with the Help of Ayurveda

Ayurveda believes in the interconnectedness of mind, body and nature and hence, Ayurvedic treatments are specifically designed to prevent diseases rather than cure them. According to Ayurveda, there are three fundamental bio-elements (doshas) in our body – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and health exists only when there is balance between these three elements. Hence, Ayurvedic practitioners emphasize on eliminating the impurities that are causing the disease rather than directly addressing the disease. Ayurveda discourses a healthy lifestyle that incorporates meditation, yoga and a wholesome diet comprising natural and herbal components. This way of living not only improves immunity power, which naturally makes us more resistant to infections, but also helps reduce stress and worries thus preventing lifestyle diseases. Ayurvedic medicines can be had without any worry as they do not contain any harmful ingredients or chemicals making them a safer option any day.

Ayurveda has all the answers about how to improve immune system or how to increase immunity. The amount of immune boosting herbs, immune system booster vitamins, immune tablets, and other immune boosting supplements Ayurveda has to offer is boundless. These Ayurvedic options improve natural immunity of a person and helps build a strong immune system. Ayurvedic herbs for immunity such as Amla, Ginger, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Garlic, and Turmeric boost your immunity and strengthen immune system. These herbs are known to help increase the immunity by correcting and creating a balance between the doshas - vata, pitta and kapha.

5 Ayurvedic products that will boost your immunity

Zandu Immunity Booster range is specifically designed to improve your immune system naturally. Each of these products are enriched with herbal ingredients that are known for their myriad benefits. These powerful herbs that come in tablet or powder (churan) form are 100% natural, easy to consume and free of side effects.

Zandu Ayush Kwath Powder: Enriched with four potent Ayurvedic ingredients such as Tulsi, Dalchini, Sunthi and Krishna Marich, Ayush Kwath is an Ayurvedic Kadha (an Ayurvedic formulation) that is to be had after boiling in water for a few minutes, so that all the medicinal benefits are extracted in the water. This immunity booster drink is especially beneficial during the winter to prevent cold, infections and allergies. The herbs in this preparation have anti-allergic and antiviral properties which help give relief from viral infections. This concoction is the best medicine to promote immunity.  

Zandu Chirakin Tablet: Prepared using an age-old Ayurvedic recipe with four powerful herbs Kiratatikta, Latakaranja, Katuka and Saptaparna, chirakin is the ultimate answer to all your worries regarding immunity. This tablet works as both Prophylactic and Therapeutic treatment. This product is free from side-effects and is 100% natural and is especially beneficial against symptoms associated with Chikungunya and Malaria. The herbs in this natural immune booster are known for their immunomodulatory properties. It will protect your body against viral infections.

Zandu Amalaki: Being one of the best sources of vitamin C (20 x more than oranges) amla (Indian gooseberry) is known for its immune-enhancing benefits. Zandu Amalaki is a natural immunity booster that is made of pure amla extracts. It works as an antioxidant that supports energy and optimal health while fighting acidity and dyspepsia etc.

Zandu Guduchi/Giloy: Zandu Guduchi (Giloy) pure herbs is an Ayurvedic supplement made with 100% pure giloy extracts. This versatile herb is known to improve brain function, promote immunity, reduce inflammation and strengthen liver function. Regular consumption of this herb will not only strengthens the immune system but also keep skin diseases at bay.

Zandu Asvagandha: Asvagandha is known for its gamut of benefits. This herb helps fight everyday stress and tensions, while acting as a natural immunity booster medicine. Zandu Asvagandha Pure Herbs helps fight fatigue and restores your body’s natural strength.

Also, do check our related guides:

Is the immunity level of a child and adult same?

Newborns have low immunity, hence, they are easily prone to immune disorders, infections, cold and flu, etc. As they grow old, their immunity levels increase or decrease according to the lifestyle they lead. By playing outdoor games, following a healthy diet and sleeping adequately can enhance their immunity. A great way to build your child’s immunity is by providing them with vitamin C immune boosters.

With age, the immunity we acquired from our childhood and adolescence begins to weaken and we tend to fall sick more frequently as the body fails to fight against the microbes as effectively as it used to be. By following a healthy lifestyle, we are not only becoming more immune to diseases but also is safeguarding our family by being healthy. If you are someone who easily falls ill, your immune system definitely needs attention. It’s best to consult a medical practitioner and start taking supplements to boost immune system.

Buy Ayurvedic Immunity Products Online in India at ZanduCare

Zandu believes that Ayurveda is an effective way to treat illnesses in a more personalized way. Zandu’s products are known for their efficacy because they treat the source of the problem so that it doesn’t recur. In order to boost immunity across all ages Zandu has launched a range of immunity boosting Ayurvedic medicines that promises to keep you healthy and immune which are now available online in India at ZanduCare. These medicines are available in several dosage forms such as immune supplements, immunity drinks, immune capsules, immune booster tablets, and immune syrups. Products such as Zandu Ayush Kwath, Zandu Asvagandha, Zandu Guduchi, Zandu Amalaki, Zandu Tulasi, Zandu Haridra etc., are some of the best Ayurvedic immune boosters available online and can be consumed daily for overall wellness.



Zandu Ayurvedic Team

Zandu Ayurvedic Team has a panel of over 10 BAMS (Ayurvedacharya), boasting a collective experience of over 50 years. With a deep-rooted understanding of Ayurveda, they are committed to sharing their expertise & knowledge through our blogs.
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1 comment

Francis Ranvir Singh

I have been asking for Shallaka Capsules along with the Discounts.Kinfly respond to it

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