Terminalia Arjuna

Key Insights:

  1. Terminalia arjuna is a rich source of beneficial compounds like tannins, flavonoids, and phenols, which contribute to its wide terminalia arjuna medicinal uses, particularly in heart health.
  2. All parts of the Arjuna plant, especially the bark, have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for various health conditions, including heart diseases, ulcers, and liver conditions.
  3. Arjuna is widely recognised for its heart-protective properties, aiding in treating heart ailments like coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and heart failure.
  4. Arjuna balances the Kapha dosha, helping to manage respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis, and supports digestive health by protecting against ulcers and infections.
  5. Arjuna aids in liver function by reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress and promotes kidney health with its natural diuretic and antioxidant properties.
  6. The herb has a hypoglycemic effect, helping regulate blood sugar levels and protect against complications of diabetes.
  7. Arjuna possesses adaptogenic properties that help manage physical and mental stress by regulating the body's stress response.
  8. While generally safe, Arjuna may cause digestive issues and interact with certain medications; consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.

Terminalia arjuna, commonly known as Arjuna, has been used for its innumerable and valuable medicinal properties for over three centuries. It is a rich source of bioactive compounds, such as tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids and phenols, making it stand out from other medicinal plants. 

All plant parts, especially the bark, root bark, leaves, seeds, and fruits, have different medicinal properties and have been widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

The NlH report states that T. arjuna has many beneficial properties, including hypocholesterolemic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antitumoral, antioxidant, antiallergic, antifeedant, and anti-HIV activities. It is also used to treat fractures, ulcers, and hepatic conditions. Additionally, T. arjuna has hydrolipidemic solid properties.

In addition, Terminalia arjuna bark is a crucial ingredient in many Ayurvedic formulations, such as Arjunarishta, ghana powder, Arjuna capsules, and cosmetic preparations, including lotions and face packs. Notably, however, there are currently no established pharmacopeial standards for raw materials or finished formulations, highlighting the need for further research.

Did you Know:

  1. Terminalia arjuna, commonly known as Arjuna, has been used for its innumerable and valuable medicinal properties for over three centuries.
  2. It is a rich source of bioactive compounds, such as tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids and phenols, making it stand out from other medicinal plants.
  3. The NlH report states that T. arjuna has many beneficial properties, including hypocholesterolemic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antitumoral, antioxidant, antiallergic, antifeedant, and anti-HIV activities.
  4. Arjuna extracts protect the gastric mucosa against oxidative damage and also strengthen the mucosal barrier, thereby conferring protection against ulcers.

Nutritional value of Terminalia Arjuna

Terminalia Arjuna

This table summarises the key nutritional and chemical components found in the bark of T. arjuna, highlighting its medicinal significance.



Ash Content

34% (Primarily pure calcium carbonate)

Aqueous Extract Composition

23% calcium salts, 16% tannins


Polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids, saponins, sterols, minerals

Amino Acids

Tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine, cysteine

Extraction Solvents

Hexane, benzene, chloroform, acetone, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, butanol, ethanol, methanol, ether

Analysis Techniques


List of Benefits of Terminalia Arjuna

Here are the arjun tree benefits or terminalia arjuna benefits:

1. Respiratory Health

Ayurvedic medicine recognises that respiratory problems, specifically asthma and bronchitis, are frequently caused by an imbalance in the Kapha dosha. With its warming and drying properties, Arjuna can help expel excess Kapha from the respiratory system. This can alleviate mucus and phlegm, making breathing more comfortable.

Oxidative stress has been known to exacerbate respiratory issues. Arjuna possesses antioxidant compounds that shield lung tissues from harm triggered by free radicals. By mitigating oxidative stress, it promotes optimal respiratory health.

2. Gastrointestinal Health

  • Gastric Ulcers

Arjuna extracts protect the gastric mucosa against oxidative damage and also strengthen the mucosal barrier, thereby conferring protection against ulcers.

  • Stomach infections and gastritis

It is known to exhibit strong antibacterial property that helps to fight against gastritis and other stomach infections.

  • Diarrhea and Dysentery

The antimicrobial property present in Arjuna is responsible for treating diarrhoea and dysentery.

Liver Health

Liver Health

The report published by Hexa Health and Dr Aman Priya Khanna indicates that Arjuna bark is an effective treatment for improving liver function in patients with chronic liver disease, such as Liver Hepatitis and Liver Cirrhosis. The extract of Arjuna can help safeguard the liver from the damage caused by toxins like alcohol, drugs, and heavy metals. It may also aid in decreasing inflammation in the liver while increasing antioxidant activity to protect against oxidative stress.

3. Diabetes Management

Recent research conducted by the Ayurveda Clinic Sofia has revealed the potential of Arjuna in regulating blood sugar levels. This herb has been found to have a hypoglycemic effect on the blood serum and major organs. The bark of the plant contains tannins, flavonoids, and saponins that facilitate the absorption and breakdown of glucose, thus normalising blood sugar levels.

Arjuna also protects the cells of patients with type 1 diabetes from hyperglycemic intoxication and relieves the side effects of type I and type II diabetes by improving kidney function.

4. Cardiovascular Disease

According to a Search Life Sciences Literature report, Terminalia arjuna, Inula racemosa, and Astragalus membranaceus have demonstrated therapeutic benefits for treating cardiovascular disease. Additionally, Crataegus oxycantha has been traditionally used as a cardiac tonic and is currently used to treat angina, hypertension, arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure.

Animal studies have also suggested that Crataegus extracts might have potential use as anti-ischemic and lipid-lowering agents. Notably, the bark of the Terminalia arjuna tree has a long-standing history of being used as a cardiac tonic. It has been indicated in treating coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypercholesterolemia, and relief of anginal pain.

5. Digestive Support

Arjuna extracts protect the gastric mucosa against oxidative damage and strengthen the mucosal barrier, thereby protecting against ulcers.

It is known to exhibit substantial antibacterial properties that help fight against gastritis and other stomach infections.

Arjuna possesses properties that can soothe the digestive tract, reduce acidity, and relieve indigestion, making it easier to process food.

6. Kidney Health

Kidney Health

Arjuna is known for its natural diuretic properties, which promote increased urine production, flush out toxins and waste products from the body, and reduce the workload on the kidneys. That, in turn, helps prevent the formation of kidney stones by increasing urine output, as adequate urine volume prevents minerals and salts from crystallizing and forming stones in the kidneys.

According to a report by the (NIH), studies indicate that Terminalia arjuna, or Arjuna, supports kidney health by exhibiting antioxidant effects.

The research suggests that Arjuna possesses compounds that can protect the kidneys from oxidative stress, which can cause cellular damage. The antioxidants found in Arjuna help neutralise harmful molecules called free radicals, thus protecting the kidneys from damage. This information could be helpful for individuals looking to maintain good kidney health.

7. Stress Management

Arjuna possesses adaptogenic properties, making it effective in assisting the body in coping with physical and mental stressors. It accomplishes this by regulating the body's stress response system, ensuring a balanced reaction to stress.

This adaptogenic attribute enables individuals to manage challenging situations more efficiently. Chronic stress often results in elevated cortisol levels, which are detrimental to the body. Arjuna helps regulate cortisol secretion, preventing excessive production, which is crucial for maintaining emotional stability and managing stress levels.

Ideal Dosage of Arjuna

Arjuna supplements are commonly available in powder, capsule, or tablet. However, determining the optimal dosage of arjuna is a complex matter that lacks a definitive answer due to the variations in individual responses to the supplement. Age, body weight, and overall health may affect the supplement's efficacy. Additionally, the desired outcomes may vary from person to person, further complicating the determination of an ideal dosage.

The most common dosage for arjuna is as follows:

The recommended dosage for Arjuna is twice daily. This can be achieved by taking either 2-3g of powder, one capsule, or one tablet as directed by a physician.

Other Potential Benefits of Arjuna

  • Control blood pressure
  • Regulates bloog sugar levels
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • Heals wound
  • Treast heart diseases
  • Lowers risk of urinary disorders

Specifications of Terminalia Arjuna

  • Botanical Name: Terminalia Arjuna
  • Common Names: Arjuna, Arjun Tree, White Marudah
  • Habitat: Native to the Indian subcontinent, particularly in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
  • Plant Type: A large deciduous tree with a conical crown reaching up to 25 meters in height.
  • Bark: Light grey or white with vertical stripes; used in medicinal preparations.
  • Leaves: Green, broad, and elliptical with an acute tip.
  • Flowers: Pale yellow, conical spikes with a mild fragrance.
  • Fruit: Woody capsules with 5-7 winged seeds inside.
  • Traditional Uses: Terminalia Arjuna has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to support heart health, improve cardiovascular function, and as a general tonic.
  • Active Compounds: The bark of Arjuna contains compounds like arjunolic acid, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins, which contribute to its medicinal properties.

How to Use Arjuna Bark?

Arjuna bark strengthens the heart muscles and benefits overall circulation and respiratory health. It balances the three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha while alleviating symptoms like asthma, hypertension and heart disease. Fortunately, there are easy, convenient ways to gain from arjuna bark:

1. Arjuna Bark Decoction

The traditional Ayurvedic method is to take arjuna bark as a light, medicinal decoction. Simply boil 1-2 small bark pieces in water for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, and drink this pink-hued decoction on an empty stomach daily. Sweeten mildly with honey if needed.

2. Arjuna Powder

You can also consume arjuna churna powder. A dose of 1⁄4 to 1 teaspoon once or twice daily with water provides benefits. Mixing it with other heart-friendly powders like giloy, shankhpushpi, etc., enhances results. Avoid it in diarrhoea or bleeding disorders.

3. Arjuna Capsules

If bark seems difficult to source, arjuna extracts are also conveniently available as readymade capsules and tablets for easy consumption. Take the supplements after meals or as advised by Ayurvedic experts. Check authenticity before buying.

In essence, arjuna bark used in powder, decoction, or capsule form effectively combats cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections, liver ailments, etc., naturally. Ensure genuine, good-quality ingredients for the best Ayurvedic results.

Terminalia Arjuna in Ayurveda

Terminalia Arjuna, commonly known as Arjuna, is a powerful herb used in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine. This herb is mainly known for its benefits to the heart. It has been used for centuries to support heart health and improve blood circulation. Arjuna’s bark is rich in compounds that help strengthen the heart muscles, making it a natural heart protector.

Moreover, Arjuna is known to help manage blood pressure. It works by relaxing the blood vessels, which helps blood flow more easily throughout the body. This makes it beneficial for people with high blood pressure, as it can check their blood pressure levels.

In addition to heart health, Arjuna is also known for its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from harmful molecules called free radicals. By fighting these free radicals, Arjuna helps reduce inflammation and supports overall health.

Arjuna is a trusted herb in Ayurveda, especially for heart care. It is often consumed in powder or capsules, usually under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. Its gentle and natural properties make it safe for long-term use, helping maintain a healthy heart and body.

Side Effects and Interactions

Arjuna bark is used judiciously and offers many cardiovascular and health benefits as per Ayurveda. However, certain precautions are warranted:

Arjuna bark generally does not cause negative reactions when taken as prescribed by Vaidyas. But some people may experience:

1. Digestive Issues

Firstly, excessive intake on an empty stomach may cause constipation, diarrhoea, bloating or stomach pain in some people. Starting with small doses and having it with food provides ease.

2. Excess Bleeding

Additionally, the bark's blood thinning effect may increase the chances of bruising or bleeding excessively during surgery or if on blood thinners. Hence, it must be discontinued at least 2 weeks prior.

3. Drug Interactions

Moreover, arjuna may interact negatively with medications for diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid etc. So checking with pharmacists before taking arjuna alongside allopathic drugs is vital.

4. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Furthermore, the safety of arjuna bark has not been established well enough during the expecting or nursing stages. So it is best avoided or consumed only under medical supervision during such times.

So, to conclude, arjuna bark provides strength to cardiac health when taken appropriately. But checking with doctors is vital if you have health conditions or are on allopathic medications to prevent contraindications.


Terminalia Arjuna, often called Arjuna, is a remarkable herb widely used in Ayurveda for its powerful health benefits, especially for heart health. Its bark, rich in various bioactive compounds, has been traditionally used to support cardiovascular functions, manage blood pressure, and improve overall health. Arjuna’s antioxidant properties help protect the body from damage caused by harmful free radicals, making it beneficial for the heart and the liver, kidneys, and respiratory system.

However, it is essential to use Arjuna carefully, especially when taking other medications or if you have specific health conditions. While generally safe, excessive intake or inappropriate use can lead to side effects such as digestive issues or interactions with other drugs. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting Arjuna supplements to ensure its safe and effective use for maintaining good health.


Q1: What is Terminalia Arjuna, and how does it benefit blood health?

Terminalia Arjuna, commonly known as Arjuna, is a medicinal plant used in traditional medicine. It promotes cardiovascular health, regulates blood pressure, and supports overall heart function.

Q2: Can Arjuna help in lowering high blood pressure?

Arjuna has properties that help regulate blood pressure levels. It relaxes blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing strain on the heart, which contributes to maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Q3: How does Arjuna support overall blood circulation?

Arjuna improves cardiovascular function and enhances blood circulation throughout the body.

Q4: How does Arjuna contribute to a healthy heart rhythm?

Arjuna regulates the electrical conduction system, stabilising the heart's rhythm and promoting a regular heartbeat.

Q5: Who should not take Arjuna?

It is generally advisable to avoid taking Arjuna if you are breastfeeding.


  1. Terminalia arjuna, commonly known as Arjuna, has been used for its innumerable and valuable medicinal properties for over three centuries. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)
  2. It is a rich source of bioactive compounds, such as tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, terpenoids, steroids, flavonoids and phenols, making it stand out from other medicinal plants.(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)
  3. The NlH report states that T. arjuna has many beneficial properties, including hypocholesterolemic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antitumoral, antioxidant, antiallergic, antifeedant, and anti-HIV activities.(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)
  4. Arjuna extracts protect the gastric mucosa against oxidative damage and also strengthen the mucosal barrier, thereby conferring protection against ulcers.(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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Niharika Nanda

Hi I want Arjuna powder ..is it good for any heart disease..please share me product details and availablity..or call me 8553517746

Imnasenla Imchen

Can I buy terminalIs Arjuna

Suresh Deshmukh

Really it’s very useful in blood pressure

M Jagadiswara Rao

Suffering with knee pains is it gives relief please let me know

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