Best Hair Growth Oils:

Hair fall is a persistent and prevalent problem of the present era. The combination of stress, dust, pollution and harmful chemicals in hair oils has resulted in hair fall, lack of new hair growth, etc. Researchers have opined that a positive association exists between cortisol levels in hair and different kinds of stress.

Hence, learning about the best hair growth oils and how to use them to prevent doshas like Vata and Pitta is fundamental. Additionally, it is also essential to educate yourself about the various ayurvedic benefits they provide. 

Read this article to understand the concept of hair loss and the best hair growth oils necessary to resolve the issue. You will also discover a few DIY hair oil recipes that you can easily incorporate into your haircare routine. Scroll down for more information. 

Science Behind Hair Growth and Hair Loss

hair growth and hair loss

The growth and loss of hair are scientific processes that occur over a certain period. This is because their occurrences are integrated into a proper cycle. In this section, we will look at the stage of the hair growth cycle and the causes that usually lead to hair loss. 

Exciting facts you need to know 

  • Hair loss and Hair fall are different. Shedding 50 - 100 strands of hair each day is normal. However, when new hair does not grow, replacement hair thinning takes place. This is then considered hair loss. Hence, hair fall is an issue if you have stunted hair growth. 
  • According to Ayurveda, hair, like nails and teeth, is a byproduct of bone tissue. Additionally, it is related to nervous tissue and the gut. Hence, if there is any imbalance or health issues, the hair follicles also suffer from the negative impact. 
  • Diet and lifestyle have immense contributions to our hair. Hence, apart from treating it externally, it is paramount to ensure a healthy dietary lifestyle to resist hair loss. 

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair growth occurs in a continuous process characterised by four phases: anagen, growth; catagen, regression; telogen, rest; and exogen, shedding. Let us now look at these stages in more detail.

  • Anagen is the first stage, where the hair follicle initiates hair growth. They take the shape of an onion and push the hair till it has shifted to the last stage. This phase lasts about three to five years. However, its duration differs with the different hair types. 
  • Catagen has the shortest span; it lasts for only ten days. During this phase, the hair follicle shrinks, hindering the growth process. They are said to lose one-sixth of their original diameter. The follicle detaches itself from the blood vessel yet retains its position. It is witnessed that only five per cent of your entire hair is in this phase. 
  • Telogen is when the hair follicles are inactive, with a keratin bulb at the hair's root. This retains the hair and stays till it reaches the last stage. The phase spans three months.
  • Exogen is also known as the shedding phase, when the hair falls off the scalp. This lasts for two to five months. However, the cycle has continued since new hair follicles are continuously at work. 

Maintaining a healthy hair growth cycle will foster the development of new and nourished hair. Hence, it will prevent premature hair breaking or hair fall. Additionally, it will ensure a smooth cycle for growing new hairs. 

What Causes Hair Loss?

There are multiple causes of hair thinning. Some of the common ones are, 

  • Hereditary hair loss
  • Fungal infections on the scalp
  • Using products loaded with harmful chemicals
  • Hormonal changes due to stress, age, pregnancy
  • An unhealthy lifestyle leads to a lack of nutrition
  • Pollutants and dust particles that clog pores

Did You Know?

  1. Researchers have opined that there exists a positive association between cortisol levels in hair and different kinds of stress.
  2. Hair growth occurs in a continuous process characterised by four phases: anagen, growth; catagen, regression; telogen, rest; and exogen, shedding. 
  3. Argan oil has emerged as an essential ingredient of many cosmeceutical products.
  4. Amla oil is the richest source of Vitamin C

Ayurvedic perspective on Hair Health

hair health

There are three major doshas in Ayurvedic science - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. You need to strike a harmonious balance between these three for enhanced hair health. Check out the Ayurvedic principles.

Principles of Ayurveda for Haircare

As mentioned earlier, three doshas affect the hair loss process. The Vata dosha can be accounted for dryness, frizzy hair, split ends, and hair loss. The Pitta dosha is responsible for overheating the hair follicles, which leads to hair greying and thinning. Kapha dosha causes extra oil production, leading to dandruff, flaky scalp, and hair loss. 

Some common Ayurvedic remedies are as follows:

  • Amla
  • Bhringraj
  • Hibiscus 
  • Coconut oil
  • Castor oil
  • Shatavari

Benefits of Using Ayurvedic Oils

There are numerous benefits of oiling hair using natural oils. Some common advantages are, 

  • All are natural ingredients. 
  • Prevents several hair problems at once (e.g., dandruff, itchy scalp, reduces inflammation, split ends, etc.)
  • Long-lasting effects without any side effects

Experts View

Essential or Carrier Oil for Hair Care?

The former is usually utilised to treat hair and scalp conditions. The latter is actually used to dilute essential oils. These mixed oils help enhance the process of hair repair and growth. 

Best Hair Growth Oils

We have chosen the six best for you among the several hair growth oils we have handpicked. Check out their contribution and manner of usage. 

1. Coconut oil

This has been one of the best hair growth oils since immemorial for its impeccable results due to its anti-fungal properties. 


  • Promotes proper blood circulation
  • Nourishes the scalp
  • Reduces hair loss


Use your fingers to massage the oil into the scalp. You can apply from the tip to the root of your hair. Leave for thirty minutes to an hour or two. Repeat it once or twice a week. 

Ayurvedic view

It balances the Vata and Pitta doshas to reduce excessive heat and dryness from the body. This helps to resist hair loss.

2. Castor oil

Another very common option is castor oil extracted from castor beans. It is rich in ricinoleic acid and is usually mixed with other oils for easy application. 


  • Strengths hair roots
  • Boosts blood circulation
  • Enhances hair growth


Mix it with coconut or sesame oil in a 3:1 ratio. Warm it up a little and apply it on your scalp. Leave it overnight. Repeat it twice or thrice a week. 

Ayurvedic View

It balances the Vata and Kapha doshas, which resists the excessive oil production in the scalp. It helps effectively deal with hair thinning. 

3. Olive oil

This, again, is one of the other best hair growth oils with incredible antioxidant levels. Additionally, it is also a rich source of vitamin E and oleic acid. 


  • Natural air conditioner
  • Repair hair damages
  • Strengthen hair follicles


Heat a small cup of the oil. Massage the oil gently into your scalp. Tie your hair with a warm towel and keep it for thirty minutes to an hour or two. Repeat it twice a week. 

Ayurvedic View 

It balances the Vata dosha by managing the dietary lifestyle, which improves hair condition. There is a strong connection between the digestive system and hair health.

4. Argan oil

Argan oil

Its high vitamin E content qualifies it as one of the best hair growth oils. In the last 15 years, Argan oil has emerged as an important ingredient of many cosmeceutical products. 


  • Regulates sebum secretion
  • Provides adequate moisturisation
  • Promotes smooth and shiny hair


Apply a generous amount of the oil and use a comb to spread it uniformly. Leave it for thirty minutes to a few hours. Repeat twice or thrice a week. 

Ayurvedic View

It helps in balancing the Pitta doshas by resolving digestive issues. This helps in dealing with scaly scalp and frizzy hair. 

5. Bhringraj oil

This is often referred to as the king of herbs. It is loaded with nutrients and hence is a solution to multiple conditions. 


  • Prevents hair fall
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Supply nutrients to hair follicles


Heat a small cup of oil for thirty minutes and massage for ten to fifteen minutes. Leave it for at least thirty minutes. Repeat it twice a week. Do check our pure Mahabhringraj oil.

Ayurvedic view

It balances the Vata and Kapha doshas to stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles. Additionally, it also provides adequate nutrients to the scalp. 

5. Amla oil

Amla oil is the richest source of Vitamin C. This helps contribute to hair growth in multiple ways. Hence, it is often considered one of the best hair growth oils. 


  • Strengthen hair follicles
  • Cleanses and unclogs pores
  • Prevents premature greying


Warm up a generous amount of the oil and massage it in a circular motion into the scalp and length of the hair. Leave it overnight. Repeat it twice to thrice a week. 

Ayurvedic View

It balances the Vata and Pitta doshas to promote hair vitality. Moreover, it helps in dealing with hair dryness. 

6. Neem oil

This oil contains anti-microbial properties that help resolve multiple hair and scalp conditions. Additionally, it also has antiseptic properties that aid in reducing inflammation. 


  • Deals with dandruff
  • Maintain scalp hygiene
  • Boosts hair growth


Dilute the neem oil and apply it to the scalp and from the tip to the root of the hair. Leave for thirty minutes to an hour. Repeat twice or thrice a week. 

Ayurvedic view

It balances the Pitta and Kapha doshas to enhance blood circulation to the scalp. 

Also, do check our range of:

Comparison table of Hair Growth Oils

Oil type

Key properties

Best for dosha

Coconut oil

Moisturisation, nourishment, anti-fungal

Vata, Pitta

Castor oil

Stimulates growth and strengthens roots


Olive oil

Rich in antioxidants, it improves scalp health


Argan oil

Conditions, reduces frizz


Bhringraj oil

Prevents hair fall, promotes regrowth

Vata, Kapha

Amla oil

Strengthens follicles, prevents greying

Pitta, Vata

Neem oil 

Anti-microbial, treats dandruff

Kapha, Pitta

Factors to Consider when Choosing the Right Hair Growth Oil

There are various hair growth natural oils. How can you know which one is appropriate for you? Learn the methods to identify the best option for you. 

Identifying your hair type and dosha

Determining hair types

  • Straight hair - Has no curls and is soft and silky
  • Wavy hair - A mild combination of straight and curly variants. Ends with little curls
  • Curly hair - frizzy S-patterned hair. It remains curly even when straightening. 

Determining hair doshas

  • Vata - dry and frizzy hair
  • Pitta - straight and silky hair
  • Kapha - thick and wavy hair

Personalised recommendations

Different hair and scalp conditions require different solutions. Check out how to mix your oils for these common issues. 

  • Damaged hair - Olive and almond oil
  • Hair growth - Castor and coconut oil 
  • Dandruff - Coconut and Jojoba oil
  • Dry Scalp - Olive and coconut oil 

While customising your hair care routine, determine your hair condition. Additionally, many oils might lead to cough and cold in those cases, so avoid leaving them overnight. Conduct a patch test before using a new mixture. If any issue persists, visit the doctor at once. 

DIY Hair Oil Recipes

coconut oil

You can mix your hair oils to formulate your personalised oil. Check out the three common DIY recipes. 

Nourishing coconut and curry leaf oil

  • Heat the coconut oil for thirty seconds
  • Add ten to twelve curry leaves and wait for twenty minutes. 
  • After it cools down, apply it to the scalp and the length of the hair. 
  • Leave it for 45 minutes to one hour
  • Repeat once or twice per week.

Strengthening castor and fenugreek oil

  • Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight
  • Blend them to make a paste
  • Add the castor oil and apply it generously
  • Leave it for one or two hours
  • Repeat twice or thrice per week

Soothing olive and lavender oil

  • Mix four to five drops of lavender oil with three tablespoons of olive oil
  • Apply directly to the scalp and from the tip to the root of the hair
  • Leave it for at least ten minutes 
  • Repeat three to four times per week


The hair growth oils help enhance hair health by balancing the three main doshas. However, you need to be patient to witness noticeable results. If you are suffering from hair loss, then make sure to integrate these best hair growth oils individually or in mixtures into your hair care routine. 


1. What is the best oil for hair growth and thickness?

Argan oil is considered the best for promoting hair growth. The high vitamin E content enables it to offer multiple hair benefits. 

2. How often should I use hair growth oils?

Once or twice is the usual frequency. However, depending on your hair and scalp type and condition, you can increase or decrease it. 

3. Can I mix different hair growth oils?

Yes, you can. However, you must seek professional help to mix the right oils in the right amounts. This will offer you more desirable outcomes. 

4. Are there any side effects of using hair growth oils?

There are no severe or prolonged side effects. However, you might experience a burning or stinging sensation in a few cases when applying. 

5. How long does it take to see results with hair growth oils?

Since they are natural remedies, it might take up to a few weeks to see results. However, it also depends on your hair and scalp condition.

6. Which Ayurvedic oil is best for preventing hair fall?

Coconut and Bhringraj oils are best for arresting hair loss. You can either use them individually or blend them in proper proportions. 

7. Can hair growth oils help with dandruff?

Yes, it can. Variants like Neem, Olive, Castor, and Argan oil have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. These moisturise and soothe the scalp, which aids in effectively dealing with dandruff.

8. What is the best way to apply hair growth oils?

The best method involves massaging the oil gently into the scalp in a circular motion and applying it to the full length of the hair. Make sure you are applying it to dry or slightly dampened hair.


  1. Researchers have opined that there exists a positive association between cortisol levels in hair and different kinds of stress (
  2. Hair growth occurs in a continuous process characterised by four phases: anagen, growth; catagen, regression; telogen, rest; and exogen, shedding. ( 
  3. In the last 15 years, Argan oil has emerged as an important ingredient of many cosmeceutical products (
  4. Amla oil is the richest source of Vitamin C. (


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

Zandu Ayurvedic Team has a panel of over 10 BAMS (Ayurvedacharya), boasting a collective experience of over 50 years. With a deep-rooted understanding of Ayurveda, they are committed to sharing their expertise & knowledge through our blogs.
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