hair oil

Nutrition and proper care are among the two crucial things that keep us alive. Not only are they a necessity for your body, but also for your optimal hair growth. The importance of routine hair oiling for fine hair may have perhaps been mentioned to us by our grandparents.

They used to say so because hair oiling shields your scalp against harmful outside elements and helps in controlling hair fall. Moreover, regular and routine hair oiling keeps your scalp nourished and moisturized. The hair oil strengthens your hair follicles by penetrating deep into your scalp and ensures a thick, glossy and sleek hair appearance over time. 

Hair oiling is still a crucial element of your regular hair care regimen even though shampooing and conditioning your locks are necessary for healthy hair growth. That’s because it supports your hair’s overall health and has a host of other advantages. As said earlier, this ancient Ayurvedic practice soften your hair and also provides nutrition to keep the hair healthy and radiant.

Did You Know

  1. The importance of routine hair oiling for fine hair may have perhaps been mentioned to us by our grandparents.
  2. According to a study, coconut, almond, and argon oils can significantly boost the moisture level in your body to revitalise your hair.
  3. The hair oil massaging method stimulates or enhances blood circulation to the scalp.
  4. Furthermore, they are drawn to the germs because of your scalp's dead skin-induced bacterial growth.

List of benefits of hair oiling in Ayurveda

  1. Adds shine, lustre, & moisture to your hair
  2. Promotes visible hair growth
  3. Lowers lice risk
  4. Dandruff prevention
  5. Protects fungal and bacterial infection
  6. Promotes hair root strengthening and prevents premature greying
  7. Excellent stress buster
  8. Improves tensile strength and elasticity
  9. Offers deep conditioning

Adds shine, luster, & moisture to your hair

The best way to get silky and shiny hair is to always keep it hydrated. According to a study, coconut, almond, and argon oils can significantly boost the moisture level in your body to revitalise your hair. Furthermore, a recent study revealed that coconut oil improves the strength and growth of hair follicles or fibres.

Today, hair oiling is an excellent therapeutic remedy for individuals with affected hair due to heat damage and intense styling. The oil fills the gaps with the much-needed moisture and keeps the hair shiny, lustrous, and smooth.

Promotes visible hair growth

hair growth

Except for the benefits oils provide, the massage technique used while applying the hair oil also has many benefits. The hair oil massaging method stimulates or enhances the blood circulation to the scalp.

This ensures supplying the necessary nutrients to the scalp to always keep your hair well-nourished. Plus, the stress-relief factor is another factor that helps prevent hair loss. The fact that various oils include vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair is among the key advantages of oiling your hair every day.

While olive oil consists of Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B3, B6, and B12, almond oil comes with Vitamin E, K, and B. They are all necessary for maintaining hair since exposure to the outdoors causes your hairline to deteriorate.

Also read:

  • How to prevent Grey hair with a touch of Ayurveda?
  • Simple steps to stop hair Thinning at home
  • Henna benefits for hair Strength & Shine

Lowers lice risk

A dry, brittle scalp attracts lice. Furthermore, they are drawn to the germs because of your scalp's dead skin-induced bacterial growth. 

Many oils stimulate the skin, eliminate dead skin cells, and alleviate skin dryness. Combining these elements can help stop the development of hair lice. Certain hair oils, such olive oil, also have antimicrobial characteristics.

Dandruff prevention


Similar to lice, dandruff is lured to a visibly dry and perspirant scalp; however, since debris and pollutants can dry out the scalp, this may prove troublesome. The accumulation of dead skin cells, another cause of dandruff, can be avoided by using castor oil three times a week overnight.

Protects fungal & bacterial infection

Most oils contain antifungal qualities, just like they do with antibacterial ones. These characteristics prevent fungal growth and fungus diseases. It's crucial to keep in mind that fungal pathogens spread when there is an excess of moisture.

Regularly oiling and washing your hair and scalp can promote maintaining a healthy balance of moisture.

Today, most hair oils available in the market come with antibacterial properties. When someone applies these oils to the scalp, it helps them prevent bacterial infections on the hair.

This infection is usually caused when your hair is exposed to bad weather. The remaining germs on the dead skin and hair are another reason why bacterial infections occur on someone’s hair. The best solution to get rid of this is applying hair oils on the scalp. 

Promotes hair root strengthening & prevents premature greying 

Promotes hair

Frequent hair oil application removes dead skin cells on your scalp and purges toxins that are bad for your hair. This greatly stimulates your roots and purges the bad germs from your hair shaft. 

Using hair oil further restores nutrients that have been lost to your scalp and hair, thereby strengthening the hair strands. Another typical problem that most individuals deal with is early hair greying. It is primarily brought on by a shortage in vital vitamins or inadequate hydration of the scalp.

Frequent hair oiling assures that your scalp absorbs the essential nutrients and vitamins it needs, as well as the right nutrients. Hence, regularly oiling your hair may serve as your greatest weapon against early greying.

Excellent stress buster

You’ve seen that hair oiling benefits us in many ways. However, a good old-fashioned hair oil massage can relieve your stress and ensure mind-body relaxation. The increased blood flow throughout the scalp due to the massaging technique provides a relaxing and calming sensation.

As a result, frequent hair oiling can effectively reduce tension. Although oiling your hair has a variety of advantages, the subject of "which oil is the finest for hair?" frequently causes confusion. In terms of hair lubrication, this might perhaps be the most frequently requested queries.

There may not be a clear-cut solution, but there are still several kinds of hair oils that provide advantages for your scalp and hair. These include almond oil, coconut oil, castor oil, and more.

Improves tensile strength and elasticity

Tensile strength is the amount of stress that hair can bear before breaking when it is pulled or stretched. Hair has the ability to regain its original shape after being bent or twisted. The harmony of hair keratin for water promotes the elasticity of hair. Up to 20 to 30 per cent of the length of dry hair can be stretched. When combined with water, it could improve by up to 50%.

A study indicates that using hair oil right away after bathing or washing may cause curls to retain water. Hair oil also aids in the moisture retention of your silky hair.

The tensile strength and breaking point can be extended by the presence of moisture and oil in the hair.

Offers deep conditioning

A ResearchGate study suggests that hair follicle damage may be repaired by using hair oil with a coconut base. The porosity of curls is improved by applying hair oils to both the cortex, which is the thickest layer of hair between the medulla and the cuticle, and their surface.

Consequently, routine hair oiling aids in preventing damage and hair loss from regular washing or other causes. For shiny hair and a healthy scalp, use our suggested hair oil.

Also, do check our 100% Ayurvedic onion oil.

When to apply oil on hair?

The ideal time to oil your hair will depend on your schedule and personal preferences. Depending on the needs of your hair, you can choose from the following usual times to apply hair oil:

  • Before washing

Many people would rather use hair oil than shampoo. In addition to nourishing hair, this can shield it from shampoo's drying effects.

  • Overnight

Your hair can be deeply nourished and moisturized as you sleep if you use hair oil overnight. To keep the oil off your pillow, you can wrap a towel around your head or wear a shower hat.

  • Before styling

Use a small amount of hair oil to shield your hair from heat damage if you want to use heat styling equipment like a curling iron or flat iron.

  • After washing

Frizz can be minimised and moisture can be retained in damp hair by applying hair oil. Just start at the ends of your hair and work your way up to the roots using a small amount of oil.

In addition to this you can also check our 100% pure ayurvedic range of: 

When and how should you oil your hair?

In accordance with Ayurveda, you should wash and oil your hair once a week. You should only oil your hair twice or three times a week if it is very dry or if you have a lot of dandruff.

The greatest and easiest way to oil hair is to take some lukewarm (not hot) oil in a small dish, dip your fingertips into it, part your hair at the top of your head with your other hand, and then massage the oil into your scalp. Next, separate your hair in a nearby area and smear on some oil. Continue doing this until you have oiled your entire head. 

Apply a thin layer of oil all the way down the hair's length. (Too much oil can cause the hair to get excessively coated, making dust and debris attach to it.) Finally, use tiny, circular strokes to gently massage the scalp to promote blood flow and let the oil to permeate, which will cool the head and eliminate any remaining excess doshas.


The Ayurveda gave rise to the practice of hair oiling as a remedy for healthy hair. Frequent oiling could shield hair from pollutants and shampoo's harmful ingredients. Moreover, it might improve hydration, gloss, and luster in addition to possibly stopping hair loss.

Given the many benefits of hair oiling, it’s never too late to get started with your hair care regime and include hair oil in it. With the best hair oil products, like the ones you get at the ZanduCare store, you will find it easy and cost-effective to begin with your hair care routine. 

Explore the finest collection of hair oil products at ZanduCare and take a step towards better hair growth and development.

Also do check our related guides:


1. How To Use Oil In Your Hair?

To learn how to oil your hair, follow these steps: 

  • Step 1: Add oil to your scalp & gently massage it in a circular pattern with your fingertips.
  • Step 2: If there’s any oil left in your palms, apply it too on your hair. 
  • Step 3: Cover the hair with a shower cap or towel and leave it like that the entire night. 
  • Step 4: When your hair will be dry the next day, shampoo and rinse it properly. 
  • Step 5: Condition your hair after shampooing like you usually do. 

2. What is the best time interval for applying oil in hair? 

Although it may seem impractical to many people, Ayurveda recommends oiling your hair regularly without any skipping. It suggests people to adopt hair oil application as a part of their daily regimen (or dinacharya). According to experts, twice a week is the perfect routine for hair oil application. They usually suggest applying the hair oil the night before you intend on shampooing the hair. 

3. What are the best types of oils for hair oiling?

Although castor oil is the best type of hair oil, people can also use other types of oil for hair like coconut oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, and olive oil. Most of these oils are rich in vitamins and minerals along with fatty acids. This ensures better, thicker, and faster hair growth. 

4. Is regular hair oiling beneficial?

Oiling is mostly done to prepare the scalp for conditioning. An oil massage stimulates the hair roots and improves blood flow to the scalp, both of which promote hair growth. Frequent oiling could shield hair from pollutants and shampoo's harmful ingredients. Moreover, it might improve hydration, gloss, and shine while also possibly halting hair loss.

5. Will applying hair oil make my hair thick?

Oiling is a powerful approach to give hair more thickness, increase blood flow, and get a lovely shine. Moreover, it encourages hair development by stimulating hair follicles.

6. Is it advisable to comb hair after applying hair oil?

It is normal to use your comb to reduce tangles immediately after rubbing oil into your hair. Yet since it's a typical blunder, you must stay away from it. When you get a decent oil massage, your scalp relaxes and becomes brittle; brushing your hair right away might lead to thinning hair and hair loss.


  1. The importance of routine hair oiling for fine hair may have perhaps been mentioned to us by our grandparents. (
  2. According to a study, coconut, almond, and argon oils can significantly boost the moisture level in your body to revitalise your hair. (
  3. The hair oil massaging method stimulates or enhances blood circulation to the scalp. (
  4. Furthermore, they are drawn to the germs because of your scalp's dead skin-induced bacterial growth. (
Hair growth


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