Kumkumadi Oil/Tailam: Top 10 Benefits, Ingredients & Side Effects

Kumkumadi oil, or Kumkumadi tailam, is one of the astounding ayurvedic elixirs that uplift skin health and cure a number of skin problems. It combines various precious herbs, in which saffron is the main ingredient to moisturize the skin. In short, this premium quality ayurvedic product has excellent therapeutic benefits for the skin.

The Kumkumadi word means ‘Kumkum,' which is saffron, and 'aadi' is a group of herbs whose combination makes the skin glowing and healthy. Being the ayurvedic facial oil, it works like a miracle on the skin, and till now, it is considered the most remarkable and age-old ayurvedic beauty secret. 

Kumkumadi Tailam or Oil Ingredients

Some of the ingredients present in this kumkumadi oil formulation are: -

  • Yashtimadhu
  • Mulethi
  • Lal chandan
  • Kumkum/ saffron
  • Kamal Kesar
  • Yashtimadhu ( Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
  • Goat milk
  • Sesame oil
  • Rose water
  • Nilkand or neel kamal
  • Vat vriksha
  • Nisha
  • Manjistha
  • Sweta Chandana
  • Laksha
  • Pakar
  • Pattaga
  • Daruhaldi

Top 10 Benefits of Using Kumkumadi Oil/Tailam

Kumkumadi tailam or oil is the formulation of various herbs which are handpicked from nature's garden. All the above ingredients discussed above are put together to make an oil that delivers skin a radiant look.

1. Improves complexion

Saffron is a well-known herb that is fabled for its skin-lightening properties. This red thread, along with various other herbs, enhances the overall complexion of the skin. Apart from that, this oil is also rich in antioxidant and antibacterial properties, so it promotes blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin cells.

Moreover, regular use of this oil on the skin can reduce skin tan by offering healthy and natural radiance from the inside. For the best result, mix kumkumadi oil and almond oil in the same proportion and apply it all over the face with the help of a moistened cotton ball. Make sure you allow this mixer to stay all night. 

2. Heals damaged and inflamed skin

Kumkumadi tailam or oil is a fantastic product famous for its antiseptic, disinfectant, and antibacterial properties. This unique blend of herbs oil also helps in healing wounds, scars, and infections. 

Apart from that, the soothing properties of the oil also reduce burning sensation, itching, and also rashes. For mind-blowing results, mix this oil with tea tree oil, and you will see the magical results.

A woman with damage skin

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3. Prevents acne and pimples

Kumkumadi oil or tailam is packed with antioxidants, and anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, because of which it is beneficial in treating various types of skin infections. On top of that, it also treats inflammatory conditions of the skin like acne, pimples, and many more.

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When you apply this oil to the skin, it acts as a mild cleanser that cleans the skin pores and removes all the dead skin cells and accumulation of dirt and grime particles. Moreover, kumkumadi oil also prevents infections in the sebaceous glands, which reduces redness and pain at the affected site. 

Now the question is how to use kumkumadi oil? First of all, mix a tsp of shankha bhashma and a drop of kumkumadi oil and apply it to the affected area. 

4. Reduces dark spots, pigmentation, and blemishes

Some of the natural ingredients in the kumkumadi oil are rich in antioxidant properties and effectively improve skin texture by making it radiant, clear, and moisturized. Apart from that, this oil works as a natural sun protectant against harmful UVA and UVB rays.

As it is enriched with the remarkable properties of saffron, it also reduces dark spots, blemishes, and pigmentation.

Pigmentation and blemishes

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5. Hydrates the skin

Some of the studies state that Lotus stamen and Manjistha present in the kumkumadi oil hydrate and moisturize the skin with regular usage. 

6. It can be used as a sunscreen

Some of the research concluded on the kumkumadi oil states that saffron pollens used in the oil act as a natural sun protectant which also strengthens the oil with SPF 30. Moreover, the presence of various herbs in the oil, like saffron oil, rose oil, sesame oil, lotus extracts, etc., protects the skin against harmful radiation.

Furthermore, this oil also prevents free radicals that damage the skin.

7. Improves skin elasticity

Kumkumadi oil or tailam improves skin elasticity by reducing wrinkles and making skin gracefully radiant. 

Just massage your face and other target areas while sitting in the comfort of your home with the oil. 

8. Lessons scars

When acne and pimples heal, it leaves ugly scars on the face with time. These scars look horrid, and individuals want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Due to these scars, the overall self-confidence of the individual also diminishes. 

But using this oil enriched with kumkum and haldi prevents these scars and slowly makes the skin clear. Once you start using this oil as an acne treatment, it will immediately start its work and prevent the formation of scars. However, in the later stage also, this oil will do wonders on the skin.


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9. Delivers a cooling effect on the skin

Regular use of kumkumadi oil on the skin prevents further skin discoloration along with a cooling effect. So, start using kumkumadi oil today and see the real results. 

10. Promotes skin cell regeneration

Regular massage of kumkumadi oil on the face helps in the regeneration of cells by reducing fine lines and wrinkles.This will affect the skin with an instant glow. 

How to use Kumkumadi Tailam?

The kumkumadi oil is best for all skin types, dry, oily, or mixed. But as per skincare experts if you own oily skin, don't use it in minute quantities so that it will not make the skin greasy. However, for an effective result, follow the below step-by-step guide on kumkumadi oil.

  • Make sure to clean the makeup properly so that there will be no makeup residue left on the skin.
  • Now wash your face with a mild face wash.
  • After that, take a few drops of kumkumadi oil in your palm and apply it all over your face, neck, or any other affected area.
  • Ensure to massage the oil evenly on the face in circular upward strokes for around 5 to 10 minutes.

Remember, after applying this oil on the face, let it stay for around 2-3 hours. Moreover, if your skin is dry and chapped, it will be best if you apply it before going to bed and let it stay overnight for effective results. Additionally, people with oily skin must wash their face within 3 hours.

Well, you can buy this kumkumadi oil or tailam from the market but make sure it is original and not full of chemicals. Moreover, if you are looking for the best product, then buy it only from Zanducare one of the best ayurvedic products that strive to offer premium quality products at an affordable price.

Zandu is presenting Kumukumadi Taila, a superb product that offers ageless skin benefits to people. It is prepared with natural oils and herbs like Kumkum, Kesar, kamal, yashtimadhu, and many more to nourish and improve skin health. Using this oil regularly will reduce tan and dullness and also improve skin complexion. 

So, if you want to look younger and keep your skin glowing make this ayurvedic elixir part of your skincare routine. 

Kumkumadi Tailam Side Effects

Well, there are no well-known side effects of kumkumadi oil if you use it properly and in adequate amounts. But if you use it in excess, it will indeed cause negative effects. They are:

  1. It can cause a burning sensation when it comes in direct contact with the eye.
  2. Kumkumadi oil also offers the best result in managing stretch marks. But don't start using this oil without consulting the experts, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it may cause rashes. 
  3. People having sensitive skin may experience allergic reactions such as pimples, brown spots, or rashes. So, be careful.
  4. As you know, kumkumadi oil is made with different types of herb oil, and its excessive use can increase oiliness and acne. Therefore, don't use it more than once a day.
  5. If you have dark circles, take a few drops of kumkumadi oil in your hands and massage gently under the eye, and leave it for around 30 minutes. After that, wash it with normal water, and for faster results, repeat this process once or twice a day.
  6. For facial skin pores, massage this oil along with steam therapy.

Easy Beauty Hacks Using Kumkumadi Oil

There are several ways to use kumkumadi oil daily to make your skin healthy and radiant. Some of them are: -

  1. You can increase cellular regeneration and arrest signs of aging with kumkumadi oil by adding it to bath water. For that, add a few drops of kumkumadi oil in warm water along with bath salts and enjoy the relaxing and soothing beauty bath. 
  2. To treat pigmentation, dab this oil using a moist cotton ball on the affected area and leave it overnight. If you use it daily you will get assured results within a fortnight.
  3. You can also use kumkumadi oil as a massage oil for at-home facials. Just take a few drops of oil on your palm and massage for a radiant complexion.


If you are looking for a natural skin care product without any side effects and to help you get rid of various skin-related issues like dark spots, pigmentation, etc., then kumkumadi oil is the right pick. It is an excellent addition to the skincare regime, enriched with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory herbs. 

So, start using it today and see the magical results. 


1. Can I use soap to remove kumkumadi oil from the face?

Yes, you can use soap or face wash to remove the oil from the face.

2. Can we apply kumkumadi oil or tailam full night on the face?

No doubt, it is absolutely safe to apply kumkumadi oil on the face at night and leave it overnight. If you do so, it will offer exceptional results as this oil is a light product easily absorbed by the skin.

3. Is it best to apply face cream after applying kumkumadi oil?

Once you apply kumkumadi oil to your face, wait for around 30 minutes and wash off the face with lukewarm water. After this process, apply face cream for the best result.

4. How long does this oil take to start showing results?

Kumkumadi oil is manufactured for the ongoing skincare regime. If you want to see the best result, you have to continue its use as long as you want to maintain healthy and radiant skin. But if you ask for the time, you will start seeing positive results within the first month of using it.

5. Can I use kumkumadi oil daily on my face?

Kumkumadi oil, or tailam, is one of the best natural moisturizers that keep the skin supple and healthy. So, if you want to reap its highest benefits, use this oil regularly.

Kumkumadi oilMoisturizingNatural beautyRadiance-enhancingSkincareTraditional medicine


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