Aloe Vera Ghritkumari Plant

Aloe Vera/एलोवेरा/Ghritkumari/Ghee Kunwar/Aloes

  • English Name: Aloes
  • Sanskrit Name: Ghritkumari
  • Hindi Name: Ghee Kunwar
  • French Name: Aloès
  • Spanish Name: Sábila

Aloe Vera is recognized medicinal plant for its succulent nature, characterized by thick, fleshy leaves. Indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula and specific regions of Madagascar.

Known as "Kumari" in Ayurveda, Aloe Vera has been a healing remedy for millennia. Ayurvedic texts emphasize its effectiveness in addressing diverse health concerns, ranging from skin conditions to digestive issues.

Evidence-Based Benefits of Aloe Vera (Ghee Kunwar)

  • Skin Healing: Aloe Vera accelerates wound healing and alleviates skin conditions like burns, cuts, and eczema due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

  • Sunburn Relief: Applied topically, Aloe Vera provides instant relief from sunburn by cooling the skin and reducing inflammation, promoting faster recovery.
  • Moisturization: The gel from Aloe Vera leaves is an excellent natural moisturizer, hydrating the skin without clogging pores, making it suitable for various skin types.
  • Anti-Acne Properties: Aloe Vera's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components help combat acne, reducing redness and inflammation associated with breakouts.

Acne on the face of girl

  • Digestive Aid: Consumed orally, Aloe Vera juice supports digestive health by alleviating constipation and promoting a healthy gut environment, thanks to its laxative and prebiotic effects.
  • Immune System Boost: Aloe Vera is a friendly ayurvedic herb for immunity. It enhances the body's ability to defend against infections and illnesses.

  • Dental Health: Aloe Vera uses extend to oral health too. It can reduce plaque buildup and soothe gum inflammation when used in toothpaste or mouthwash.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Aloe Vera's anti-inflammatory properties extend beyond the skin, making it a potential remedy for inflammatory conditions like arthritis when consumed or applied topically.

  • Antioxidant Support: It actively fights free radicals, diminishing oxidative stress and promoting holistic cellular health.

  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies suggest that Aloe Vera flower benefits may include the regulation of blood sugar levels, making it potentially beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

  • Used for Skin Healing: It accelerates skin healing through its polysaccharide content, specifically acemannan. This compound promotes cell regeneration and reduces inflammation, fostering the recovery of wounds, burns, and skin irritations.

  • Sunburn Relief: It provides sunburn relief due to its high content of compounds like glycoproteins, which reduce inflammation and pain. Polysaccharides in Aloe Vera also contribute by promoting skin repair, helping soothe and rejuvenate sun-exposed skin.


  • Good for Moisturization: Aloe Vera's moisturizing ability arises from its water-rich gel, predominantly containing mucopolysaccharides. These compounds adeptly trap moisture, providing skin hydration without greasiness.

Nutrition Facts of Aloe Vera


Amount per 8-ounce


37 kcal


9.3 g


0 g


0 g


9.3 g


20 mg

Vitamin C

9.4 mg, or 10% of the DV


How Does Aloe Vera Work To Heal The Skin? 

Its polysaccharide-rich gel enhances skin healing by promoting cell proliferation and reducing inflammation. The plant's glycoproteins help reduce sunburn discomfort by suppressing inflammation and pain. As a natural moisturizer, mucopolysaccharides in Aloe Vera lock in skin moisture without greasiness. The plant's antimicrobial properties, coupled with antioxidants, contribute to its effectiveness in dental care by reducing plaque and soothing gum inflammation. Additionally, Aloe Vera's prebiotic effect aids digestive health.

More Medicinal Plants:

Different Ways to Use Aloe Vera

natural aloevera gel
  • Aloe Vera Gel: Extract the gel from the leaves and consume it directly for various health benefits.
  • Aloe Vera Juice: Blend the gel with water or other juices to create a refreshing and nutritious drink.
  • Aloe Vera Smoothies: Incorporate Aloe Vera gel into fruit or green smoothies for added nutritional value.
  • Aloe Vera Supplements: Available in the form of capsules or tablets for convenient consumption.
  • Aloe Vera in Culinary Dishes: Use Aloe Vera gel in salads, salsas, or other dishes for a unique flavor and potential health boost.

Aloe Vera Facts and Myths

Facts About Aloe Vera

  • Fact 1: Aloe Vera can be consumed internally, offering various health benefits beyond skin care.
  • Fact 2: Not all Aloe Vera products are created equal. Quality varies, so it's essential to choose authentic and pure sources.
  • Fact 3: While beneficial for many skin conditions, Aloe Vera is not a universal cure and may not work the same for everyone.

Myths About Aloe Vera

  • Myth 1: Aloe Vera is only for topical use.
  • Myth 2: All Aloe Vera products are equal.
  • Myth 3: Aloe Vera can cure all skin issues.

Growing Aloe Vera at Home

Plant Aloe Vera in well-draining soil and place it in a sunny location. Aloe Vera is drought-resistant. Water sparingly to avoid waterlogging. Harvest mature leaves by cutting them at the base, allowing the plant to continually regenerate.

Where to Buy Aloe Vera Products?

For premium Aloe Vera products, consider Zandu wide range of products. Trusted for quality and effectiveness, this health juice blends Aloe Vera with potent herbs, offering a convenient and beneficial solution. Purchase it online or at select health and wellness retailers for a natural boost to your well-being.


In a world where skin-related concerns and overall well-being are paramount, users seek effective solutions. Aloe Vera products stand as a natural remedy, offering relief from skin irritations, sunburns, and promoting general health. With abundant antioxidants and soothing properties, Aloe Vera addresses modern lifestyle challenges. By seamlessly incorporating these products into daily routines, users not only experience immediate relief but also embrace a time-tested method for achieving healthier skin and overall vitality.


1. Can I consume Aloe Vera?

Yes, Aloe Vera gel can be consumed for various health benefits.

2. Is Aloe Vera safe for sensitive skin?

While Aloe Vera is generally safe for sensitive skin, it is advisable to perform a patch test initially to ensure compatibility.

3. Does Aloe Vera help with acne scars?

Consistent use can potentially diminish the visibility of acne scars with time.

4. How often should I water Aloe Vera plants?

Water Aloe Vera sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering.

5. Can Aloe Vera be used on hair?

Applying Aloe Vera gel to the hair and scalp can nourish and support a healthy scalp.

Aloe veraAloe vera juice


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