Shatavari Herb

Shatavari is a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine that has been used for centuries. Its name means "she who possesses a hundred husbands". Traditionally shatavari was used to support women's health, especially reproductive health. Nowadays it's gaining popularity in the West as an adaptogen and women's tonic.

  • Hindi Name: Shatavari
  • Latin Name: Asparagus racemosus Willd
  • Sanskrit Name: Shatavari
  • English Name: Asparagus

Evidence-Based Advantages of Shatavari Herb


    Source: Canva

    Here's a list of health benefits of Shatavari:

    • May support female reproductive health: Multiple studies show shatavari can help regulate hormones and ovulation while alleviating PMS symptoms like pain and mood swings
    • Potential adaptogenic properties: Research indicates shatavari may help the body resist stress and regulate cortisol levels
    • Anti-oxidant effects: Compounds in shatavari demonstrate antioxidant capabilities which promote overall health at the cellular level
    • Anti-inflammatory qualities: Specific saponins found in shatavari exhibit natural anti-inflammatory activities according to emerging research
    • May boost immune function: Early studies reveal possible immunomodulatory effects, enhancing the body's immune defenses
    • Supports healthy lactation: Traditional use and some clinical evidence suggest shatavari can increase breast milk production for nursing mothers
    • May improve gut health: As a mucilaginous herb, shatavari can soothe the stomach lining and alleviate hyperacidity, ulcers, and discomfort
    • Promotes balanced energy levels: Shatavari has long been used in Ayurveda to energize the body and improve physical endurance over time gently

    Other Plants/Herbs

    Shatavari for Female Reproductive Health

    Shatavari has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to support women's fertility and hormonal balance. It regulates ovulation, relieves PMS and menopause symptoms, and prepares the uterus for conception. You can explore Ayurvedic medicines for Women via Zandu.

    Shatavari to Resist Stress and Regulate Cortisol

      Research shows shatavari helps moderate your body's physiological response to stress. Its adaptogenic properties strengthen resilience and normalize levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

      Shatavari for Body's Immune Defenses

      Shatavari has antioxidant compounds that neutralize free radicals and remove toxins, boosting immunity at the cellular level. Preliminary studies suggest it activates certain immune cells to fend off illness.

      Shatavari for Healthy Lactation 

      Traditionally prescribed to promote lactation, shatavari increases prolactin and estrogen levels responsible for breast milk production. It ensures nursing mothers can fully nourish their babies. 

      Shatavari for Gut Health

      stomach pain

      Source: Canva

      The mucilaginous properties in shatavari coat and soothe the digestive tract. It prevents gut inflammation from improving nutrient absorption, easing ulcers and stomach pain, and relieving issues like diarrhea.

      Shatavari for Balanced Energy

      With regular use, shatavari provides a sustained energy lift without caffeine-like crashes. It may also strengthen endurance for physical activities by normalizing cortisol spikes from exertion.

      Nutrition Facts of Shatavari





      Shatavarins, Shatavarosides

      Adaptogenic, immune support


       Quercetin, Rutin, Kaempferol

      Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory


      Asparagamine A, Shatavarin

      Tonic for reproductive health


      Sitosterol, Stigmasterol

      Hormonal balance, cholesterol


      Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K

      Immune support, antioxidant


      Inulin, Arabinogalactans

      Digestive support, prebiotic


      Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Manganese, Zinc

      Bone health, enzyme function

      How Does Shatavari Work for Health Issues? 

      Shatavari is jam-packed with active compounds like saponins and phytoestrogens that produce therapeutic effects once your body processes. It tends to gently rebalance hormone levels and modulate cortisol production to help adapt to stress. The antioxidants reduce inflammation that underlies digestion problems, recurring infections, and chronic conditions.

      They also neutralize cell-damaging free radicals associated with disease progression over time.  So while shatavari supports female reproductive health, lactation, and more right away, over months of steady use your entire physiology gains resilience, energy reserves, and wellbeing on a foundational level. 

      Top Ways You Can Use Shatavari


      Source: Canva

      The following are the ways you can use Shatavari:

      • Supplement Capsules or Powder
      • Herbal Tea Infusion
      • Tinctures or Extracts
      • Ayurvedic Tonics

      Demystifying The Top Shatavari Myths and Shatavari Facts

      Facts About Shatavari

      • Used in Ayurveda and Indian medicine for over 1,500 years - this is a tried and true healing herb!
      • The name "Shatavari" means "having one hundred husbands," referring to its fertility benefits.
      • Clinically shown to support female reproductive health and hormonal balance. Not just folklore!
      • It is considered a Rasayana - an adaptogenic substance that helps the body resist stress and promote longevity.
      • Shatavari contains antioxidant compounds that have been documented in research to boost immunity and energy levels.

      Other Plants/Herbs

      Myths About Shatavari

      • It serves only as a "women's herb"
      • It causes weight gain
      • Only useful for fertility
      • There are no side effects

      Tips on Growing Shatavari at Home

      Growing shatavari is relatively easy if you live in a warm subtropical climate with hot summers. Plant it from cuttings or root tubers in a sunny spot with well-drained yet moist soil. This hardy climbing vine thrives in humidity so mist it often.

      Add support structures as the flexible stems can readily grasp onto trellises or posts and grow up to 10 feet! Shatavari prefers organic-rich loam and slightly acidic conditions.

      Once established, this perennial only needs occasional watering and can become your sustainable source of one of Ayurveda's most treasured botanicals.

      Best Place to Buy Shatavari Supplements and Oil

      Zandu has been crafting premier Ayurvedic formulas for over 100 years, so we know about healing herbs like Shatavari!

      Our shatavari supplement sticks to the time-tested approach using only pure extracts with no added fillers. This ensures you get the full power of this amazing adaptogen.


      Q1. What does Shatavari taste and smell like?

      Shatavari has a mildly bitter, sweet, and nutty flavor profile. It also gives off a soothing earthy aroma.

      Q2. When is the best time to take shatavari?  

      The recommended time is morning and evening with food to avoid digestive issues. Split your daily dose for optimal absorption over the day. 

      Q3. Are there any side effects or risky drug interactions?

      When appropriately taken at suggested dosages, shatavari is relatively safe with minimal risk for side effects or contraindications with most drugs.

      Q4. How soon can I expect results once starting shatavari?

      As an adaptogenic herb, positive impacts are gradual, so plan to take shatavari daily for at least 2-3 months to feel tangible improvements.

      Q5. Can men benefit from shatavari too or just women?

      While renowned for female reproductive health, emerging research confirms therapeutic effects for males too - from fertility to vitality and beyond!


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