
Ayurvedic Medicine for Lactation or Hypogalactia

Ayurvedic Medicine for Lactation or Hypogalactia

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Uncover the Causes and Symptoms of Hypogalactia With Ayurvedic Herbs

Are you struggling with Hypogalactia? It is common and can often be alleviated with the right approach. Discover how Ayurvedic herbs can help you understand the underlying causes of your condition and identify the signs and symptoms to apply the most effective treatment plan. Uncover everything you need to know about Hypogalactia and how Ayurvedic herbs can make a difference.

Importance of Breast Milk for Newborns

Newborns rely heavily on breast milk for nourishment and development. Breast milk is the perfect food, offering all the nutrients a newborn needs in the right amount and combination. It also helps to protect babies from various illnesses due to its unique composition of antibodies, enzymes, hormones, and other essential components that boost an infant’s immune system.

Breastfeeding is the best choice for feeding and nurturing your baby. It provides numerous health benefits for both you and your baby, and breast milk is specifically designed to meet your baby's nutritional and developmental needs.

Statistics on Hypogalactia in India

According to studies, between 16% and 49% of premature births are affected by hypogalactia. A report by the WHO called "Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth" states that India has a high rate of preterm births, accounting for 24% of the global total. Proper breastfeeding is crucial for saving most of these newborns, but hypogalactia can prevent this.


Physical Causes

  • Hormonal Causes: One of the most common causes of hypogalactia is a disruption in the balance of hormones necessary for milk production. This disruption can occur due to stress, illness, or other physiological conditions that cause changes in hormone levels. Certain medications, such as hormonal contraceptives and some antidepressants, can also interfere with milk production.
  • Breastfeeding Techniques: Incorrect or inadequate latching and positioning can also cause hypogalactia. It is important to ensure the baby is properly latched onto the breast to get sufficient milk. A poor latch can lead to inefficient suckling and low milk production levels.
  • Postpartum Hemorrhage: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition which can occur after birth. It is characterized by an excessive loss of blood, which can affect the body’s ability to produce breast milk.
  • Breast Surgery: Breast surgery, such as mastectomy or reconstructive surgery, can lead to hypogalactia. During these surgical procedures, the nerves connected to the mammary glands and regulating milk production may be damaged or cut. As a result, it may become complicated for a woman to produce sufficient amounts of breast milk.

Lifestyle Causes

  • Stress and Fatigue: Stress and fatigue can interfere with breast milk production. Mothers need to get adequate rest, eat a balanced diet and have time for relaxation to maximize milk production.
  • Inadequate Nutrition: A mother’s diet should be rich in calories, protein, and fat to produce enough milk.
  • Dehydration: Dehydration can lead to a decrease in breast milk production. Mothers need to drink plenty of water and other fluids throughout the day.


  • Low Milk Supply One of the most common signs of hypogalactia is a decrease in milk supply. This can be due to hormonal changes, such as when breastfeeding mothers stop producing sufficient levels of prolactin or due to physical conditions, such as blocked nipples or ducts.
  • Poor Milk Let-Down Reflex One of the major symptoms of hypogalactia is a poor milk let-down reflex. This means that when nursing, the mother may experience difficulty in producing enough milk for her baby. In some cases, mothers may not even be able to produce milk.
  • Baby not Gaining Weight Hypogalactia, or low milk supply, is a common issue during breastfeeding. Poor weight gain or slow weight gain is one of the most telling symptoms that your baby may not receive enough nutrients from breastfeeding.
  • Decreased Urination and Bowel Movements When a woman suffers from hypogalactia, she may notice that her urination and bowel movements become much less frequent. This can cause dehydration and other health issues if it is not addressed.
  • Fussy or Irritable Baby A common symptom of Hypogalactia is a cranky or irritable baby. Due to the lack of sufficient milk supply, babies may be unable to obtain enough nutrition and therefore become frustrated and cry often. This can lead to decreased interaction with parents and caregivers as the baby becomes overwhelmed when feeding.

Foods to Increase Breast Milk Production

  • Fenugreek: Fenugreek, also known as methi, is believed to be a helpful home remedy for breastfeeding mothers. It can be taken as herbal tea, capsules bought at a store, or a powder added to daily meals.
  • Fennel: Fennel is believed to be another helpful home remedy for increasing breast milk production. You can eat it raw or cooked as an accompaniment to meals and taken as tea or capsules.
  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a rich source of iron, which helps with energy levels and may help boost milk supply. Eating a bowl of oatmeal every morning can be a great way to get the nutrients you need and increase your breast milk production.
  • Garlic: Garlic is rich in minerals and vitamins that are believed to help promote lactation. The sulfur compounds in garlic may also help boost milk production when eaten regularly.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Lactation

  • Shatavari: Shatavari, also called the "Queen of herbs," is particularly important for women who are nursing because it can enhance milk production from the mammary glands.
  • Methi: Methi is a type of fenugreek, another popular Ayurvedic herb. It has been found to increase milk production in nursing mothers and help reduce hiccups and colic in infants.
  • Cinnamon: Due to its warming properties, cinnamon helps promote milk flow in nursing mothers. It also works to prevent a decrease in milk production when nursing is stopped.

Self-Care Practices for Breastfeeding Mothers

  • Stay Hydrated: Hydration is essential for producing enough breast milk, especially during summer.
  • Get Enough Rest: Make sure to rest whenever you can, and don’t skimp on getting your 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Eat Healthy: Eating a balanced diet is essential for providing your body with the nutrition to produce breast milk.

Daily Routine

  • Make sure you and your baby are in a comfortable, relaxed position, ideally with support for your back, neck, and arms.
  • Check that your baby is latched on properly by looking to see if their chin or nose is pressed against the breast and their lips are turned outward. If not, it’s okay to gently break the suction between you and your baby as needed.
  • Feed from both breasts at each feeding session and switch sides periodically so that one side doesn’t get too much stimulation while the other gets none.
  • When your baby is full, unlatch them by breaking the suction carefully—you can do this by inserting a finger into the corner of your baby’s mouth.
  • Burp your baby in between breasts after they’re finished nursing. This will help them to avoid becoming gassy or spitting up afterwards.
  • After each feed, express any remaining milk from both breasts using a manual breast pump or expressing by hand so you can store it later.

Ayurvedic Techniques

  • You can start with a whole-body abhyanga to help you feel grounded if you'd like.
  • Use your fingers to take the herb-formulated balm for breast health and massage it in a circular motion, starting from around the nipple and moving towards the outer area of your breasts.
  • Massage the outermost quadrant of the breast, extending towards the armpit and shoulder joint.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Zanducare Products and Solutions

1. Zandu StriVeda Satavari Lactation

Zandu StriVeda Satavari Lactation Supplement is designed to help mothers with difficulty producing breast milk. This supplement contains satavari, a galactagogue herb that helps increase breast milk production and support a baby's healthy development.

2. Satavari

Zandu Satavari Pure Herbs is an Ayurvedic remedy that utilizes only pure extracts of satavari. The herb is especially helpful for women's health and is known to increase milk production in nursing mothers. By making use of this natural supplement, users can benefit from the positive effects it offers.