Key insights:
Drinking water from a copper bottle is a centuries-old practice rooted in Ayurvedic tradition and modern wellness trends. It’s believed to bring several health benefits due to the properties of copper, a trace mineral essential for various bodily functions. But what exactly happens when we drink copper-infused water, and how safe is it? This post will provide a comprehensive look at copper water, from its benefits to storage tips and health risks.
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What is Copper Water?

You won't find copper water as a beverage at your local health shop or supermarket. Instead, you must make it by keeping drinking water in a copper container. You just require trace amounts of copper because it is a trace element.
Numerous vital bodily processes, including energy production, connective tissues, and the chemical messenger system in the brain, depend on it. Shellfish, nuts, seeds, potatoes, whole grain goods, dark chocolate, and organ meat are just a few of the foods that contain it.
Proponents of this practice claim that storing water in copper vessels allows the metal to infuse into the water, benefiting the drinker. However, copper insufficiency is rare, even though both excess and deficiency can harm your health.
For instance, the typical American diet meets or exceeds the Daily Value (DV) of copper, which is 0.9 mg. The DV is the recommended daily intake of a mineral.
Health Benefits of Drinking Water in a Copper Bottle
While modern research is still catching up to ancient practices, there are several potential health benefits associated with drinking water from copper bottles:
1. Improves Digestion
Copper water stimulates peristalsis (contraction and relaxation of the stomach muscles), aids digestion, and reduces stomach acidity. It can also help detoxify the liver and kidneys, benefiting overall digestive health.
2. Prevents Cancer

Unfortunately, cancer has become a widespread occurrence, and for many years, the medical community has been challenged by this frightening ailment. A great source of antioxidants, water kept in a copper bottle or vessel helps fight against free radicals that cause tumours and encourage the growth of cancer cells.
Carrying a copper bottle with you is a good idea if you are frequently exposed to the sun. The water in the bottle creates melanin, a natural pigment that protects skin from UV radiation.
3. Helps in Weight Loss
The wonderful mineral copper can melt away the body's extra fat deposits. When the body has the proper quantity of copper, it increases metabolism, burns fat, and helps you reach a healthy weight. However, excessive use of copper water might result in copper toxicity.
4. Supports Cardiovascular Health
Copper can help regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart rate. It’s also thought to support the production of haemoglobin, promoting oxygen transport throughout the body.
5. Anti-Aging Properties
Due to its antioxidant properties, copper may combat the free radicals that lead to ageing. Drinking copper water may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, supporting a more youthful look.
6. Promotes Healthy Skin

Copper is crucial for producing melanin, the pigment that gives the skin colour and protects it from sun damage. Drinking copper-infused water can help maintain glowing skin and improve skin elasticity.
7. Soothes Joints and Strengthens Bones
A persistent illness called osteoporosis can cause severe joint and bone discomfort. Frequent use of water kept in a copper bottle or other container will improve this condition and lessen pain. Placing a copper coin or small vessel on swollen joints is still common in India to reduce pain and swelling.
8. Delays Ageing
Copper is a necessary component of cosmetics nowadays. Copper-based cosmetics, which the ancient Egyptians used for many years, have gained popularity recently because of their inherent antioxidant qualities. These qualities can help produce new skin cells and delay the ageing process.
9. Improves Brain Function
The brain is an essential organ that depends on several things, such as stress-free living and good habits. Studies have shown that a glass of "tamra jal" enhances brain functioning, balances hormones, and instils pleasant thoughts. The brain uses electrical impulses to connect with the other organs.
Why is too Much Copper Water Harmful?
There are several reasons which prove that having too much copper water is harmful:
1. Copper Poisoning
Although our bodies require copper as a necessary mineral, drinking too much copper water can cause copper poisoning. According to the expert, you may have nausea, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain. In severe situations, it may even cause liver damage.
2. Metal Reactions
Copper can react with minerals or other metals in the water, creating potentially dangerous substances. For instance, when copper and iron mix, free radicals can be created, leading to oxidative stress and damage to cells.
3. Digestive Issues
Long-term drinking water storage in copper bottles or containers may allow copper ions to seep into the water. If this doesn't work for you, it could lead to digestive problems, including gas, diarrhoea, or cramping in your stomach.
4. Contamination Risks
If copper bottles are not cleaned or maintained properly, bacteria or mould will grow. Drinking contaminated water can result in gastrointestinal disorders.
How to Select a Copper Bottle?
- Choose pure copper bottles and utensils with certification of purity.
- Fill the copper bottle with clean drinking water and leave it overnight at room temperature. Do not refrigerate.
- Drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning, at least 10 minutes after brushing your teeth.
- Only drink plain water from the copper vessel; do not add lemon or honey, which causes acidity.
- Drink copper water continuously for 2 months, then take a one-month break to allow your body to flush out any excess copper.
- Copper vessels can maintain water temperature for longer, and copper ions may have antimicrobial benefits.
- Copper water vessels and bottles are growing popular for home use, restaurants, and hotels.
Ayurvedic Perspective on Drinking Water in Copper Bottles
According to Ayurveda, drinking copper-infused water helps balance the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Copper water is believed to purify and energise the body, promoting a balanced state of health.
1. Balancing the Doshas
Ayurveda suggests copper has a warming effect, making it particularly useful for balancing Vata (airy) and Kapha (earthy) doshas. Drinking copper water aligns with the Ayurvedic goal of enhancing vitality and maintaining balance within the body.
2. Best Time to Drink Copper Water
Ayurveda recommends drinking copper water on an empty stomach in the morning. This is believed to activate the digestive system and support a balanced start to the day.
How to Consume Water in a Copper Bottle
Here are some tips for properly using and caring for a copper water bottle:
- Be sure the bottle is made of pure copper without any plastic or stainless steel lining that would reduce its benefits.
- Fill the bottle with room temperature water and let it sit for 6-8 hours or overnight. This allows copper to infuse into the water.
- Drink the copper-infused water first thing in the morning and throughout the day to maximise health effects.
- Clean the copper bottle every other day to keep it working well and germ-free.
- Use lemon juice and salt or vinegar and salt to clean the inside. Shake it around to scrub, then rinse thoroughly.
- Don't use anything abrasive that could scratch the copper surface.
- After cleaning, dry the bottle fully with a soft cloth. Store it in a dry spot when not in use to prevent water spots and oxidation.
Despite being a recent trend, copper bottles are not new in India. Because of its many therapeutic and medical benefits, storing water in copper pots and utensils has long been a custom in Indian homes. Clean drinking water in a copper bottle or glass for at least eight hours. Then, drink it on an empty stomach to reap the health benefits, which include controlling thyroid function, lowering blood pressure, preventing cancer, relieving pain in bones and joints, promoting brain function, and preventing ageing signs.
1. How long can I store water in a copper bottle?
To ensure optimal copper infusion, it’s best to store water in a copper bottle for 6–8 hours or overnight. Avoid storing water for more than 24 hours to prevent excess copper buildup.
2. Can copper water cure diseases?
While copper water has several health benefits, it is not a disease cure. Copper-infused water can support immunity and digestive health but is not a substitute for medical treatment.
3. Is copper water safe for children and pregnant women?
Copper water in moderate amounts is generally safe for children and pregnant women. However, consulting a healthcare provider for personalised advice is essential, especially for young children and pregnant women.
4. How much copper water should I drink daily?
Drinking copper water once or twice a day, particularly on an empty stomach, is typically recommended. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific health concerns.
5. What are the side effects of drinking too much copper water?
Overconsumption of copper water can lead to copper toxicity, causing nausea, vomiting, and, in severe cases, liver and kidney damage. Moderation and occasional breaks are advised.
- Health Benefits of Drinking Water in a Copper Bottle(
- Due to its antioxidant properties, copper may combat the free radicals that lead to ageing.(
- Copper is crucial for producing melanin, the pigment that gives the skin colour and protects it from sun damage (
- Ayurveda suggests copper has a warming effect, making it particularly useful for balancing Vata (airy) and Kapha (earthy) doshas.(