Top 7 Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne

Are you tired of acne and those scars left by acne? Are you trying to find out how to clear acne on face naturally? Well, you have come to the right place in that case because here are the seven Ayurvedic ways to bid goodbye to your acne.

#1 Mint leaves and turmeric

Turmeric is a wonder spice that comes with a host of therapeutic effects. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties that make it a treasure trove for all kinds of skincare. In addition to that, mint leaves remove blackheads and offer a burst of vitamin A to the skin. Mint leaves can lighten the blemishes and acne scars on the face, which makes it a good ayurvedic treatment for acne.

mint leaves for acne treatment

Image Source: Photo by Ruby Sengar: Pexels

Start by crushing mint leaves to get the juice and mix the juice with a bit of turmeric powder. Now, apply the paste over your blemishes and acne and leave it to dry out for twenty minutes. Use lukewarm water to wash the paste and repeat once in three days.

#2 Sesame seeds

Sesame oil has long been used to treat cracks and dryness on the skin and leave the skin supple and soft. On the other hand, a paste of sesame seeds can be a great ayurveda acne treatment. All you need to do is to soak a few seeds overnight and make a paste out of them in the morning. Apply the fresh paste and leave it on for ten minutes before using lukewarm water to wash it off.

sesame seeds for acne treatment

Image Source: Photo by Eva Bronzini: Pexels

It is worth mentioning that sesame is full of minerals, vitamins, and phyto-nutrients that are crucial to the body. Being a potent antioxidant, sesame seeds can fight off the signs of aging and reverse sun damage. Also, sesame seeds have anti-inflammatory qualities that help to reduce acne inflammation.

#3 Lemon juice and honey

The combination of lemon juice and honey is a powerful ayurvedic medicine for acne. However, you need to make sure beforehand that lemon is suited to your skin. Lemon might not suit an extremely sensitive skin. If you are trying this method, try to stay away from sun exposure as much as possible and use sunscreen liberally.

Mix equal parts of lemon juice and honey and apply the mixture on the acne. leave it on for ten minutes before using lukewarm water to wash it off. But do not apply the mixture over popped acne or any open wound. If you use this paste every day, the results are going to show up within a week.

Also Read: Top 10 Ayurvedic Treatment for Pimples

In terms of ingredients, lemon has antimicrobial properties that help to fight off skin microbes like Micrococcus and Pseudomonas. These microbes multiply in the presence of the sebum. Lower pH levels help to remove microbes and bacteria from the skin. On the other hand, honey has both antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities. It keeps away S. aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, Enterobacter aerogenes, and E. coli.

#4 Aloe vera

Do you want to know how to clear acne naturally? Aloe Vera is the answer! This is a plant that comes with two main properties – anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Also, it protects your skin by making sure it remains hydrated. Aloe Vera offers the hormones gibberellins and auxin to the skin to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Using this method is pretty simple. Just cut open one fresh Aloe Vera leaf and put the fresh gel over blemishes and acne. You can find Aloe Vera gel at any store near you. It will not only soothe your skin but also reduce the size of pimples. Use cold water to wash off the mixture after ten minutes.

aloe vera for acne treatment

Image Source: Photo by Ave Calvar Martinez: Pexels

Apply twice a day for at least ten days for the best results. If you have scooped out fresh Aloe Vera, you can store it in the refrigerator for a week and apply it daily.

#5 Neem leaves

The medicinal properties of neem have aided the Indian civilization since times immemorial. In fact, neem has long been used for acne treatment in India and the neighboring countries. Neem has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. It can fight off a wide range of bacteria effectively. Moreover, it can inhibit the growth of acne-related bacteria, such as staphylococcus epidermidis and propionibacterium acnes.

This method will work the best if you can get fresh neem leaves. You need to make a soft paste with these leaves and apply that to get rid of your acne scars. Leave it to dry out for ten minutes and use lukewarm water to wash the paste.

In case you don’t have access to fresh neem leaves, try neem powder that you can easily get online or from a store near you. Mix the powder with water to start applying.

#6 Turmeric and sandalwood

These are the two ingredients that can fight acne and blemishes, while visibly lightening acne scars. In fact, turmeric and sandalwood are an excellent blemish mixture.

Sandalwood has natural oils that lighten acne scars and leaves a warm and bright glow on the skin. Mix equal parts of turmeric and sandalwood powder with a hint of rosewater to create the paste. Then, apply the paste on your acne spots, leave it on for twenty minutes, and use lukewarm water to wash off the paste.

#7 Papaya and honey

Yummy and ripe papaya is one of the natural ways to clear acne. It is as good for your health as it is for your skin. It is loaded with vitamin A, which is a great antioxidant and contains papain that can eliminate all dead skin cells and break down inactive proteins

papaya for acne treatment

Image Source: Photo by Any Lane: Pexels

Start by mashing a piece of ripe papaya and mix some honey in it to prepare the paste. Apply on your skin and leave it to dry out for thirty minutes before using lukewarm water to wash the paste. Finally, splash some cold water to clean your face

Choose one or more methods mentioned above and try it out today! The results will show up soon in the form of a clearer skin.



Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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