Maple & Honey

Honey and maple syrup, both natural sweeteners, share numerous similarities, yet they also exhibit distinct characteristics. These golden-hued liquids serve as excellent substitutes for conventional table sugar. While certain individuals consider maple syrup to be a more healthful choice than honey, others hold the opposite perspective.ย 

Moreover, the key distinctions between honey and maple syrup revolve around their nutritional profiles. This aids in the assessment of which option may be superior and more suitable for your dietary preferences.

Keep reading ahead to learn the difference between maple syrup and honey.

The Origin of Honey and Maple Syrup

maple syrup

Source: Image by Piviso on Pixabayย 

In natural settings, bees produce honey primarily for winter sustenance or when food resources are scarce. They accomplish this by gathering nectar from flowers and employing their enzymes to transform its composition.

As a result, it alters its texture and extends its shelf life. Honeybees then convey this honey within the hive, passing it from one beeโ€™s mouth to the next until it fills the honeycomb.ย 

To complete the process, bees employ their wings to ventilate the honeycomb. Subsequently, it facilitates water evaporation, honey condensation, and ultimately sealing the honeycomb with honey. The taste and consistency of honey vary depending on the specific flower species from which they collect nectar.

In contrast, maple syrup production does not involve any insect activity. Instead, it comes from the sap of maple trees and is concentrated through boiling to achieve caramelization and thickening. Consequently, maple syrup itself is considered vegan.

Maple Syrup vs. Honey Nutritional Profile

Genuine maple syrup is crafted from the sap of maple trees, whereas honey is generated by honey bees, which gather nectar from flowers. Despite their shared characteristic of being thick, sweet substances with comparable texture and thickness, they possess distinct nutritional profiles.ย 

1. Calories

Honey has a higher calorie content compared to maple syrup. A single tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories. On the other hand, one tablespoon of maple syrup has 52 calories. Although the variation may not seem substantial when considering individual tablespoons, it becomes more noticeable when you use larger quantities, especially in recipes like baked goods.

2. Sugar Content

The two substances also differ in their carbohydrate content. Pure maple syrup contains 13.5 grams of carbohydrates, with 12.4 grams primarily consisting of sucrose, which is a complex sugar.

Conversely, honey contains 17.4 grams of carbohydrates, with 17.3 grams primarily composed of fructose. Notably, maple syrup, being a more complex sugar than honey, exhibits a lower glycaemic index, measuring 54 compared to honeyโ€™s 58.

3. Fat

Honey possesses a nutritional edge over maple syrup in that it contains no fat. Nevertheless, itโ€™s worth noting that maple syrup contains an extremely modest amount of fat, just 0.1 gram per tablespoon.

Another benefit of honey compared to maple syrup is its higher vitamin content. In fact, it is rich in vitamins B-6 and C, which are absent in maple syrupโ€™s nutritional profile.

Making of Maple Syrup and Honey

maple syrup tree

Source: Image byย PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay


As widely known, beekeepers harvest honey through the efforts of bees and certain insects of similar species. Bees, in their natural habitat, create honey for consumption during the winter or periods of food scarcity. Initially, bees use their elongated tubular mouthparts to extract nectar in liquid form from flowering plants. Next, it stores it in its supplementary stomach, often referred to as the โ€œcrop.โ€ย 

Next, Inside the beeโ€™s stomach, the nectar transforms composition, mingling with enzymes that alter its texture and prolong its storage life. Subsequently, honeybees return to the hive, transferring honey to their fellow bees through a process of regurgitation into one anotherโ€™s mouths. This cycle continues until the honey reaches the honeycomb.ย 

Ultimately, bees employ their wings to circulate air within the honeycomb, promoting water evaporation, condensing the honey, and ultimately sealing the honeycomb with beeswax. The flavour and consistency of honey can vary based on the specific flower species from which the nectar was gathered.

Maple syrup

On the other hand, maple syrup production doesnโ€™t involve the assistance of insects. In fact, harvesters source it directly from trees. For this reason, it is compatible with a vegan diet in contrast to honey. Harvesters obtain maple by tapping maple trees. For instance, they use trees, sugar or rock maples and black maples, although, at times, they also use red maples.ย 

During the spring, these trees produce sugary sap beneath their bark. This sap is collected through taps drilled into the tree trunks and stored in containers. Subsequently, the sap is evaporated to condense it and achieve the final maple syrup product.

Difference Between Maple Syrup and Honey


Maple Syrup



The sap of sugar maple trees

Nectar from various flowering plants

Production Process

Boiled down sap

Collected and stored by bees in hives


Sweet with a distinct maple flavour

Flavor varies based on the flower source


Typically amber to dark brown

Colour varies based on the flower source

Sugar Content

Primarily sucrose (65-80%)

Primarily fructose and glucose (70-80%)

Nutritional Content

Contains some minerals like manganese

Contains trace amounts of various nutrients

Calories (per tbsp)

Approximately 52-60 calories

Approximately 64 calories

Glycemic Index

Lower (around 54)

Higher (around 58)

Health Benefits

Contains some antioxidants and minerals

It may have antibacterial properties

Common Uses

Pancakes, waffles, desserts

Sweetening beverages, baking, cooking


Rarely crystallizes

Can crystallize over time




Health Benefits of Maple Syrup

1. Maple Syrup is Rich in Antioxidantsย 

Based on a study, pure maple syrup has been found to contain 24 distinct antioxidants in the form of phenolic compounds. These antioxidants play a crucial role in mitigating the damage caused by free radicals.

Eventually, it can lead to inflammation and contribute to the development of various chronic illnesses. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for darker varieties of maple syrup, as they tend to possess a higher concentration of these valuable antioxidants compared to lighter syrups.

2. Lower Score on the Glycaemic Index

The glycaemic index is a measure of how rapidly a specific food elevates blood sugar levels. Foods with a GI score of 55 or lower are considered low glycaemic foods. For instance, pure maple syrup has a glycaemic index of 54, classifying it as a low GI option. In contrast, pure honey has a GI of 58, while table sugar has a GI of 65.

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Nonetheless, itโ€™s essential to bear in mind that excessive sugar consumption is a leading factor in the development of common health issues, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, itโ€™s advisable to consume maple syrup in moderation, even though it falls within the low glycaemic index range.ย 

3. Maple Syrup Protects the Skinโ€™s Health

Similar to raw honey, maple syrup has the potential to alleviate skin inflammation, diminish redness, address pimples, and combat dryness. Again, when combined with raw milk and raw honey, maple syrup can also serve as a hydrating agent for the skin.

It effectively reduces the presence of bacteria and signs of irritation. Furthermore, the application of maple syrup to the skin can result in a refreshed and supple complexion, providing a protective barrier against toxins.

4. Sugar Substitute for Better Digestion

Conditions like Candida, IBS, and leaky gut syndrome, as well as other digestive system disorders, increase by the consumption of refined sugar. One of the most crucial steps you can take to alleviate leaky gut and autoimmune conditions is to reduce your intake of refined sugar.

That is to say, you must replace it with moderate quantities of natural sweeteners. Many artificial sweeteners tend to trigger gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas, bloating, cramping, and constipation.

Maple syrup can represent a superior choice when incorporated into baked goods, yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies. So, it can help maintain the digestive tract in better condition. Unlike artificial sweeteners, it does not contain additives and does not contribute to the damage that often results from a high-sugar diet.

Health Benefits of Honey


Source: Image byย Los Muertos Crew on Pexels

1. Diabetes Management

Research has indicated the advantageous effects of honey in the treatment and management of diabetes mellitus. Honey contains antioxidants that play a pivotal role in the control of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it can aid in the reduction of plasma glucose levels in individuals with diabetes. Thus, it contributes to improved blood sugar regulation.ย 

In addition, honey has been found to lower blood lipid levels and reduce the presence of reactive proteins, which is beneficial for most individuals as well as those dealing with hyperlipidaemia, characterized by an excess of lipids in the bloodstream.

2. Promoting Heart Health

The antioxidants found in honey contribute to enhanced heart health by diminishing the likelihood of heart failure. They achieve this by reducing the tendency of blood platelets to form clots and by preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins.

3. Asthma and Cold Management

Historically, traditional healers incorporated honey into medicinal remedies for addressing conditions like coughs, fever, and asthma. Honey has been recognized for its potential in preventing and alleviating symptoms associated with asthma, common coughs, and fever.ย 

In addition, honey treatment can effectively mitigate asthma by averting inflammation of the airways. Furthermore, these properties also render honey beneficial in the management of chronic bronchitis.

4. Wound Healing

Honey holds the distinction of being the most ancient remedy for wound treatment and healing known to humanity. It initiates an immune response that combats infection by triggering the activation of white blood cells.

Therefore, it plays a vital role in fighting infections and diseases and initiates the process of tissue repair. Moreover, honey has demonstrated effectiveness in treating acute wounds, minor injuries, as well as surface and partial burns.


    In conclusion, when consumed in moderation, both honey and maple syrup can be integrated into a balanced diet, adding sweetness to a wide range of meals, from morning oatmeal to evening meat dishes.

    To sum up, your choice between them may depend on your specific dietary objectives or personal taste preferences. However, itโ€™s important to note that neither is inherently superior to the other.

    Also, check other Honey comparisons:

    ย Acacia vs Manuka Honey |ย Manuka vs Buckwheat Honey |ย ย Clover vs Wildflower Honey |ย Neem vs Manuka Honey |ย Set Honey vs Honey | Sugar vs Honey vs Jaggery | Wildflower Honey vs Regular Honey |ย Organic vs Regular Honey


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