Homeopathy Vs. Ayurveda

In this fast-paced world, life is full of challenges. The rhythm of our life affects us in such a way that it leaves a negative impact on our health. During this time, we possibly seek the most effective and least invasive therapy. The different medication forms have become convenient as they alleviate certain health conditions using harmless and environmentally friendly methods.  

Healthcare is among the most integral parts of our lives. All over the world, people use a wide range of medications to deal with various health issues. That is to say, treatment approaches like Ayurveda and Homeopathy come out as a natural form of medication.

Homeopathy offers a safe and effective remedy to a specific condition by enhancing the body’s immunity system. On the contrary, Ayurveda is an ancient treatment form that offers complete wellness of the body.

Both these treatment approaches have gained a lot of popularity lately. The reason is people are primarily seeking natural medications that have no side effects. They involve a natural healing process to give permanent results.

However, there are a few significant differences in terms of ideas, medications used, and their effect. So, read on to find a detailed comparison between homeopathy and Ayurveda.

Common Difference Between Homeopathy & Ayurveda





Ancient Indian system of medicine.

Developed in Germany in the late 18th century.


Balance of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and maintaining overall health.

"Like cures like" principle, using highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms.

Medicinal Substances

Utilizes natural ingredients, including herbs, minerals, and animal products.

Uses a wide range of diluted substances, including plants, animals, synthetics, and minerals.

Treatment Approach

Individualized treatment is based on a person's unique constitution (Prakriti) and imbalances (Vikriti).

One can tailor the treatment based on a person's specific symptoms, not just the disease name.


Typically, it is not diluted but may involve preparations like decoctions, powders, or oils.

Medicines come primarily in diluted form, using a process of succussion.


Uses a holistic approach, including pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) and examination of the tongue and eyes.

Focuses on the specific symptoms and the totality of the patient's condition.

Treatment Duration

Its treatment can vary in duration, depending on the severity and nature of the ailment.

The treatment duration varies. However, it is usually short-term and aims to stimulate the body's self-healing process.

Side Effects

It is generally safe, but allergic reactions or adverse effects can occur with some substances.

Usually considered safe, with minimal side effects due to extreme dilution of substances.

History of Ayurveda and Homeopathy


Source: Image by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Ayurveda finds its origin in Hinduism, and you can see its reference in the Vedic text- Atharvaveda. The oldest Ayurveda manuscript, known as the Bower Manuscript, dates back to the fourth century.

German physician- Samuel Hahnemann created homeopathy in the late 18th century. He published his work and research on various remedies in two different books in 1810 and 1805. 

During this era and beyond, homeopathy experienced a peak in popularity, with many individuals favouring it over other potentially hazardous medical treatments. However, this surge in popularity was short-lived, as it faced criticism from other healthcare practitioners and physicians.

As a result, institutions dedicated to teaching and promoting homeopathy began to shut down around the 1920s. Nevertheless, homeopathy experienced a resurgence on a global scale during the 1970s.

Preparation of Ayurvedic & Homeopathy Medicines

Ayurvedic therapy uses botanical ingredients for both internal and external applications. Minerals such as arsenic, sulphur, copper, gold, lead, and others play a significant role in Ayurvedic medicine. Additionally, these herbal preparations also use animal-derived products like bones, milk, and gallstones for therapeutic purposes. 

In conjunction with these treatments, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of meditation, exercise, yoga, and massage as essential components of a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Safed Musli, Tulsi, Shatavari, Triphala, and more have demonstrated remarkable benefits in supporting overall well-being.

Homeopathic remedies, on the other hand, incorporate a variety of substances, including plants, animals, synthetics, and minerals. After that, these medicines undergo dilution in the presence of alcohol or distilled water. With the help of vigorous shaking, a process known as succession, specialists transfer the substance's properties to the dilution.

Also read:

What is Homoeopathy?

Homeopathy, a field within the realm of medical science, centers its approach on enhancing the body's innate immune system. It operates on the fundamental belief that the body possesses the inherent capacity to self-heal from any ailment.

This therapeutic approach traces its origins back to 18th-century Germany, and as a result, it enjoys considerable popularity in various European nations. Homeopathic treatments primarily harness the power of natural substances in their remedies.

In the practice of homeopathy, these natural substances undergo dilution using water or alcohol to reduce their potency. Homeopathy has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing a wide range of conditions, including migraines, allergies, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, depression, and irritable bowel syndrome, among others.

Pros and Cons of Homeopathy


Source: Image by Bruno on Pixabay

For more than two centuries, homeopathy has been a favoured choice among individuals seeking natural remedies. Here, we will explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of homeopathic treatments:


  1. Homeopathy medicines use natural ingredients that render them non-toxic and safe.
  2. It is effective in treating the whole person instead of a single symptom.
  3. They are easy to administer homeopathic medication, and they don’t have any side effects. 
  4. Homeopathic medicines are easy to administer and do not cause any side effects.


  1. Homeopathy medicines may not be effective in treating life-threatening illnesses. 
  2. The action of these medicines takes time to work since they require frequent follow-ups and consultations. 
  3. It is unlikely to find the backup of scientific evidence, and many consider it a pseudoscience. 

What is Ayurveda?

In the English language, Ayurveda translates to 'The Science of Life.' This medical system has deep historical roots originating from the Indian subcontinent. The various forms of treatment and techniques that evolved from Ayurveda are now gaining popularity globally.

People are learning to adapt to it, considering it as an alternative medicine. This system of healing has its origins in the Vedic period of ancient India. During this time, the use of herbs, vegetables, and minerals played a pivotal role in the treatment of diseases.

Ayurvedic medicines place significant emphasis on holistic well-being, highlighting the importance of practices such as yoga, massage, and meditation. Its primary focus lies in disease prevention and the comprehensive enhancement of the human body's overall health.

While it is undeniable that Ayurvedic treatments can be time-consuming and may yield delayed results, one distinct advantage they offer is their minimal risk of side effects.

Pros and Cons of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a holistic approach to medicine, has garnered increasing popularity in recent times. Let's explore some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with Ayurveda:


  1. This treatment approach uses natural remedies, making it non-toxic and safe. 
  2. It focuses on the complete well-being of the person without any side effects and not just one of its symptoms.
  3. Compared to allopathic medications, ayurvedic medicines are inexpensive. 


  1. Ayurveda’s natural approach can be time-consuming, and hence, it could be ineffective in treating severe diseases. 
  2. Such medicines often show side effects if not taken under medical supervision or if taken in incorrect dosage. 
  3. Since one size does not fit all, the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicines may not be suitable for everyone. 

Similarities Between Homeopathy and Ayurveda


Source: Image by Alongkorn Tengsamut on Pixabay

As previously mentioned, both Ayurveda and Homeopathy belong to the realm of alternative medicine. Another commonality between these two approaches is their reliance on natural remedies rather than pharmaceutical drugs for addressing various diseases and ailments.

Both Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatments typically yield results over time and have minimal side effects. Furthermore, in contrast to Allopathy, these two systems of medicine consider not only the treatment of specific diseases but also delve deeply into a person's overall mental and physical well-being.

It's worth noting that both Homeopathy and Ayurveda have faced criticism from the medical community for perceived lack of scientific credibility. Despite this, these two therapeutic methods have gained global acceptance and have proven successful in treating a wide range of medical conditions.

Can you Combine Homeopathy & Ayurveda with Modern Medical Treatment?

In the realm of homeopathy, it's important to note that for it to achieve its intended effectiveness, concurrent use of other medications and therapies should be avoided throughout the prescribed treatment period.

Conversely, Ayurveda allows for a more flexible approach, permitting its integration with various other therapeutic approaches. However, specialists must ensure to measure such combinations carefully with proper supervision.

Homeopathy or Ayurveda: Which is Better?


Source: Image by Bruno from Pixabay

Homeopathy and Ayurveda are integral components of treatment methodologies offering natural remedies. Despite their numerous differences, both share a fundamental goal: to provide foolproof remedies that promote long and healthy lives.

Determining which of these two medical systems is superior can be a subjective matter. It is dependent on personal preferences, individual body types, and accessibility to these treatments. In India, people practice Homeopathy and Ayurveda rigorously.

While homeopathy enjoys global recognition, Ayurveda remains confined to the Indian subcontinent. Nonetheless, Ayurveda is rapidly gaining international attention due to its natural treatment methods, coupled with practices like yoga and meditation.

Both Homeopathy and Ayurveda establish a robust framework for the treatment and prevention of diseases. When patients receive treatments and doses backed by research, they get optimal results and cause no harm to the body.

Ultimately, a patient's experience depends on how well their body responds to these medical systems. Also, their willingness to adhere to the respective treatment approaches is highly responsible for their effectiveness.


To summarise, we have provided an extensive comparison between homeopathy, Allopathy, and ayurvedic systems of medicine. The choice of the most suitable medical system depends on various factors, including the nature of the disease, its severity, and individual preferences.

Both homeopathy and Ayurveda demonstrate effectiveness in managing chronic and lifestyle-related ailments. However, they are not typically suitable for severe or life-threatening diseases.

In terms of safety, both homeopathy and Ayurveda are safe due to their use of natural remedies. Lastly, regarding cost, Ayurveda tends to be the most cost-effective system of medicine, followed by homeopathy. Allopathy, particularly in developed countries, can be relatively expensive.


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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