
In this day and age, feeling stressed is common. Whether it's due to our busy work schedule or the constant attempt to balance work and personal life, stress is inevitable. Sometimes, stress can also be caused due to our poor lifestyle, bad eating habits and lack of sleep. This may even result in graver mental health issues if left neglected for long. 

Depression and anxiety are the most common products of it. Of course, going to the doctor will help you to reach the crux of this problem. They may even prescribe certain medications for you to get over stress. However, not all of them are equally effective. Some may do more harm than good, as a lot of them are quite addictive. They may even come with side effects. This is when it makes more sense to opt for natural ways to reduce stress

Ayurveda’s Take On Mental Stress


image source: Image by pressfoto: Freepik

Ayurveda states that there are three main energies or the doshas in our body. They are known as Kapha, Vata and Pitta doshas, respectively. Whatever positive or negative stresses we undergo are highly occurring due to these energies.

According to Ayurveda, most of us possess a bio-doshic constitution. This means that we have a dual combination of any two energies. For example- Pitta-Kapha, Vata-Pitta or Vata- Kapha.) This can have a large role to play in our mental health. 

Let us talk about each dosha specifically to understand natural ways to reduce stress with Ayurveda

1. Vata Dosha

The ability to think instantly and have an intuitive power all come from this dosha. Anyone who has this dosha may become severely anxious when they have to incur life-changing situations. So, when the levels of this dosha escalate, feelings of isolation, fear and anxiety can become common. 

2. Pitta Dosha

Whether you are looking for competitiveness, fierceness or confidence, all of these attributes come from Pitta Dosha. This dosha also contributes to intelligence and determination largely. However, the escalation of this dosha can cause people to feel angry, anxious, frustrated and even incompetent. But that is not all. 


image source: Image by Drazen Zigic: Freepik

They may also find their health getting affected by heartburn, sweating and hypertension. Diarrhoea is also a common experience in this dosha. That is why people turn to meditation for stress relief

3. Kapha Dosha

Steadiness, reliability and strength are the main attributes of this dosha. Anyone who has Kapha as the dominant energy in them may be very stubborn. So, change may not come to them very conveniently. 

Since they also have a tendency to be easily uncomfortable, it can be tough for them to manage their stress levels. Lack of motivation, lethargy, poor eating and exhaustion are some of the common problems people with dominant Kapha face. 

Ayurvedic Tips For Stress Relief

If you are scouting for natural ways to reduce stress, you are in the right place. Since stress management can truly perturb your daily well-being and fitness, it becomes prudent to manage it on time. Ayurveda lists down a few major tips that you can use to combat stress problems of any sort. Read them below- 

1. Meditation And Yoga For Stress Relief


Image Source: Photo by Prasanth Inturi: pexels

Both meditation and yoga are great ayurvedic tips for stress relief. It is believed that consistent meditation can have a profound effect on your mind and bring serenity. In this process, your mental health problems also have a tendency to reduce excessively. This means it is more convenient than ever to get rid of depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts. 

Meditation, coupled with yoga, can be even more helpful for the human body, mind and soul. Yoga can help elevate your balance, flexibility and strength. It may also bring numerous benefits to your heart health and uplift your spirits. 

The art of practising yoga daily may even relax you and help you have a sound sleep at night. All these benefits contribute to a healthy lifestyle that instantly triggers better energy levels and stamina as well. That is why experts suggest meditating at least once early in the morning. Sources suggest that 13 minutes of practising meditation per session can be highly useful for you. You can also try out Ayurvedic medicine for stress in need. 

2. Take A Pause

So many of us leave our homes in stress, even early in the morning. Whether we are late for work or simply irritated because we are leaving for a stressful job, most of us are stressed. Instead, take a breather. Yoga for stress relief can help make a change. But there are many other ways you can make this happen. Eating a filling and nutritious breakfast may help reduce stress severely. 

Take a few deep breaths before you head off to work. Breathing exercises are natural ways to relieve your stress on time. You could also drink enough water or listen to soothing music to subside the stress. This can also aid you to be more productive at work by turning up fresh to the workplace. 

3. Educate Yourself About Mindfulness


Image Source: Photo by Kelvin Valerio: pexels

Initially, you may find it tough to attain mindfulness in yourself. However, when you start to look at it with a simple mindset, you will realise it is easy to achieve. Of course, it is not possible to retain 100% mindfulness throughout the day. But being more vigilant about the thoughts we have and helping our mind return to a neutral state regularly are simple ways to attain mindfulness. 

You do not have to go all out to attain mindfulness. Let it take time and come to you naturally. For starters, you can try to focus your attention by stopping your mind when you find it getting distracted. Try to observe anything that is in the present and fixate your mind upon it. Meditation for stress relief is another answer to attaining mindfulness. So, do not miss it. 

The Bottom Line

Stress management with Ayurveda is simple and real. But if you think you want to try Ayurvedic medicine for stress like Brahmi for it's Benefits, you could do that too. Make sure you try out all of the tips we have mentioned above. It is bound to help you in need. 



Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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