What is Ojas?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system that uses mental and physical elements to achieve an individual's health and balance. The philosophy includes the concept of Ojas, one of the determining factors of a person’s health.

Ojas is a foundation of our general well-being and strength as opposed to the strength related to muscles and physical endurance. It supports the growth of our body tissues, stimulates the human body and mind to operate optimally, and enhances the individual’s resilience and emotional health.

Anyone who wants to foster long-term health and be ready to succeed in the challenges of the contemporary world has to comprehend the concept of Ojas. So, let’s learn what is Ojas & relation to the Ayurvedic view.

What is Ojas?


Ojas, or the vigour or essence in Ayurveda, is a Sanskrit word. Ojas represent the refined substance of the body tissues, which are claimed to be produced by good nutrition and proper living.

“To put it briefly, Ojas is the life force that governs our resilience, vigour, and contentment—three qualities we aspire to have in large quantities.”

Ojas is divided into two groups in Ayurveda: Para Ojas and Apara Ojas.

  • Para Ojas: As for the two organs, the brain and the heart, Ojas is the superior essence that determines the length of life and awareness.
  • Apara Ojas: Apara Ojas resides in every body cell and gives strength to nourish the reproductive and immune systems. It is alleged that this crucial spirit is the foundation of wellness and soundness of the body.

Thus, one should maintain good health and be well-fitted by nourishing the Ojas through Ayurveda and/or healthy lifestyles.

Did You Know?

  1. Ojas represent the refined substance of the body tissues, which are claimed to be produced by good nutrition and proper living. 
  2. Ojas is the life force that governs our resilience, vigour, and contentment—three qualities we aspire to have in large quantities. 
  3. Ojas is divided into two groups in Ayurveda: Para Ojas and Apara Ojas. 
  4. Our everyday decisions have a major influence on the quantity and quality of Ojas, which is considered the essence of energy in Ayurveda.

The Formation of Ojas

1. Ayurvedic process of Ojas formation

The brilliance of Ojas, as per the Ayurveda, is created from the complex formation process of the seven Dhatus, the biological tissues. This necessary material is made partly by one Dhatu and then by a better Dhatu than the former, and so on.

It begins with plasma, or Rasa, developed due to split food molecules. This nourishes the body and transforms it into Blood (Rakta), which is responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients. Rakta produces mamsa to give muscle strength. Further refining results in the creation of fatty tissue (Meda), used to insulate the body and store energy. 

The body's framework, or asthi, is derived from Meda. Asthi's bone marrow (Majja) creates nerve tissue (Shukra/Artava), which is essential to reproduction. Finally, Ojas, which resides in the heart and permeates the entire body, is the culmination of the finest aspects of Shukra/Artava. This is a laborious process that takes about two to three weeks.

By optimising the development of Ojas through conscious eating, digestion, and lifestyle practices, we can promote resilience and overall well-being.

2. Factors that influence the quality of Ojas


Our everyday decisions greatly influence the quantity and quality of Ojas, which is considered the essence of energy in Ayurveda.

  • Lifestyle: Lifestyle choices are very important. A sedentary lifestyle, excessive stress, and poor sleep can all deplete Ojas, which lowers general well-being. So, lead a healthy, stress-free, and happy lifestyle daily. 
  • Diet: Artificial additives, stimulants, and processed foods all negatively impact the generation of Ojas. On the other hand, a healthy diet high in whole, organic foods gives Ojas the building blocks it needs to support and maintain itself.
  • Stress: Ojas reserves are mostly influenced by ongoing stress. When these reserves are gone, the body is more susceptible to disease and imbalance. Thankfully, implementing stress-reduction methods like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation can help.

Signs of Healthy and Depleted Ojas

1. Signs of healthy Ojas

Physical Signs

Mental and Emotional Signs

  • Healthy body weight.
  • Bright skin complexion.
  • Strong immunity and resistance.
  • Plenty of energy and stamina.
  • Focus and mental clarity.
  • Resilience and emotional stability.
  • A balanced and optimistic view.
  • A sense of groundedness.

2. Signs of depleted Ojas 

Physical Signs

Mental and Emotional Signs

  • Frequent illnesses 
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • Lack of energy and fatigue.
  • Impaired senses.
  • Dry skin and hair, brittle nails.
  • Feeling depleted and weak.
  • Lack of enthusiasm and motivation.
  • Trouble sleeping at night.
  • Low mood and anxiety.
  • Lack of focus and mental fog.

How to Nourish and Maintain Ojas?

In this section, learn the Ayurvedic dietary plan and lifestyle choices that can nourish and maintain your Ojas in no time:

1. Ayurvedic dietary recommendations for Ojas

  • Ghee and Almonds: These are two superfoods abundant in important minerals and fatty acids. Ayurveda acknowledges its capacity to enhance and fortify Ojas, fostering a feeling of health and vigour.
  • Figs and Dates: In Ayurveda, sweetness is a property that nourishes Ojas, not merely a flavour. These wholesome, naturally sweet fruits are used for their ability to elevate Ojas.
  • Milk and Honey: Known to increase Ojas and encourage rejuvenation, milk and honey are a time-tested Ayurvedic combo. While honey delivers its natural sweetness and health benefits, milk supplies vital nutrients.
  • Turmeric and saffron: These are more than just flavourings for food; they are highly valued for their capacity to boost energy and encourage the generation of Ojas. Their qualities support a feeling of general well-being.
  • Spices and Herbs: Cardamom and cinnamon are two warming spices that improve Ojas even more. Think about adding sacred herbs known to support Ojas, such as Shatavari, Brahmi, and Ashwagandha. When paired with a balanced diet, these components can support immunity, strength, and general well-being.

2. Lifestyle practices for strengthening Ojas

Dinacharya, a daily practice that uplifts Ojas, the source of life, is highly valued in Ayurveda. A foundation is built by rising early, engaging in self-massage (Abhyanga), and maintaining a healthy diet. Making sound sleep a priority enables Ojas to regenerate. 

Stress management techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and pranayama, reduce Ojas. By implementing these techniques, we develop inner strength and resilience.

3. Ayurvedic treatments and therapies

Ojas, the source of life, can be strengthened and nurtured in many ways with the help of Ayurveda. The detoxifying procedure of panchakarma can remove impurities that deplete Ojas. This establishes a basis for renewal. 

Next, rasayana therapy, which uses particular plants and techniques, takes centre stage. In addition to directly boosting Ojas, some Rasayana herbs—like amla and ashwagandha—also enhance ideal Ojas levels by fostering emotional and mental health via yoga and meditation.

Also, do check our related guide:

The Ayurvedic Perspective on Ojas

According to Ayurveda, Ojas, the essence of body tissues, is essential for lifespan and immunity. It is intimately related to the Doshas: Ojas are produced when Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are balanced; when they are not, Ojas are depleted. 

Prana's life force is refined into Ojas, which nourishes the body and mind. Ojas represents inner brilliance in the spiritual sense, which fosters tranquillity, clarity, and a link to a higher consciousness. So, cultivating Ojas promotes both spiritual and bodily well-being.

Modern Scientific view on Ojas

A fundamental idea in Ayurveda is that ojas signify the essence of life and immunity. This idea is beginning to be clarified by modern science. Studies indicate a relationship between Ojas and the intricate interactions of the immune system; some researchers even propose Ojas is connected to key amino acids critical to immune function. 

Research on activities that support Ojas, such as meditation and stress reduction, shows that these practices benefit immunological responses and stress hormones. This is consistent with the Ayurvedic theory of stress-induced Ojas depletion. 

Even if a clear connection between Ojas and certain physiological systems has not yet been demonstrated, contemporary science is coming to appreciate the all-encompassing strategy that Ayurveda promotes for improving general well-being.

Comparison: Ayurvedic vs. Modern view of Immunity and Vitality


Ayurvedic View (Ojas)

Modern Scientific View (Immunity)


Essence of life, vitality, and immunity

The body’s defense system against diseases


Through proper digestion and lifestyle

Genetic factors, nutrition, and lifestyle

Indicators of Health

Glowing skin, strong immunity, mental clarity

Strong immune response, overall well-being

Enhancing Practices

A balanced diet, herbs, yoga, meditation

A balanced diet, exercise, stress management

Spiritual Connection

Higher states of consciousness

Not typically addressed


With this comprehensive guide, you now must have a full grasp on what is Ojas & relation to the Ayurvedic view. To sum up, Ojas, the essence of life in Ayurveda, is essential for long life and good health. We can fortify immunity and resistance by feeding Ojas a well-balanced diet high in ghee, figs, almonds, and milk with honey. 

Regular exercises like yoga, meditation, and Abhyanga self-massage help further enhance Ojas' production. If you want a well-being strategy that feeds your body and spirit, consider adopting some of these Ayurvedic practices.


1. What is Ojas in Ayurveda?

The Sanskrit word ojas means "vigour" or "essence of vitality." Ojas, in short, is the life force that governs our immunity, strength, and happiness—all three qualities we aspire to have in large quantities.

2. How can I increase my Ojas?

You can increase and improve your Ojas with the help of ample sleep, nature, yoga, good lifestyle choices, spending time in nature, and eating healthy foods. 

3. What foods are good for Ojas?

Ghee, or clarified butter, almonds, dates, raw cow's milk, fresh green vegetables, avocados, bananas, figs, sweet potatoes, yams, beans, tofu, whole grains, turnips, and zucchini are some of the foods highest in Ojas.

4. What are the signs of low Ojas?

Lack of energy, fatigue, weak immune system, and dry skin or hair are common signs of having low Ojas. 

5. Can stress affect my Ojas?

Prolonged stress and bad lifestyle decisions can deplete Ojas, which makes one feel extremely tired.

6. How is Ojas related to the immune system?

According to Ayurveda, immune system diseases result from disruptions in Ojas, which are the fundamental components of all bodily tissues (Dhatus), from the lymphatic system (Rasa) to the reproductive system (Shukra), and are in charge of supplying power and immunity. All life, as well as strength, complexity, and ojas, are derived from food.

7. Are there any Ayurvedic treatments specifically for enhancing Ojas?

Because of its many advantages, Aswagandharishtam is one of the most highly regarded herbal compositions in Ayurveda. It boosts immunity and metabolism while aiding in Ojas improvement. It stimulates bodily processes and aids in mental relaxation.

8. What lifestyle changes can help improve Ojas?

Maintaining a healthy diet, regular digestive detoxes, living in harmony with nature, and excellent digestion all help to keep your ojas elevated.


  1. Ojas represent the refined substance of the body tissues, which are claimed to be produced by good nutrition and proper living.[https://www.ayurvedakendra.in/]
  2. To put it briefly, Ojas is the life force that governs our resilience, vigour, and contentment—three qualities we aspire to have in large quantities. [https://isha.sadhguru.org/en/].
  3. Ojas is divided into two groups in Ayurveda: Para Ojas and Apara Ojas. [https://www.wjpmr.com/download/ ]
  4. Our everyday decisions have a major influence on the quantity and quality of Ojas, which is considered the essence of energy in Ayurveda. [https://www.researchgate.net/]


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