Lemon Water vs Apple Cider Vinegar: Understanding the Benefits

In recent times, there has been an increased awareness regarding health and wellness among individuals. Undertaking different practices to keep oneself healthy is no longer considered a luxury or an optional activity. It is now a necessity, and people are actively implementing various natural means to experience enhanced health from within. Lemon water has been a popular choice for a long time due to its refreshing nature and nutrient-rich composition. Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, has also made its mark and is now found in almost every home. Both offer a number of health benefits and other areas. 

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Lemon water vs apple cider vinegar: A comparison

Both lemon water and apple cider vinegar are derived from natural means. While lemon water is made by squeezing lemon juice in water, apple cider vinegar is a result of the double fermentation of crushed apples. While both are acidic in nature, there are vast differences in tastes, pH level, and even their compositions. 





Lemon Juice and water

Yeast, Sugar, and Apple Cider


Mildly Acidic

Extremely Acidic


Citric Acid, Antioxidants

Acetic Acid, probiotics, minerals

pH level




Citrusy, refreshing

Tangy with a bold, acidic flavour


Beverages, cooking

Dressings, marinades, hair masks


Hydration, digestion, prevention of kidney stones, detoxification, weight loss, regulating blood sugar levels, cures throat infection, skin health, hair health, managing hypertension

Digestion, detoxification, weight loss, lowers blood sugar level, skin health, haircare, heart health, antimicrobial, anti-fungal

Comparing lemon water and apple cider vinegar

The following sections explain the differences between lemon water and apple cider vinegar in greater detail. 

Nutritional composition and source

Lemon water is made by squeezing fresh lemon juice into water. Lemon water can be made with both warm and cold water, depending on your mood and purpose of intake. The nutritional value of a glass of lemon water with 48gms of lemon juice are:

Vitamin C

18.6 mg


9.6 mcg


49.4 mg

Vitamin B-1


Vitamin B-2


Vitamin B-3


On the other hand, apple cider vinegar is made through a double fermentation process. Firstly, fresh apples are crushed and fermented. Then, this end product is combined with yeast and sugar to make apple cider vinegar. While yeast enables fermentation, sugar helps turn the product into alcohol. With the addition of micronutrients, acetic acid is formed from the alcohol, which turns the alcohol into vinegar and gives it its taste. Good quality ACVs also contain a ‘mother’, which is a combination of enzymes and healthy bacteria. 

The nutritional value of 100 gms of apple cider vinegar is:



Total fat















Lemon water has a refreshing and citrusy taste with notes similar to a sour orange. Apple cider vinegar is extremely tangy and acidic. 


There are different uses of lemon water, ranging from cooking to beverages. Adding some lemon juice to a glass of water with mint leaves makes for a great refreshing beverage. Many marinades and recipes also require lemon water. Warm water with lemon is also a great post-workout drink for an instant dose of energy. 

Apple cider vinegar can be had with water. It is also extensively used in salad dressings and marinades for a kick of tanginess. ACV is also used by some in hair masks or as a hair rinse, where they mix a small amount of ACV with other healthy ingredients like yoghurt and honey and apply it to their hair for health and shine.

Apple cider vinegar benefits

The immense popularity of apple cider vinegar can be attributed to its many benefits. These are listed below. 

  • Weight loss: A major benefit of apple cider vinegar is that it aids in weight loss. It has been found that the acetic acid in ACV leads to a feeling of fullness, reducing the need for frequent snacking. Also, ACV aids in metabolism and, paired with a healthy and balanced diet, helps in weight loss. 
  • Blood sugar regulation: Apple cider vinegar supports those with diabetes or insulin resistance by improving their insulin sensitivity and lowering their blood sugar levels. 
  • Digestion: ACV acts as a major digestive aid by supporting food breakdown in the stomach and reducing bloating.
  • Heart health: ACV helps in lowering blood pressure levels along with cholesterol, which in turn helps maintain good heart health. 
  • Detox: ACV helps cleanse the liver and removes harmful toxins from the body.
  • Antimicrobial properties: ACV has antimicrobial characteristics that can help fight pathogenic bacteria and fungi. This makes it beneficial for wound healing, skincare, and infection prevention. 
  • Skin health: Apple cider vinegar diluted with water and applied topically can reduce acne, lower sebum production, and ease irritated skin.
  • Hair care: ACV rinses are great for reducing dandruff and itchy scalp. ACV applied with masks or as a rinse also helps make hair shine and reduces any product buildup on the scalp.

Benefits of lemon water

Lemon water has been around for a much longer time, and its benefits are also well-regarded. The significant advantages are detailed below.

  • Heart health: The key components of lemon, i.e. Vitamin C and antioxidants, are good for the heart and help prevent serious heart ailments. Lemon water also reduces blood pressure and cholesterol due to the presence of compounds like hesperidin and diosmin. It also reduces hypertension. 
  • Immunity: Having lemon water every day can significantly improve body immunity against viruses and germs that cause flu and the common cold. 
  • Digestive aid: The high quantities of soluble fibres in lemon help regulate bowel movements, and the presence of pectin enhances gut health. This helps improve digestion as a whole. 
  • Weight loss: Pectin present in lemon causes a feeling of fullness. Having a glass of warm lemon water can thus aid in weight loss. 
  • Oral health: Vitamin C is good for oral health. With high amounts of this essential element, lemon water plays a major part in maintaining healthy gums and teeth.
  • Skin: Vitamin C helps create collagen, which gives our skin a youthful plumpness. Including lemon water in a diet can help reduce early signs of ageing. 
  • Combats kidney stones: The citric acid in lemon water helps enhance the urinary citrate rate and ultimately prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • Hair health: Lemon water can improve hair health by strengthening hair follicles. This reduces hair fall. 
  • Throat infections: The antibacterial properties of lemon help fight throat infections.

Lemon water vs apple cider vinegar: storage

Lemon water should essentially not be stored and should be made fresh every day. In case storage is needed, it can be kept in the refrigerator in an airtight container for a day.

Apple cider vinegar should be stored in an airtight container in a cool and dark place. It should be exposed to extreme heat or sunlight. Apple cider vinegar, if stored properly, can last for a long time. 


Lemon water and apple cider vinegar both offer a considerable number of benefits and uses, most of which overlap. The ultimate choice between the two comes down to your personal preferences and needs. Whether you prefer the freshness of lemon water or the ease of having ACV, always ensure that you get your lemons and ACV from ethical and genuine sources for the best results.


Q.1 Is lemon water better or apple cider vinegar?

Both offer plenty of health benefits. It depends on personal needs and preferences. 

Q.2 Can I have lemon water and apple cider vinegar on the same day?

Yes. There is usually no harm in having the two together. However, avoid having excess amounts.

Q.3 Is lemon water more beneficial for weight loss than apple cider vinegar?

Both lemon water and ACV help with digestion and metabolism and improve gut health. They do not magically cut off fat. To see prominent weight loss results, you have to pair them with a healthy diet and exercise. 

Q.4 Can I have lemon water in the morning?

Yes. Having a glass of warm lemon water is a great way to start the day and feel energised.

Q.5 Which is the best time to have apple cider vinegar?

There is no best time to have it. You can include it anywhere in your daily schedule.


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