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Ayurveda holds the key to curing several skin conditions, including dermatitis. The natural remedies can address most of the symptoms associated with dermatitis. If you or someone close to you have been suffering from this disorder, here are some of the natural Ayurvedic remedies you can try.

Understanding the basics of dermatitis

Dermatitis is one of the skin conditions that is widely observed in children and adults. Its main characteristics are exudation, swelling, severe itching, and noticeable skin changes like cracks. Though adults can suffer from different forms of dermatitis or eczema, the condition is more prominently noticed in infants and children. Children who suffer from dermatitis from a young age tend to gradually develop asthma or allergic rhinitis. In Ayurveda, dermatitis is categorized under ‘vicharchika.’

young girl scratching

Image Source: Image by stefamerpik on Freepik

Different stages of dermatitis

Dermatitis typically progresses in three stages, and they are:

  • Acute stage
  • Sub-acute stage
  • Chronic stage

It starts with cracks and severe itching and that gradually goes into scaling and lesions. Finally, there are blisters and skin thickening in the chronic stage.

Different Ayurvedic treatments for dermatitis

Regardless of the part of the body affected by dermatitis, there is an Ayurvedic treatment for dermatitis readily available in each case. Here are the different treatments that you can try out:

#1 Natural ways to cure dermatitis

A. Aloe Vera juice or gel

Aloe Vera is the most effective and simplest natural way to treat dermatitis. You can directly extract the gel from that Aloe Vera plant in your home. Apply it all over the skin to moisturize the dry skin that occurs due to dermatitis. If you do not have the Aloe plant in your home, you can get Aloe juice online. With antibacterial properties, you will also get the yummy taste of the juice.

aloe vera for dermatitis

Image Source: Photo by Elle Hughes: Pexels

B. Kumkumadi taila

Kumkumadi oil or Kumkumadi Tailam is an important Ayurvedic solution for dermatitis. It is a fine mix of various essential oils and herbs, with saffron being one of the main ingredients. Since skin dryness and itchiness is the main issue with dermatitis, kumkumadi taila can be helpful to you. Take a bit of the oil in your palm and massage all over the skin on a daily basis.

#2 Ayurvedic herbs to address dermatitis

herbs for dermatitis

Image Source: Photo by lil artsy: Pexels

A. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic medicine for dermatitis because it has moisturizing properties that keep skin dryness at bay. Ayurveda believes that vata dosha is primarily responsible for addressing dermatitis. It can soothe flaky and dry skin brought about by eczema. Also, ashwagandha has antibacterial properties that help to keep any infection from eczema at bay.

B. Manjistha

Most of the Ayurvedic medicines for dermatitis contain varying quantities of manjistha. It is known as a great balancer of pitta and kapha doshas. As such, it can easily provide relief from inflammation and itchiness that is a part of affected skin. The wounds that can form as a result of certain types of dermatitis can also be cured by the antibacterial qualities of manjistha. Topical application of manjistha is helpful but consuming it in the supplemental form can be equally useful.

#3 Anti-inflammatory herbs to treat dermatitis

A. Triphala

Triphala has anti-inflammatory qualities that make it an important part of dermatitis medicines. Since it is loaded with antioxidants, it can help the skin to recover from the damages that are caused by skin problems like dermatitis.

B. Methi

Methi is widely known as a great ingredient for promoting metabolism in an Ayurvedic and natural way. Since it heals your body from within, it also benefits your skin. You will notice a definite improvement in the flakiness and dryness of skin brought about by dermatitis.

C. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is a significant dermatitis Ayurvedic medicine because of its anti-inflammatory nature. You can apply a paste of sandalwood on your skin to prevent blister and fluid accumulation, which are the common symptoms of Stasis eczema.

D. Shatavari

Racemofuran is an active agent found in Shatavari that has anti-inflammatory qualities. Therefore, Shatavari can be used for the treatment of dermatitis. It addresses the conditions that cause blisters and swelling.

#4 Antibacterial herbs for dermatitis treatment

A. Neem

Neem is a great natural treatment for dermatitis because it comes with antibacterial properties. It is one of the first herbs whose name comes to your mind in terms of antibacterial herbs. You can apply a thin layer of neem leaf paste over the parts of skin affected by dermatitis. There are several top-notch Ayurvedic neem supplements available in the market as well. It keeps skin inflammation and infections at bay.

B. Tulsi

Tulsi is a powerful antifungal and antibacterial herb that can be combined with neem for the treatment of skin infections. Using a paste of tulsi leaves over the affected area can be helpful in preventing scars from dermatitis.

C. Turmeric

Turmeric, a well-known spice in every Indian kitchen, is rich in antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Turmeric supplements are great for your skin. Additionally, you can use turmeric paste on hands, face, and other body parts for faster relief.

turmeric for dermatitis

Image Source: Photo by Karl Solano: Pexels

#5 Other Ayurvedic treatments for dermatitis

A. Panchakarma therapy

Panchakarma therapy is mainly seen as a cure for dermatitis in Ayurveda. You need to contact an Ayurvedic practitioner to get Panchakarma therapy done. This treatment usually includes procedures, such as:

    • sweat induction
    • oil massage for the whole body
    • inducing vomiting and purging
    • consumption of medicated ghee for a week

The aim is to cure dermatitis by removing toxins and strengthening the immune system.

B. Shodhana

Shodhana is a technique that is helpful in the treatment of dermatitis or eczema (Vicharchika) by balancing the doshas. The Shodhana technique has several purgatory methods that remove ama toxins. As a result, the doshas are balanced in the body. Usually, oral or topical Ayurvedic medicines are also administered with this therapy for faster and assured relief.

The endnote

So, if you want a natural way to keep dermatitis at bay, you now have a couple of methods that you can try out. Go ahead and choose the ones that feel the most suitable to you.



Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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