Ayurvedic Herbs for Anaemia

Anaemia also known as Pandu Rog in Ayurveda occurs because of Tridosha imbalance which is all three doshas, vita, pitta and Kapha dosha. Anaemia mainly occurs because of the imbalance of pitta dosha. There are various ways to treat Anaemia. Zandu Care is among one of them. It provides many herbal products online that can help with anaemia. 

Ayurveda for anaemia is the best way to treat the condition as it helps in balancing the doshas with the help of organic herbs. Different types of anaemia can occur because of different issues, which is why it is essential to understand the condition before using any herbs.

List of Causes for Anaemia

  • Anaemia occurs when there is not enough production of red blood cells in the body 
  • Due to excessive bleeding in the body 
  • Abnormal destruction of the red blood cells in the body

Symptoms of Anaemia:

  • Shortness of breath 
  • Confusion 
  • Dizziness 
  • Paleness of skin 
  • Tiredness or weakness 
  • Insomnia 
  • Clammy hands 
  • Body aches 
  • Restlessness 
  • Irritation 
  • Lack of energy 
  • Fatigue

Types of Anaemia 

1. Iron deficiency anaemia

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anaemia, which can lead to various issues. Iron is needed to produce hemoglobin in the body because if the body cannot absorb the iron from the food you consume, it can lead to anaemia. Team Zandu also listed most-trusted Ayurvedic remedies for anaemia.

2. Sickle cell Anaemia

sickle cell anaemia

It is one of the rarest and the most severe blood disorders that can happen. The sickle cells in the body can block the blood flow, which is harmful and can lead to severe conditions. The sickle cell is in an abnormal shape which makes it different from the other cells. 

3. Aplastic anaemia

It is the kind of anaemia that is caused when there are not enough red blood cells in the body. Within every 120 days, red blood cells are produced in the body, and if the bone marrow fails to produce enough red blood cells, then it leads to anemia. 

4. Hemolytic anaemia

It is the kind of anaemia that is caused because of the red blood cells getting destroyed before the normal lifespan is over. The bone marrow is not able to produce new red blood cells when the body needs it, and it causes issues in the body. 

5. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia

vitamin b12

The body needs enough vitamin B12 for the proper production of hemoglobin. There are mainly animal products that are rich in vitamin B12, so if you’re a vegetarian, then chances are that you might have Vitamin B12 deficiency in your body, and it can also hamper the production of hemoglobin in your body which can further result in anemia.

List of Ayurvedic Herbs to treat Anaemia 

1. Nettle

Nettle is also known as stinging nettle, which is a herb rich in iron. It helps in restoring iron deficiency in the body and also has more presence of vitamins A, B, C and K, which improves overall iron absorption in the body. It is not only easy to consume nettle but also helps with anaemia recovery. Nettle can be used with tonic, tea or any supplement. You can also use it in sauces or salads for better consumption.

2. Lemon

lemon for Anaemia

Iron deficiency can also be a big reason why this condition occurs in the first place, which is why it is essential to change the consumption of food products. Citrus fruits have a lot of vitamins in them, which also facilitate iron absorption in the body. You can take lemon in order to get Vitamin C.

Other than this, you can also consume oranges, Camu Camu and bell pepper to get the same vitamin. Lemon is an easy citrus fruit to consume as you can take it with other vegetables or even drink it in water. 

3. Parsley

Parsley is another great herb that helps in treating anaemia. It has a lot of iron content, which helps overcome anaemia easily. Parsley is also one of the best herbs for anaemia, as it helps in natural healing. Therefore, If there is difficulty in consuming the supplements, then you can drink parsley juice or tea to fight anaemia. Other sources of iron are soy sprouts, quinoa and amaranth. 

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most common ayurvedic spices for anaemia treatment. It is imperative to consume turmeric in very fewer quantities, or else it can be harmful to your body.

5. Dandelion

dandelion for Anaemia

Another herb in Ayurveda is dandelion; which helps in providing iron and other nutrients to the body. It not only has a high level of iron to treat anaemia but also has essential minerals. You can drink dandelion tea to fight anaemia once a day. The best thing about this herb is that it can be paired with nettle in order to boost more benefits and overcome anaemia.

6. Ginger

Ginger is an excellent ayurvedic spice for anaemia as it helps in easing muscle pain and also provides antioxidants to the body. Not just this, but it helps in fighting anaemia and increases the iron levels in the body.

7. Cinnamon 

Cinnamon has excellent elements in it, which can help in restoring iron levels in the body. The spice contains calcium, iron, manganese, and fiber, which can help in balancing blood sugar levels and also helps with iron deficiency. Not just this, but cinnamon is also good for the mood and helps in improving focus. 

8. Cumin

Cumin seeds

Cumin is the best way to get natural anaemia as it helps in improving the iron levels in the body and also prevents anaemia. Not just the iron levels, but cumin is also suitable for digestion and sleep. It has various antiseptic properties which help in boosting the immune system and also prevent any kind of infections.

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Other than consuming herbs and spices, anaemia patients should also make some lifestyle changes in order to get better health results. It is essential to change the diet schedule and eat fruits and vegetables to restore the nutrients in the body and stay healthy. The most significant cause of anaemia is iron deficiency, which is why consuming food products that contain iron and other vitamins is essential.



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