What is an Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda is an age-old practice from the Indian subcontinent that focuses on leveraging natural elements to promote better health. The concept of an Ayurvedic diet uses these effective principles to balance all the energies within your body. 

According to Ayurveda, the foundation of your nutrition is based on what, when, how, and why you eat. It also requires people to be more mindful of what they eat and eat it with gratitude to satisfy all their important senses.

Therefore, following an Ayurvedic diet can be highly beneficial and help you get the most nutrients from your food. So, let's explore how an Ayurvedic diet can do significant wonders for your health and understand all the relevant principles. 

Did You Know! 

  1. According to Ayurveda, the foundation of your nutrition is based on what, when, how, and why you eat.
  2. The concept of Ayurveda was developed in India between 2500 and 500 BCE.
  3. There are six tastes in Ayurveda: sour, sweet, bitter, salty, pungent, and astringent, each of which has different effects on your dosha.
  4. Research shows that Ayurvedic diets are more effective than low-FODMAP-type diets for irritable bowel syndrome.

Understanding the History of Ayurvedic Diet 

Ayurvedic Diet

The concept of Ayurveda was developed in India between 2500 and 500 BCE. The literal meaning of Ayurveda is the 'science of life', and this concept has gained widespread prominence in the past few decades.

Ayurvedic principles focus on nourishing your body with six essential tastes that help maintain proper balance. It requires you to leverage natural ingredients instead of processed food to address health concerns and promote overall well-being.

Understanding The Basic Elements of an Ayurvedic Diet 

According to Ayurveda, there are five major elements that makeup everything in the universe. These elements include Vayu (air), Jala (water), Akash (space), Prithvi (earth), and Teja (fire). 

However, these essential elements are not the only things you need to know about the 

Ayurvedic diet. 

Apart from these elements, Ayurveda also talks about three essential doshas or energy patterns: Vayu (air and ether), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water).

Ayurvedic principles suggest that these doshas must align with the essential elements to strike the right balance and promote better well-being. Any imbalance with these doshas or elements will adversely affect your health. 

Eating a Proper Diet Based on Your Dosha Type 

Diet Based

According to Ayurveda, an individual generally has one dosha that is stronger than the others. Therefore, everything boils down to making the right efforts to maintain the balance in your dosha. This makes it important that you eat according to your dominant dosha and boost the functions of the non-dominant doshas to strike the right balance. 

So, let's check out a detailed breakdown of the food items you need to add to your diet to maintain the proper balance:

Dosha Dominance 

Best Foods 

Worst Foods


In the case of Vata dominance, you must take warm and moist foods such as casseroles, cooked apples, soups, and soaked dates.

Peppers, potatoes, nuts, seeds, and pepper are the worst foods you can eat with Vata dominance.


The best foods for Pitta dominance include raw veggies and grains like rice, barley, oats, and more.

The worst foods in this scenario include oil, coffee, salt, and alcohol.


You can manage your Kapha dominance with leafy green vegetables that grow above the ground. Besides that, legumes, millet, and honey are also preferable choices.

The worst foods for Kapha's dominance include dairy foods and iced beverages. 

Important Ayurvedic Principles For Maintaining The Proper Diet

Understanding your doshas and eating your food accordingly is just the first step towards mastering an Ayurvedic diet. But besides that, there are also certain Ayurvedic principles that can help you better. So, let's check out some of these principles: 

1. Include all Six Tastes in your Meal

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that there are six different tastes that affect your doshas. The tastes include sour, sweet, bitter, salty, pungent, and astringent, each of which has different effects on your dosha. This is the reason why Ayurveda requires people to add all six tastes to their diets and strike a proper balance for better health and well-being.

2. Go Vegetarian


The Ayurvedic diet mostly consists of fresh and organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, spices, seeds, nuts, herbs, and legumes. It also contains dairy products like milk, paneer, and yoghurt. These foods are known for their richness in essential nutrients that help promote better health.

3. Always Try to eat Three Meals a Day

Consistency is one of the most essential things in Ayurveda, and you must try to integrate this consistency into your diet. Eating three meals daily helps keep everything in proper balance and prevents burdening your digestive system. This means you must schedule your meals and follow that schedule to keep your digestive system in a proper balance and promote proper well-being.

4. Always Stay Hydration 

There is no doubt that proper hydration is one of the most important requirements for your body. 

Ayurveda acknowledged this ages ago, and great sages have always encouraged people to ensure proper daily hydration. It is better if you can drink warm water or at least at room temperature to ensure it cleanses your body properly.

5. Avoid Excessive Eating 

Ayurveda does not recommend eating excessively since it can adversely affect your health. It is better to eat only until you feel comfortably full and stop right after that. You should not eat too little or too much, as both these situations do no good to your body. Instead, try eating until you feel comfortable and stopping when you start burping. 

What Role do Spices Play in an Ayurvedic Diet?

Spices have always been an important part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, and preparing meals using spices is still a common practice in the Indian subcontinent. According to Ayurveda, spices not only add more flavour to your meals but also help with digestion. So, let's take a peek at some of the most popular Ayurvedic spices and how they help you.

Ayurvedic Spice 

Health Benefits 


Promotes healthy circulation, eliminates toxins, and enhances lung health. 


Enhances digestion, aids in maintaining proper stomach acid levels, and freshens your breath.


Clears natural toxins from the GI tract and promotes digestion and warmth in the extremities of the body.


Enhances the immune system, purifies blood, and enhances digestion and skin health. 

Potential Benefits of an Ayurvedic Diet 

The fact that the Ayurveda diet has stood the test of time signals that people have been getting many health benefits from such diets. So, let's take a closer look at some of these benefits.

  • Enhances Digestion: It should come as no surprise that ayurvedic diets are great for enhancing digestion. Even research shows that Ayurvedic diets are more effective than a low-FODMAP-type diet for irritable bowel syndrome. 
  • Better Moods: Another important perk of stocking an Ayurvedic diet is its positive effect on your mood. These diets have many food items that help you feel much lighter and better, automatically enhancing your mood. 
  • Aid in Weight Loss: Ayurvedic diets require heavier food at the early stages of the day, giving your body enough fuel to burn through the day. This helps your body use every calorie properly, further helping you manage your weight better.


An Ayurvedic diet can do wonders for your body as long as you follow the right practices. This requires you to take a well-thought-out approach, from preparing food to eating it at the right time. This highlights that an Ayurvedic diet will also require you to make some important lifestyle changes. But given the benefits of such diets, it is worth all the effort. So, ensure you make the most of Ayurveda.


1. Can the Ayurvedic diet boost your energy levels?

Ayurvedic diets require you to eat nutrient-rich food items that can help enhance your body's energy levels. 

2. What types of foods are commonly found in an Ayurvedic diet?

A proper Ayurvedic diet generally includes plants, plant-based foods, dairy products, spices, and ghee. 

3. What is the best food for people with Kapha dominance?

Leafy greens, vegetables grown above the ground, legumes, and millet are some of the best food items for people with Kapha dominance. 

4. Is hydration important for an Ayurvedic diet?

A - Proper hydration is one of the most important requirements for every diet, including an Ayurvedic diet.

5. How many meals should I take in a day according to Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic principles require you to have at least three meals in a day to balance your doshas and promote overall well-being. 


  1. According to Ayurveda, the foundation of your nutrition is based on what, when, how, and why you eat. (https://www.researchgate.net/
  2. The concept of Ayurveda was developed in India between 2500 and 500 BCE. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
  3. There are six tastes in Ayurveda: sour, sweet, bitter, salty, pungent, and astringent, each of which has different effects on your dosha. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
  4. Research shows that Ayurvedic diets are more effective than low-FODMAP-type diets for irritable bowel syndrome. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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