Best Diet For Managing Acidity

Acidity is perhaps one of the most common health problems that we all have to go through. Some people call it a lifestyle problem, and the statement is true to a great extent. But there are other reasons involved. Most people think overeating junk food usually leads to gastritis and acid reflux. But that's not true entirely.

To get relief from this health issue, you need to understand the trigger points of acidity. It can be different for different people. Therefore, this article will explain the best diet to manage your acid refluxes and gastritis problems. But before that, we will briefly discuss why people usually suffer from these problems.

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Causes of acidity in people

There are several causes of acidity in people, varying from one person to another. So, not going further into anything else, let's look at the most prominent reasons you can suffer from acid reflux.

  • Irregular eating times

One of the significant causes of acidity is not maintaining proper eating time. For instance, if you have breakfast at noon, your body won't get enough time to digest the food if you have lunch at 3 in the afternoon. So, there must be at least six hours between breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In between, you can have small bites of food items but not something too heavy, requiring a lot of time to get digested.
  • Intermittent fasting

Another overlooked cause of acidity is intermittent fasting. People think that this method will help them to lose body weight. Although it may work for many people, there are side effects, and acidity is one of them. When you do not eat anything for long hours, it causes an acid build-up in your stomach. As a result, you start suffering from acid reflux the moment you eat something.
  • Grease, oil, and fat in food

Ghee for acidity

Image Source: Photo by KamranAydinov: Freepik

It takes a lot of time to digest anything related to fat, like cheese, butter, oil, and so on. Therefore, the more you eat these items, the worse your acidity problem gets. Therefore, most diet plans targeting acidity often tell us to reduce oil and fat intake as much as possible.

  • Stress and depression

 These two are like two faces of the same coin and also the biggest reasons for acidity. When you are stressed, you don't get enough sleep, and that causes hormonal imbalance in your body. The overall gut's health is impacted, and you suffer from acidity. So, besides having a good diet, you also need a relaxed and fresh 
  • Lifestyle problems

 One of the biggest causes of acidity is lifestyle problems. Obesity, diabetes, depression, lack of sleep, and so on are some of the prime factors that worsen your gut's health and acidity.


The best diet to follow for managing acidity

Now that we have learned about the leading five causes of acidity, you will know how important it is to follow a proper diet. If you take all the food items in proper quantity, you won't have to be worried about suffering from gastritis and acid refluxes. Below, we have made a chart of food items that you need to include in your daily routine to get relief from acidity.

best diet for managing acidity

Image Source: Photo by Lukas: Pexels

Food to eat to reduce acidity

  • Olive oil

Instead of using cooking oils like coconut oil, mustard oil, and refined oil, switch to olive oil. It is light and non-greasy. Plus, you need a little oil when cooking with olive oil. Your body can easily digest it instead of other cooking oils used in most cuisines.
  • Green leaves and veggies

 The more greens you eat, the better they are for your gut's health. Green leaves and veggies contain a lot of fiber and water. Fiber prevents constipation, and water helps dilute stomach acid, even if you are involved with intermittent fasting.
  • Green tea

Green tea is one of the best things you need to include in your diet. It boosts metabolism and helps reduce weight. Most importantly, its 0% caffeine content prevents indigestion and acidity. Therefore, you should switch to green tea instead of drinking black coffee or milk tea.

Also, check our iconic Digestive syrup for improved digestion & nutrient absorption.

  • Chicken

Meat is one of the best sources of proteins, without a doubt. However, if you eat red meat a lot, there are chances that you will suffer from acidity and a high amount of cholesterol. This is because the body takes more time to digest red meat than white or lean meat. Therefore, chicken sounds to be the best option.
  • Seasonal fruits

Seasonal fruits for acidity

Image Source: Photo by Lukas: Pexels

Including seasonal fruits in your diet will give your body the required nutrients, especially vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. This will also help you to curb your hunger and get relief from acidity. Try to avoid citrus fruit if you suffer from acidity frequently.

  • Nuts

Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are excellent sources of omega fatty acids and antioxidants. So, it will be great to munch a few of them during snack time or between meals. Your calorie consumption will be maintained, and you won't even go for long hours without having anything.
  • Non-dairy products

If you have acidic problems, it would be much better to avoid dairy products, especially milk, cottage cheese, clarified butter, buttermilk, and so on. Instead, switch to tofu, almond or coconut milk, yogurt, etc.
  • Smoothies

A nice and thick green detox smoothie or the fresh mango and papaya smoothie will be great to keep you full for hours while ensuring your body receives the right amount of nutrition. Plus, since you won’t be adding any fat or such kind of food ingredients, you won’t have to worry much about acidity.


With the food items to be included in your diet plan now known, we hope you won't have to deal with acid reflux, regurgitation, and any other upper GI tract disorder. It will also help you eliminate constipation or IBS, as they are a significant cause of indigestion, gastritis, and acidity.

AcidityAcidity management


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