Jaggery Nutritional

Jaggery is a traditional unrefined sugar widely consumed in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, mainly known for its unique taste and profound health benefits. This sweet substance is produced from the sap of sugarcane or date palms. It comprises many minerals and vitamins, so it is commonly considered a healthier replacement for refined sugar. Understanding the jaggery's nutritional value per 100g will enable one to view this product as a sweetener and an extraordinary substance beneficial for health.

Did you know?

  1. Jaggery is a high-calorie product, which has 383 kcal per 100g. 
  2. Moreover, jaggery helps to secrete digestive enzymes that ensure the process of digestion and prevent constipation. 
  3. Regular consumption of jaggery is believed to purify the blood, resulting in better health and glowing skin. 
  4. It is also believed that jaggery can soothe asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. 
  5. Since jaggery consists of minerals like zinc and selenium, it gives the body an opportunity to fight free radicals.

What is jaggery?


Jaggery, also widely called “gur” in India, is an unrefined type of natural sweetener. The sweetener can be found in different forms, including blocks and liquid. The major types of jaggery include the following:

  • Sugarcane jaggery: It is the most widespread sweetener that is produced by boiling sugarcane juice until it turns into a rich brown solid mass.
  • Date palm jaggery: It is quite a darker substance due to its original darker juice, and it is sweeter and has a bold taste. In addition, this type of sweetener holds a greater number of mineral components.

A traditional process of jaggery-making is being passed from one generation to another. This procedure begins with extracting the juicy sap from either sugarcane or date palm trees. All impurities are filtered from the sap and then poured into large open pans for boiling. As the substance grows thick and dense, it has to be stirred with consistency to prevent it from burning either at the bottom or the sides of a pan. Finally, as the material is considered to be properly rigid, it should be cast into the moulds and left there to cool and solidify into jaggery blocks.

Nutritional value of jaggery per 100g


Amount per 100g


383 kcal


98.96 g


85-90 g


0.40 g


0.10 g


40-100 mg


11 mg


70-90 mg


1050 mg


20-90 mg


19-30 mg


0.20-0.40 mg

Vitamin B6

0.11 mg

Health benefits of jaggery

After knowing the jaggery's nutritional value per 100g, you should know its health benefits. Let’s find out. 

Rich source of energy

Jaggery is a high-calorie product with 383 kcal per 100g. Therefore, it is one of the best sources of instant energy. It is recommended for athletes, labourers, and people who suffer from respiratory illnesses.

Detoxification and digestion support

The food stimulates the liver and helps cleanse the body from harmful substances. Moreover, jaggery helps to secrete digestive enzymes that ensure the process of digestion and prevent constipation. A high level of potassium also helps in balancing electrolytes. 

Blood purification

Regular consumption of jaggery is believed to purify the blood, resulting in better health and glowing skin. The iron content in jaggery is perfect for increasing haemoglobin levels in the blood, preventing anaemia. It also ensures proper blood circulation.

Respiratory health

Respiratory health

It is also believed that jaggery can soothe asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. Active ingredients present in jaggery improve the overall health of the lungs. It can also prevent allergies that trigger breathing trouble. 

Immune system boost

Jaggery strengthens the immune system as it contains minerals and antioxidants. So, your body is always free from harmful substances and protected from major illness. Since jaggery consists of minerals like zinc and selenium, it allows the body to fight free radicals.

Ayurvedic perspective on jaggery

Ayurvedic practitioners often suggest jaggery as it has warming characteristics that can help you balance your doshas. Jaggery balances all three doshas, including vata, pitta, and kapha. Being warm is particularly effective for balancing the vata and pitta doshas. 

Jaggery is used in many Ayurvedic preparations. For instance, honey and jaggery mixed with ginger are home remedies for treating cough and cold. Jaggery consumption can also help get rid of digestive issues.

How to incorporate jaggery into your diet


Jaggery is a food item high in calories. So, you must always consume it in moderation. Usually, 10 to 20 g of jaggery is considered safe for daily consumption. You also need to balance the intake of jaggery with various other items to maintain a nutritional balance. 

The product is often used for sweetening teas and smoothies. It is also useful for making desserts like laddoo and porridge. Additionally, jaggery can be added to several savoury dishes and sauces to produce a rich flavour. 

Some popular recipes to make using jaggery are as follows:

  • Jaggery Tea: Make a decoction of jaggery with water, ginger, and cardamom. Boil it and drink it in the evening because it is a wonderful remedy for gastrointestinal tract issues.
  • Jaggery Rice: Cook rice in milk with jaggery. Add coconut chips and nuts if desired. Serve as a dessert traditionally known in Asia as “Sweet Pongal.”
  • Jaggery Chutney: It combines jaggery, tamarind, and spices. The chutney tastes superb with rice. You can also drizzle it on flatbreads or serve it with rich, spicy stews or fried items.

Also, do check:

Potential side effects and precautions

Consuming jaggery in large amounts may have a harmful effect on one’s weight because it is rich in carbohydrates. It is crucial to always consume this product moderately, particularly for people with a sedentary lifestyle and a predisposition to gaining weight. 

Though jaggery is generally safe for one’s health, some people may be allergic to it. Signs of having an allergy may include skin rash and reactions such as indigestion and difficulty breathing. In case there are any doubts about being allergic to this product, a doctor should examine one before consuming it.

Even though it is a natural sweetener, jaggery has a somewhat high glycemic index and may be a cause of an increase in blood sugar levels. For this reason, diabetic patients must consult their physicians before they consume this product.


If you’re trying to find a healthier alternative to refined sugar, you should choose jaggery. It is quite a nutritious natural sweetener with many advantages for your health. It boosts your energy, helps with digestion, and improves respiratory health. Moreover, it balances doshas in Ayurveda. There are some practical ways to incorporate jaggery into your diet to enjoy all of its health benefits. However, this product should be consumed in moderation, as it is still a sugar. 


1. What is the nutritional value of jaggery per 100g?

Jaggery provides 383 calories and significant amounts of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus within every 100 grams. 

2. How many calories are there in 100g of jaggery?

The calorie content of 100 g of jaggery is around 383 calories. 

3. Is jaggery better than sugar?

While jaggery packs a caloric punch, it also presents an advantage over crystallised white sugar with its higher mineral substance and wellness benefits. Unlike processed sugar that leaves empty calories, jaggery retains the all-natural molasses that provide essential nutrients our bodies need.

4. Can diabetics eat jaggery?

For diabetics or others watching their blood sugar levels, jaggery should be eaten sparingly and under a doctor's supervision since it can cause a spike in glucose levels. 

5. How does jaggery benefit digestion?

Its components stimulate digestive fluids, supporting smoother functioning and avoiding constipation. Plus, jaggery cleans out the digestive tract to ensure regularity.

6. What minerals are present in jaggery, and in what quantities per 100g?

Jaggery qualifies as an amazing mineral provider with 11 mg iron, 70-90 mg magnesium, 1050 mg potassium, 80 mg calcium, 40 mg phosphorus, and zinc traces inside each serving. 

7. Can jaggery be a good source of energy for athletes?

Given its high carbohydrate substance, jaggery benefits athletes seeking quick energy and endurance for workouts and recovery.

8. How can I use jaggery to enhance the flavour of tea or coffee without compromising health?

Coffee or tea sweetened with a small bit of jaggery rather than sugar satisfies a sweet tooth and increases the drink's nutrient value through jaggery's minerals and antioxidants. Jaggery also adds a richer taste than sugar.

9. Is jaggery helpful in curing cough and cold, according to Ayurveda?

Yes, Ayurveda recommends jaggery for treating coughs and colds. The iron and antioxidants in jaggery help soothe irritation while its antiviral properties fight infection. For best results, try mixing warm water with grated or powdered jaggery and grated ginger. This homemade remedy has been used for centuries to relieve cough and cold symptoms.

10. What precautions should be taken while consuming jaggery during pregnancy?

For expectant mothers, jaggery's iron helps prevent anaemia, which can harm both mother's and baby's health. However, due to its high calorie and glucose content, consumption must be moderate and under medical guidance.


  1. Jaggery is a high-calorie product with 383 kcal per 100g [https://www.indianjournals.com/].
  2. Moreover, jaggery helps to secrete digestive enzymes that ensure the process of digestion and prevent constipation [https://link.springer.com/]
  3. Regular consumption of jaggery is believed to purify the blood, resulting in better health and glowing skin [https://www.phytojournal.com/]. 
  4. It is also believed that jaggery can soothe asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems [https://www.sciencedirect.com/].
  5. Since jaggery consists of minerals like zinc and selenium, it gives the body an opportunity to fight free radicals [https://www.indianjournals.com/].


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