
Health is considered an essential factor which massively contributes to economic growth and human wellbeing. Presently, women's health issues in India are actually experiencing adverse situations. And this is ultimately affecting the aggregate output of the economy.

Addressing gender and ethnic disparities co-existing in healthcare while improving health outcomes can contribute to economic growth. It is created through quality human capital and increased savings and investment levels.

It is no secret that present-day women are competent, liberated, and independent in every regard. Basically, they have taken the responsibility of redefining gender roles, thus claiming more power and freedom for themselves. While carving a niche and fighting for equality, their health somehow takes a toll.

So, in this article, we have collated some of the significant female health issues in India. Stay tuned until the end to learn how the majority of women's health is being adversely affected. Let’s get started.

  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)


image source: Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: pexels

You might have already heard men cracking PMS-ing jokes, not knowing what women actually go through. From breast swelling or tenderness bloating, abdominal cramps, acne, and joint and muscle pain, most women experience these symptoms.

However, the symptoms are not just limited to physical issues. It contributes to some severe emotional symptoms like mood swings as well! This usually occurs one to two weeks before women have their periods. At times, some women also suffer from a severe form of PMS known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or Disease (PCOS or PCOD)

One of the biggest women's health issues at present is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or Polycystic Ovarian Disease. While most of the women are leaving their traditional roles behind, they are donning the hats which once belonged to men.

This promotes a severe stress build-up in women. And that is what exactly causes the hormones to go out of whack. The incessant increase of female sex hormones leads to decreased breast size and increased body hair.

Besides, periods are also irregular, and the ovaries produce comparatively smaller and immature eggs. And while the eggs of the right kind aren't produced, the chances of conceiving reduce deliberately.

  • Endometriosis

There is actually no end to suffering from menstruation-related issues. Each month, cells of the endometrium incessantly swell and get thicker. It is then shed during the menstruation cycle.

Endometriosis is the condition where endometrial cells grow in the lining of the abdominal cavity. This promotes irregular bleeding and cramping pain in the pelvic area, further radiating to the legs. Sometimes, this might even lead to infertility in women. The worst part about this condition is that it runs within the family.

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  • Fibroids

Fibroids are probably the most common rural women's health issues in India. At present, every 3 out of 100 women are diagnosed with fibroids. These are basically typical fibrous growth within the uterus. 

During menstruation, some women experience heavy bleeding and severe pain. And some even experience critical problems while conceiving. So when they approach their respective gynaecologist, the issue of Fibroids is detected.

Fibroids usually grow slowly with a typical response to the female hormone oestrogen. They naturally occur and, at times, shrink after menopause. This basically happens due to the lack of hormones within the female body.

Sometimes, women might also gain weight and experience severe pain, especially during sexual intercourse. Other symptoms of fibroids include urgency to urinate, frequent urination, infertility, etc.

  • Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection

image source: Photo by Sora Shimazaki: pexels

Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is one of the significant women's diseases in India. Since women have shorter urethras, the upward movement of germs to their bladders is ubiquitous. So this issue is primarily seen in women than in men.

UTI basically affects the urinary tract, thus expanding the risks, especially during menopause. The lower urinary tract infection is known as Cystitis, and the upper urinary tract infection is known as Pyelonephritis.

At times, UTI is likely to cause severe burning pain, especially during urination. Some women might also experience the urge to urinate along with frequent urination. In fact, fever and pain is quite a common symptom of Pyelonephritis.

As E.coli bacteria cause UTI, one can quickly treat it with a short antibiotic course. Sometimes, the urinary tract infection might also become fungal or viral. Click here to know why we need sleep.

Do check out our: Punarnava capsules for liver & kidney detox

  • Vaginal Infections or Vaginitis

Women's major health issues in India are endless. Women experiencing itching and redness in the vaginal area are a pretty common thing. At times, this might also lead to a burning sensation during urination and vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell.

This issue is commonly known as vaginitis. There are cases where women don't experience any symptoms at all. Vaginitis is usually caused by tight clothing, extreme illness, cosmetic creams, sexual activity, faecal contamination, etc., typically disrupting the otherwise normal bacterial environment of the vagina.

Remember, you can easily treat vaginal yeast infections with over-the-counter creams or other vaginal suppositories.

You can also try our 100% Ayurvedic Female Lubricant Gel that is proven to cure issues like rashes, itching, and bacterial infections in intimate areas.

  • Anaemia


image source: Image by Narupon Promvichai: Pixabay

While women are handling every sector of their lives single-handedly, it is very natural to feel tired. But at times, women feel extremely tired even before their day has begun. In fact, their skin becomes pale, and their nails become brittle.

The most common reason behind these symptoms is they are anaemic. It is because their blood lacks adequate red blood cells. And lower RBC count actually means reduced oxygen-carrying haemoglobin. Thus, it translates to low oxygen in the blood and makes them feel irritable, exhausted, and dizzy.

Other common signs of anaemia include sore and pale mouth and cracks at the lips' corners.

To Conclude

You should keep one thing in mind that this article is not meant to scare any women out there. It is just a meagre effort to familiarise you with the standard health risks associated with women. In fact, this helps you take little preventive measures by making certain changes in your lifestyle.

And while keeping all these unpleasant diseases at bay, you can go a long way ahead. It’s high time for you to start caring for yourself!

Women healthWomen_health


Zandu Ayurvedic Team

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